Urinary Tract Infection is defined as a condition of is a bacterial infection of any part of the urinary tract. Women are at 10 times higher risk of develop the disease than men, according to the statistic and at least 50% of women will develop at least one urinary tract infection in their life ... Views: 7459
Leukemia is defined as condition of abnormal increase of white blood cells produced by the bone marrow and/or the lymphatic system. Depending to the malignant granulocytes or lymphocytes, leukemia is classified into myelogenous or lymphoblastic leukemia.
Bone marrow is soft tissue inside the ... Views: 2411
Leukemia is defined as condition of abnormal increase of white blood cells produced by the bone marrow and/or the lymphatic system. Depending to the malignant granulocytes or lymphocytes, leukemia is classified into myelogenous or lymphoblastic leukemia.
Bone marrow is soft tissue inside the ... Views: 1975
Leukemia is defined as condition of abnormal increase of white blood cells produced by the bone marrow and/or the lymphatic system. Depending to the malignant granulocytes or lymphocytes, leukemia is classified into myelogenous or lymphoblastic leukemia.
Bone marrow is soft tissue inside the ... Views: 2581
Leukemia is defined as condition of abnormal increase of white blood cells produced by the bone marrow and/or the lymphatic system. Depending to the malignant granulocytes or lymphocytes, leukemia is classified into myelogenous or lymphoblastic leukemia.
Bone marrow is soft tissue inside the ... Views: 3607
Pharynx is the curve area of the back of the mouth, located between esophagus and trachea connecting the nasal and oral cavities to the larynx. Its functions is to provide a passageway for respiratory and digestive tracts. In the United States in 2010 alone, according to National cancer ... Views: 3224
Kidney is an essential organ od our body, beside it is best known for its function in the urinary system, it also regulates regulation of electrolytes, blood pressure, maintains acid-base balance, produces hormone calcitriol, renin, and erythropoietin, etc. In the urinary system, kidney ... Views: 3704
Larynx is also known as voice box, located between the pharynx and the trachea. Its function is to ensure the airways are open and when we breath and talk and closed when we swallow to ensure no food gets into the trachea.
Larynx Cancer or Laryngeal Cancer
Larynx cancer is also known ... Views: 2765
Kaposi's sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma is a cancerous tumor of the connective tissue caused by human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8), and is often associated with AIDS, leading to red or purple bumps of abnormal tissue to grow under the skin, in the lining of the mouth, face, torso or limb in a short rime. In ... Views: 2411
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of lymphoma is also known as Hodgkin's Disease started from the lymph nodes in the chest, armpits and neck. It was named under Thomas Hodgkin, for first to describe the abnormalities of the lymph system in 1832. Hodgkin's lyphoma, is invasive and ... Views: 3871
Esophageal cancer
Espophagus or gullet, an organ in vertebrates, is the tube that lead foods from the pharynx to the stomach. Esophageal cancer is not very uncommon and caused by malignant of the esophagus due to abnormal cell growth as a result of the DNA alternation of the cells that line the ... Views: 1314
Endomatrial Cancer
Endometrium is the inner lining of the mammalian uterus and very susceptible hormone change, particular to menstrual cycle. Endometrial cancer is a late adulthood cancer defined as a condition of which the cells of the endometrial lining of uterus have growth uncontrollable ... Views: 1497
A. Choriocarinma
Cancer of Choriocarinma is a malignant and aggressive cancer, started from the abnormal and uncontrollable cells growth in the trophoblatistic tissue, that is part of embryo and normally become the placenta as a result of something going wrong during pregnancy due to random ... Views: 1197
Cancer with Unknown Primary Site (CUP) is defined as a condition in which cancer cells are found in the body, but the primary site where the cancer start in the first place cannot be determined.
