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SOCIAL anxiety is an excessive psychological and/or emotional distress about social interactions. The person with the anxiety experiences an overwhelming level of worry and fear about social situations and being judged by others.
The extreme psychological discomfort gives the sufferer an ... Views: 958
MANY individuals get self-conscious or jittery on occasion, like when speaking in front of an audience or being interviewed for a job. But social anxiety is more than nervousness or occasional shyness, or fear.
With this form of psychological distress, an individual’s fear of embarrassment ... Views: 794
"Share everything positive that you learn or do in your life and celebrate the successes of others. The more you can reach out to others and connect with them the more you are pushing your bipolar aside and bringing out the real you. If you feel nervous about connecting with others, say “I like ... Views: 2433
"Choose to let go of limiting beliefs as soon as they appear and immediately replace them with the greatest things you can imagine. Start by writing down your most important values – the things that matter most to you in life – in no particular order. Then go back and put them in order of ... Views: 2471
Ever increasing demands and fast paced schedules are causing everyone's stress levels to escalate. And for every stressor, there seems to be a medication out there to counteract it . Unfortunately, the medications often come with side effects that can adversely affect your health. More and more ... Views: 944
Incase you did not know, having sufficient sleep is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Psychologist Brisbane in consultation with other experts has proved beyond reasonable doubt that having adequate sleep is an indication of good health. If the recent statistics are anything to go by, then ... Views: 1558
"Try this exercise for building your self-esteem. You can do this in a number of ways. Hold your right bicep with your left hand and feel your emotional thermostat. As soon as you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night have a big smile on your face and force yourself to smile ... Views: 1084
Has anyone ever told you that to lose weight you need to have the willpower to "Just Do It"? Or if that doesn't work, then what you need is more willpower?
Or, they tell you that if you really wanted to lose weight that you'd have the willpower to "Just Do It" in the first place?
How has ... Views: 2028
When you have a friend or spouse who is suffering from depression you inevitably feel more than a little helpless. You want to do something that will point them in the right direction but how do you do that and what do you do?
You can't decide whether to try to push them to "make more of ... Views: 1122
“All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.” –(Chuck Palahniuk) That is a darkly humorous and ominous quote, but it has a spark of truth to it. Too much stimulation creates stress, but so does too little. Being stagnant and bored with life stresses ... Views: 1324
Many people with mood disorders take prescription medications to stay on an even level or to feel “normal.” But many of these medications have risky side effects and what works for one person, doesn’t work for another. Trying to adjust your mood becomes a classic case of trial and error (with ... Views: 1556
Ever wonder why you or those around you get grumpy while dieting? Besides feeling hungry and deprived, getting too little healthy fat may contribute to low serotonin in your brain.
The Study
A study comparing a 41 percent fat diet with a 25 percent fat diet found that subjects moods ... Views: 1796
The day begins with a frantic grasp for an irritating alarm clock. The moment our eyes open we are confronted by an intimidating "To Do" list. The activities could include a variety of things depending on our situation: brushing our teeth, taking a shower, getting dressed, feeding the cat or the ... Views: 1302
Calm Your Mind – Living in the Modern World
The benefits you will receive from meditation are countless and they are able to help you improve both your physical state and spiritual state. Meditation is a secure and easy way for you to end stress and to get a less worried life. Today stress is ... Views: 1092
A Healing Toolbox article on Best Practices in Energy Healing
Based on direct observation, myself and other Health and Medical Intuitives observe human cells are born healthy and know how to be healthy on their own.
Human cells do not have to be taught how to be healthy; they are born ... Views: 1371
The Power of “Cortical Folding” aka “Gyrification”
In terms of brain health, what exactly is “cortical folding” or “gyrification” and how does it increase your mental capacity? These questions may seem to address complex issues best left to neuroscience, except for one simple practice that ... Views: 1259
Women considering hormone replacement therapy for hot flash relief should rethink their decision as this therapy has proved to be harmful for overall health. Pre-menopause symptoms certainly make life embarrassing but you have no choice other than to brave the heat waves, mood swings, vaginal ... Views: 1171
Mindfulness meditation consists of skills and methods to unplug from the busy world around you and from the busy 'monkey brain' so often experienced in today's life and particularly in ADHD, anxiety and depression. According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, mindfulness meditation trains and reinforces the ... Views: 1447
The secret to losing weight is all in your mind.
