Many people with mood disorders take prescription medications to stay on an even level or to feel “normal.” But many of these medications have risky side effects and what works for one person, doesn’t work for another. Trying to adjust your mood becomes a classic case of trial and error (with the emphasis on error) as doctors attempt to get the right cocktail of drugs that elevate your mood and keep it there.

So maybe you don’t like the idea of medications, but you don’t like the feeling of being so “blah” or depressed all the time. Are there natural alternatives you can try to boost your mood? Sure there are, and Dr. Seaman has a few for you:

Exercise – try taking a brisk walk in the morning or on your lunch break. Exercise increases the release of endorphins, those “feel good” all-natural brain chemicals. Taking a walk outside also exposes you to natural sunlight that stimulates the production of the brain chemical serotonin, another chemical that has a positive effect on mood.

Sleep – lack of sleep can affect your mood by making you feel anxious, stressed out, and tired. Why do you think people tell you to “sleep on it” when you’re pondering a difficult decision? Probably because they know the importance of a good night’s sleep and its restorative value for the brain as well as the body!

Eat – when was the last time you had something to eat? If it was more than three hours ago, you may be feeling the effects of low blood sugar, which can really have an effect on your mood. Try eating 5-6 smaller meals spaced throughout the day, rather than 3 larger ones. This also boosts your metabolism!

Increase Omegas – those with decreased levels of these essential fatty acids are at greater risk for depression. So try eating some fish, such as salmon, albacore tuna, sardines and herring, or take a fish oil supplement that has the recommended ratios of Omega 3, 6 and 9.

Laugh – laughter really is the best medicine, so watch a funny movie, have lunch with a friend who makes you laugh or just dance around your house and be silly. It works wonders!
Socialize – people who are depressed tend to isolate, making their depression worse, not better. Talk on the phone or better yet, get out with a friend or two who are positive and who make you feel good about yourself.

Vent – write in your journal, draw or paint your feelings or get on the phone with a trusted friend and share feelings. Don’t bottle up negative emotions.

This might not come as a surprise: Get adjusted!! Research studies have demonstrated that chiropractic adjustments can improve the symptoms of depression- a chiropractic correcting tunes up the nervous system and amplifies the body’s activities.

If you’re feeling down or depressed, give these suggestions a try on a consistent basis and see if your mood improves.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Cynthia Seaman is a well-known licensed chiropractor and medical acupuncturist serving the northwest side of Chicago for over 28 years, at Seaman Chiropractic Center. Always wanting to expand on her knowledge in natural healing, she has taken postgraduate classes in acupuncture, bio-mechanics, nutrition, rehabilitation, and orthopedics, prenatal and pediatric care.
At Seaman Chiropractic Center, we believe in combining modern technology with natural healing. Dr. Cynthia Seaman has been freeing people from pain in her community and surrounding areas for the past 28 years. She draws her patients from Niles, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Jefferson Park, Sauganash, and the entire Northwest side of Chicago. As a Chiropractor with years of experience, Dr. Seaman is committed to promoting optimal health and well-being of her patients.