What are “White Coat Hypertension,” “Masked Hypertension” and “Morning Hypertension”?
“White Coat Hypertension” means that when you go to the doctors’ office, the stress of just being there might cause a false reading. “White Coat” refers to the white coats often worn by doctors. It’s ... Views: 1458
First, let’s take a moment and clarify some definitions. People often wonder what’s the difference between “high blood pressure” and “hypertension”?
They’re just different names for the same thing.
You might have seen that blood pressure always has two numbers, for example, 120/80. ... Views: 998
What 9 herbs and supplements might lower your blood pressure (*and which common candy can make it go up)?
1) Garlic. A few smaller studies seem to suggest that garlic might help lower your blood pressure. Larger, more clinically sound studies are needed to establish a definite ... Views: 1545
Interestingly, yes, there is indeed a connection between the weather and blood pressure. In a study published in the British Medical Journal, researchers concluded that, “For each age, sex, and treatment group systolic and diastolic pressures were higher in winter than in summer. The seasonal ... Views: 1138
If your doctor has told you that you have high blood pressure and you’re tempted to just ignore it, bad idea.
Here are the top ten risks of ignoring high blood pressure:
Risk Factor #1) Artery Damage. Arteries can harden and thicken under excessive pressure.
Risk Factor #2) ... Views: 4428
Salt Causes High Blood Pressure – Right?
“In the West, the connection between salt and hypertension has been convincing enough that many patients with high blood pressure have been forbidden to eat any but the smallest amounts of salt. This implied that salt was somehow an enemy. Now it is ... Views: 1242
We all know what stress feels like – but did you know that it’s all nothing more than a bunch of chemicals in our blood?
When we experience something stressful, our adrenal glands make adrenaline and glucocorticoids. These chemicals make our muscles tense, our hearts race, our blood vessels ... Views: 955
First let’s take a look at the top 11 health benefits of exercise, many of these you probably haven’t heard of:
1) Exercise calms you down. When you exercise, the body uses larger amino acids to build muscle. With the larger amino acids temporarily occupied, one of the smaller ones, called ... Views: 1245
One of the most powerful ways to control your blood pressure is by simply “telling” it to go down. Before we go into how you can “tell” your blood pressure to go down, let’s take a look at the mind-body connection.
Take a moment right now and pay attention to how you feel. Are you calm, ... Views: 1206
Another simple and clinically proven technique for lowering blood pressure without drugs is called "hand grip isometrics." Isometrics are when a muscle is tensed but without moving. For example, if you make a fist with your hand and squeeze – that’s an example of an isometric exercise.
In ... Views: 5273
Today we’re going to cover the 12 health benefits of Guided Breathing:
Health Benefit #1) Deep Relaxation/Less Stress. We are surrounded by too many stress triggers and not enough relaxation triggers. When we take the time to regularly break the stress cycle, the health benefits are ... Views: 881
When we go to the doctor, we deserve to get the best care medicine has to offer, science-based and unbiased. Regrettably, the truth is often far from it.
1) Crime pays. As just two recent examples, Pfizer was fined a record $2.3 Billion in September 2009 (by the way, if $2.3 Billion ... Views: 703
First, some interesting facts about caffeine...
1) It's the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world - an estimated 90% of adults in Western countries consume it daily.
2) Small doses of caffeine help reduce pain and speed up the effects of other pain relievers like aspirin ... Views: 753
Stop what you’re doing right now. Feel how much tension you have in your abdominal muscles. Chances are, you’re “sucking in your gut.” Now stop and notice how you’re breathing. Chances are, you’re taking shallow breaths, and you’re breathing with your chest?
Did you know that this ... Views: 3951
There’s a lot of confusion out there about health and alcohol. Sometimes we hear things like “wine is good for your health;” other times we hear all about alcohols’ dangers. So where’s the truth?
As with so many things in life – the truth is actually somewhere in the middle. Moderate ... Views: 1164
1) Stop smoking. Tobacco hardens your arteries and the walls of your blood vessels. If you can’t quit cold turkey, ask your doctor for help in developing a plan. Plus, let’s face it… smoking is so… last century.
2) Time to get some exercise – normally an average of at least 30 minutes a ... Views: 678
So, how could something as simple as breathing control blood pressure?
1) One theory is that it’s actually not so much about relaxation and has more to do with helping the body get salt out. When people are under stress, they tend to take shallow breaths. This “inhibitory breathing” in ... Views: 789
That irritating “Type A” supervisor at work is exactly the type of person to have high blood pressure, right? Actually, not necessarily. In nearly all cases, high blood pressure has no symptoms whatsoever.
So how can you tell? Have a test:
Option #1) Get one done for free. You can go ... Views: 1020
What's the #1 most dangerous side effect of blood pressure drugs - the one that you won't find on the label?
First, an overview of the 8 classes of high blood pressure drugs, how they work, and their common "listed" side effects:
First ACE inhibitors –
(ACE) inhibitors prevent your body ... Views: 2501