It really is, and brain wave entrainment, will give you access to that secret easily and quickly. It will tune your brainwaves to specific frequencies that will provide positive, long lasting results that will eliminate the sabotager lurking ... Views: 2004
I’ve been on a cancer journey for 3 years and I can honestly say that my life has been enriched by the experience. I’d like to share 5 ways I’ve learned to consciously cope well with cancer. These tips can apply to any kind of life challenge:
1. Face and feel your feelings fully.
It’s only ... Views: 2140
When Calmness is a Trigger for Fear and how to Change it
Many of us are anxious and looking for ways to become more relaxed. We are asked to meditate, breathe deeply or create a calming visual picture in your mind. We attempt these activities over and over again with no positive results. You ... Views: 1317
When you see some cracks in the walls you immediately check if the house lacks foundation. If your car is difficult to handle, especially after you hit a large pothole or the curb, you immediately check the alignment settings in your car. In both cases you make sure that there is a proper ... Views: 4984
Palmistry is one of the most popular branches of divination. In this method of astrology predictions are made on the basis of body parts, skin color and etc. palmistry got its name from the palms as it studies the characteristics of the palm such as shape, color, lines and signs. In this article ... Views: 1852
Wake Up or Calm Down in 5 Deep Breaths
If you’ve never taken a yoga class or had any instruction on deep breathing, this article will introduce you to a simple exercise that can be done anywhere.
Sometimes we feel lethargic and lack enthusiasm for moving throughout the day. The answer? 5 ... Views: 1753
Whenever our body experiences any health disorder then we need to rectify this body dysfunction by the application of a proper medicament therapy. There are many fatal syndromes exist that can infect our body system at any time. Among them hypertension can be a serious malfunction the mechanism ... Views: 996
Self acceptance is a double edged sword. It has its pro and cons too like any other thing you find in this universe. Though self acceptance proves to be a very beneficial trait if implemented but it way too hazardous if not implemented or done in a wrong way.
Self acceptance redeems joys and ... Views: 1567
Spring is around the corner and many people may consider doing a little spring cleaning at home. This can bring about a wonderful sense of excitement and a fresh burst of energy as we emerge from winter. For many people, spring means much warmer temperatures and a chance to finally open the ... Views: 1497
How does one establish a normal relationship with food? Most of us have dieted and are aware of healthy choices that we should make in order to succeed. We just need help figuring out what stands in the way between us and actually carrying through with those choices.
The key to success is ... Views: 3150
Did you know that when we feel understood by our doctor we do get better faster? In fact, the relationship between the doctor and the patient can stimulate…or hinder the efficacy of the treatment. Research has shown that people, who feel cared for with attention, not only reported a higher ... Views: 1209
Possessing a child is no doubt the most wonderful task which could occur to any one. The family wouldn't be complete without having the entrance of the new member and all things are just so gratifying.
As months go by, you do business with a number of struggles involving taking good care of ... Views: 937
You have undoubtedly heard the phrase about life imitating art, but is there any way to argue that it is entirely as possible that art simply reflects a person's inner space and personal harmony? It seems that the two are uniquely connected, just as the space that we choose to live can tell us a ... Views: 1299
Why the gong indeed. I suppose 2004/5 was a pivotal time. A drummer/percussionist since my teens, I had also been involved in exploring electronic sound synthesis as far back as the mid-70s when the likes of the Mini Moog and ARP were still quite a novelty. By the turn of the millennium, I was ... Views: 1466
Do you find yourself logging on to Facebook when you're meant to be working online, or refreshing the Twitter feed on your smartphone every five minutes? Maybe you even feel unsettled if you can't get online to update your status? Don't be alarmed at your lack of self-control! A recent study by ... Views: 3893
Intellectual Wellness is one of the 7 Aspects of Wellness, the major life areas we need to focus on for creating a complete lifestyle of overall wellness. This wellness aspect broadens our horizons and opens our eyes to all the dimensions of life. If we’re feeling a little bored, odds are we ... Views: 4428
Social support can be defined as the emotional comfort and security given to us by friends, relatives, coworkers, and others. It is the contentment we feel from being a part of a community that loves us and cares for us, and that will help us through difficult situations in our lives.