Symptoms of CUP
Symptoms is completely depending to the type of secondary cancer and some ... Views: 1851
Breast cancer
Breast cancer (malignant breast neoplasm) is a cancer that starts in the tissues of the breast either from the inner lining of milk ducts (Ductal carcinoma) or the lobules (Lobular carcinoma) that supply the ducts with milk. there is also rare cases that breast cancer starts in ... Views: 2219
Bowel cancer
Bowel cancer also known as colorectal cancer, is defined as a condition of the abnormal proliferation of cells in the colon, rectum, or vermiform appendix. Bowl is divided in 2 parts, the first part of the bowel, the small bowl, is involved with the digestion and absorption of ... Views: 1357
A. Choriocarinma
Cancer of Choriocarinma is a malignant and aggressive cancer, started from the abnormal and uncontrollable cells growth in the trophoblatistic tissue, that is part of embryo and normally become the placenta as a result of something going wrong during pregnancy due to random ... Views: 1717
Endomatrial Cancer
Endometrium is the inner lining of the mammalian uterus and very susceptible hormone change, particular to menstrual cycle. Endometrial cancer is a late adulthood cancer defined as a condition of which the cells of the endometrial lining of uterus have growth uncontrollable ... Views: 2300
Cervical Cancer
Cervix is the lower part of uterus that opens at the top of the vagina. Cervix acts an transition area for vaginal lining (squamous epithelium) change to uterus type (columnar epithelium) through the transitional area (squamous columnar epithelium) to host the development of the ... Views: 2870
Esophageal cancer
Espophagus or gullet, an organ in vertebrates, is the tube that lead foods from the pharynx to the stomach. Esophageal cancer is not very uncommon and caused by malignant of the esophagus due to abnormal cell growth as a result of the DNA alternation of the cells that line the ... Views: 1630
Brain and Spinal Cord Cancer
Brain and spinal cord make up the nervous system. Brain and Spinal Cord tumors originating is not very common. Most primary tumors are caused by abnormal cells growth that surround and support neurons, with a small number may be caused by gene defect from exposure ... Views: 1563
Bones cancer
Bones cancer is defined as a health condition of abnormal cells growth of the bone, including marrow, endosteum and periosteum, nerves, blood vessels and cartilage due to alternation of DNA in division and replication the bone malignant bone cells. It can be primary or secondary ... Views: 2117
Bone Cancer
A bone cancer is an abnormal growth of cells within the bone that have became cancerous. Bone cancer may be classified as primary cancer originated in the bone, and secondary cancer originated from elsewhere.
Types of bone cancer
A. Osteosarcoma
Osteosarcoma, a cancerous bone ... Views: 1528
A sleep disorder (somnipathy) is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns. It’s important to understand why sleep disorder can deteriorate your health and interfere with normal physical, mental and emotional functioning as it effects your nervous system in the production of the ... Views: 1920
Bladder cancer
Bladder cancer occurs when cells amass in the inner lining of the bladder and form a malignant growth, or tumor. Cancer develops only in the bladder lining may become invasive, spreading through the bladder wall to nearby organs such as the prostate gland in men or the uterus in ... Views: 5708
The bladder is a hollow elastic organ in the center of the lower abdomen that collects urine from the kidneys and excreted them through the urethra.
Bladder cancer is most common type of cancer that effect men twice as frequently as it effects women. Usually it starts from the lining the ... Views: 1421
I. Candida Albicans
What is Candida Albicans
Candida albicans is a member of a large group of organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within the membranes, including yeast and mold that live among the gut flora in the human mouth and gastrointestinal tract. In fact, under ... Views: 6960
There is always a question in my mind- Can I help people living better with out Criticism but with twitter. Today, I can tell you that you can. I will provide each step which helps you to achieve your goal. Twitter is an social media which allows you to keep contact with your friend and sharing ... Views: 1674
I. Definition
Traditional Chinese medicine defines ovarian cyst is a medical condition caused by excess- dampness (caused by blood and fluid stasis) accumulated in the abdomen and gradually coalesces into phlegm, that can manifest as lumps and masses of various kinds, including chocolate ... Views: 5917
I. Definition Endometriomas - Chocolate Cysts are definition as a health condition of endometrial cells forming in the outside of the ovaries, leading to endometriosis on the surface of the ovaries. They also react to hormone stimulation during the menstrual cycle, by building up tissue, breaks ... Views: 6081
A normal menstrual cycle is normally from 28- 35 days, without any symptom that causes discomfort (excluding dull pain) and menstrual discharge is red and last from 3- 5 days without spotting. Not all women with abnormal menstrual cycle are infertile, but if you are diagnosed with the ... Views: 8127
