Spring is around the corner and many people may consider doing a little spring cleaning at home. This can bring about a wonderful sense of excitement and a fresh burst of energy as we emerge from winter. For many people, spring means much warmer temperatures and a chance to finally open the ... Views: 1498
Life is full of changes. We move through our lives with hopes and desires. Yet, we often find ourselves unhappy, stressed and with a sense of feeling hopeless and undesirable. Wouldn’t it be an amazing and a wondrous experience to live life feeling healthy and sexy? Instead of having that, ... Views: 1276
Why is it important to communicate with our partners? Perhaps, it seems obvious that it is important. Yet, have you considered just how much communication really does for our relationships? When our communication becomes strained or diminishes, the strength of our relationship begins to ... Views: 6104
Often in our relationships we struggle with communication. There are truly a vast amount of issues, troubles, and concerns in regards to communicating with our partners. In this short article, I am going to touch on just five of those. Instead of saying, “We just don’t communicate anymore,” ... Views: 1118
There are numerous ways we can communicate with our partners. You may not have considered some of the ones I am about to share. We do not all communicate the same; therefore we should not expect our partner to communicate in a specific way. We need to learn how he/she communicates best and ... Views: 1258
In February 2011, I was in California at a weeklong seminar. I was to be gone a total of nine days. Rob, my partner and husband, was at home 2300 miles away. Before I left he seemed to be coming down with a nasty cold or some type of flu. Because of my location and my busy schedule it was ... Views: 1009
Chilled air brushed my face and the backs of my hands while the sun warmed me. Shadows played across the landscape shifting to and fro as Earth rotated around Sun and breezes danced through the limbs and leaves of the trees. Rocks crunching under my feet and grinding against one another are ... Views: 1029
Do you sometimes feel like your partner is a wimp or a pushover? Or do you experience the other end of the spectrum where you feel like your partner pushes you and others around and is down right overbearing? This happens far more than you might think. And, it happens in a variety of ways. ... Views: 1214
Hundreds of thousands, more than likely millions, of people have grown up being taught that sex is a sin. It is considered dirty and should only be done to produce new life, and even then it should be done quickly and with extreme secrecy. In some ancient societies, if a woman was raped within ... Views: 1549
You are happily in slumber as images begin to flit across your mind’s eye. A woman is sitting with you at a kitchen table with sun glinting through the windows. Suddenly, you realize that the person you are talking to in your dream is your deceased aunt or you notice that the windows are near ... Views: 2198
Have you ever wondered if miracles still happen today? You might be surprised. But first, shouldn’t you ask, “Just what is a miracle anyway?” There is no way to know if miracles happen in modern society unless you truly know the definition of a miracle. Perhaps, your definition is different ... Views: 3758
You know there is more for you or you would not be here reading this right now. To access the more inside of you it is important to center yourself and invigorate your soul. (*Note I am not actually interchanging the terms soul and spirit here, but that topic is a whole other article.) So, just ... Views: 1079
Doing the postures can help one gain physical flexibility and strength. There is a connection between our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. The more flexible and strong the body is the more flexible and strong your mind and spirit can be. Going through yoga postures helps massage and ... Views: 1001
Are you a caregiver? Caring for children or elderly parents are obvious examples of being a caregiver, but there are other areas in which you take care of others. Do you have a partner or spouse, siblings, neighbors, co-workers that need your attention? Sometimes we overlook just where our ... Views: 1268