In ... Views: 3491
There is much debate over how many senses we actually have, but we generally recognize our senses as including: sight, touch, taste, smell and sound. Although attention may not be paid to it, we use our senses to manage all types of emotion every single day. Emotions such as: happiness, ... Views: 1996
First lets look at what the thyroid does for you physically, with this excerpt from http://www.emedicinehealth.com/thyroid_problems/article_em.htm: "The thyroid gland is located on the front part of the neck below the thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple). The gland produces thyroid hormones, which ... Views: 25676
Psychosis is a mental disorder which is a deranged mental condition and a person is considered socially unfit. A psychotic person starts hallucinating, has false beliefs, becomes paranoid, and has deranged thoughts and incoherent speech. Such psychotic conditions should be treated well in time ... Views: 791
How to Cure Sleep Deprivation
Sleep is vital for our wellbeing. A lack of sleep can cause mental problems which in turn lead to physical problems and even, in the case of laboratory animals, death.
Chronic sleep deprivation has severe adverse effects on the brain and cognitive functions. ... Views: 1602
Regulate mood disorders with sugar free depression foods such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids,serotonin,amino acids and low fat diet.With more and more people looking to nature and natural ways to care for their health, it is only natural that people are looking for ways to eat healthier while treating ... Views: 1862
Welcome Year of the Yang Water on Earth Dragon. While this is another year indicating change and transition, the conflict in the Metal wood energy of the Tiger and Rabbit are waning. The last 2 years have not been without a quickening for growth and healing in many people’s lives. And if you are ... Views: 1431
A friend recently told me that she knew exactly why she got cancer. She explained quite convincingly that the emotional stress in her marriage had helped to damage her immune function, which ultimately made her susceptible to disease.
She had never before acknowledged that emotional stress ... Views: 2094
I witnessed the power of the body to heal itself when I recovered from the chronic condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis, or AS.
“Chronic” is a term which means that medicines cannot cure it. But there are people who have recovered from AS and other chronic conditions naturally. How does it ... Views: 2769
Worrying is making a choice to suffer? Who would consciously choose to suffer? Not me. That’s just ridiculous.
I hear that a lot. But then… they continue to worry.
What is worry?
Worry is an imagined state of that which has not happened. It’s only real in the mind. ... Views: 2863
I was “row monitor” in second grade; sitting in the last seat making sure the students in my row behaved. On this day, all was quiet; no one messed with the law when Scott was around. My enforcement duties complete, I was able to turn my attention to the current “quiet time,” period that daily ... Views: 1780
There is a clear and direct connection between stress and autoimmune disorders such as Ankylosing Spondylitis. Painful or repressed emotions put stress on the body, but natural methods of stress relief can help reverse the pain and symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Recently, a client of ... Views: 6523
Perhaps, as you read this article, you, like many other Americans, are fraught with concerns about the economic depression, the future of healthcare, increasing gas prices, global warming, disappearing rainforests, animal extinctions, and the permanent loss of earth’s natural resources. ... Views: 1406
Right now is the perfect time to consider what works well for you in your self-healing. As you reflect upon last year, perhaps you will want to take some time to think about what has brought you the greatest healing.
If you do this, I suggest becoming a real observer of your reality. ... Views: 1319
Stress is often a natural reaction to situations that life throws at us when we're not expecting it. However, just because the situation is stressful does not mean we have to actually get stressed.
We know that stress can cause physical as well as psychological problems and can sometimes ... Views: 2487