I. What is Critical Illness Insurance?
Recommended Reading
Long Term Care Insurance Consumer Buying Guide.
Annuities: The Shocking Secrets Revealed.
Critical illness insurance is a type of insurance which will pay a lump tax free benefit to the insured if he is diagnosis of one of the ... Views: 5549
I. Definition
A. What is weight loss?
Weight loss is defined as a condition of health and physical fitness by reducing the total body mass, including loss of fluid, body fat or body tissues. The phrase of weight loss is normally used to prescribe consciousness efforts of a person who tries ... Views: 1802
A. Types of Registered Pension Plan
Registered Pension Plan is a form of a trust that provides pension benefits for an employee of a company upon retirement. RPPs (401k) are registered with the government. The employee and employer, or just the employer make contributions to this retirement ... Views: 3632
Premature ovarian failure is defined as a condition of which the ovarian is no longer responded to the brain in production of follicle before the age of 40, leading to high levels of FSH in the bloodstream and menopause hormonal symptoms. It is caused by either the accelerated loss of eggs or ... Views: 5345
A. Definition
Premature ovarian failure is defined as a condition of which the ovarian is no longer responded to the brain in production of follicle before the age of 40, leading to high levels of FSH in the bloodstream and menopause hormonal symptoms. It is caused by either the accelerated ... Views: 2475
Besides cancer and heart diseases, stroke is the third leading cause of death. Approximate 1/4 of all stroke victims die as a direct result of the stroke or it's complications. According the National Institutes of Health, more than two million Americans suffer long-term disabilities from stroke, ... Views: 2951
I. What is raw food diet?
The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least 75% of the daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 °C , including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats. It believes that the ... Views: 7521
Although medication and physical therapies are important for autistic children, without carefully chosen intake of foods with vital nutrients, they will be lessened their effectiveness. In some cases, it may contribute to severity of the symptoms if wrong kinds of food are taken as we mentioned ... Views: 5775
Children diagnosed with autism with impairments of speech, social and communication skill, limited interest, repetitive behaviour, etc. depending on severity of the symptoms may exhibit low tolerance or allergies to certain foods or chemicals, such as gluten and casein, impairment of digestion ... Views: 3195
I. Definition
A nutritional supplement is also known as a food supplement, it is defined as a form of food supplement which is prepared with the intention of providing nutrients for people who for what ever reason are found to have a nutritional supplement deficiency, such as vitamins, ... Views: 2789
I. Definition
Autism is one of the most common forms of brain development disorder and one in 166 child is diagnosed with some forms of autism. Children who are diagnosed with autism tend to have weak immune system and auto immune problems. Autism is defined as medical condition in which a ... Views: 3751
I. Definition
Conventional medicine is also known as Western medicine. It is a system of medical approach in which medical doctor and other health professionals such as nurses, medical technician and specialists and therapists, etc. use medication, radiation, medical equipments or surgery to ... Views: 2507
Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure. It is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's ... Views: 3559
Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. It is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual cycle, it effects the women physical and emotional state and sometimes interference ... Views: 7042
Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurrence have more than double over past 50 years and it is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual ... Views: 2106
Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. It is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual cycle, it effects the women physical and emotional state and sometimes interference ... Views: 1701
Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure. It is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's ... Views: 2281
Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure. It is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's ... Views: 1938
I. Definition
Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure. It is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's ... Views: 1277