Our business' mission is to help other small business owners improve their revenues and increase their bottom line. To do so, we offer small business computer consulting services that include developing web sites, implementing computer networks and software installations, and general computer ... Views: 723
Years ago, long before it became a commodity service, my husband and I recognized the value of providing off-site data backup for home and small business users. We both worked in the technology field and had seen the cost of storage go way down, and recognized we could offer the service at a low ... Views: 731
My father built my childhood home when I was a kid and I was lucky enough to learn from him during the process. Not only am I now comfortable with a mitre saw and a pneumatic nail gun, I actually enjoy home improvement projects. I can't bring myself to pay for work that I know I can do myself, ... Views: 1093
This past year was a difficult one for my family. Over the course of the year, my children lost their two surviving grandparents, my mother-in-law in July and my mother in November. Getting through Thanksgiving and Christmas was difficult, but my sister and I traded off hosting the holidays and ... Views: 960
2:30 a.m. on the dot, as though an alarm has just gone off by my bedside, my eyes fly open and my heart races. I haven't had a bad dream, and noises haven't drifted into my unconsciousness. I am simply wide awake from the anxious thoughts that circulate through my mind. It will be hours before I ... Views: 1719
Having three children with ADHD is challenging on a daily basis. Add the excitement of a planned vacation into the mix and things can quickly spiral out of control. As parents we have been lucky enough to offer our children vacation opportunities that we never experienced as children. But ... Views: 684
Nothing is quite like the excitement and feeling of buying a new car. But while the joy fades over time, the cost associated with that new car can linger for years to come. Few people know how much a car's value decreases as soon as you drive it off the dealer's lot. It's far better to save your ... Views: 923
You may not always know what defines a great customer experience until one happens to you, but once it has, you'll keep going back. Whether it's an easy return process, a great customer service representative or a website that makes buying easy, some companies just get it right.
Companies get ... Views: 925
Ever increasing demands and fast paced schedules are causing everyone's stress levels to escalate. And for every stressor, there seems to be a medication out there to counteract it . Unfortunately, the medications often come with side effects that can adversely affect your health. More and more ... Views: 944
Everybody occassionally worries about bills, work and relationships, but for people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), the worrying never stops. Because anxiety can manifest itself in many ways, it's a disorder often missed or misdiagnosed by doctors. For me, anxiety had been a constant ... Views: 1251
When my husband and I were building our first house, we got advice from all directions - the mortgage officer, the developer, friends and family. Many said the same thing: get as much space as you can, you can always upgrade appliances and cabinets later, but upgrading square footage is ... Views: 805
For many, the thought of building their dream home is too attractive an option to pass up. But if you haven't been through the process of building a home, there are a lot of things you can miss that can cost you unexpected money and time. Here a few items, that years later, still make me crazy ... Views: 3911
Every child at some point will be the target of unwanted attention from someone at school. But does having ADHD make your child a stronger magnet for bullying behavior? Unfortunately, the fact that they may be more boisterous than other children, blurt out comments or can't wait their turn, may ... Views: 723
Having people over doesn't have to be a source of anxiety for the host or hostess. Whenever we entertained, I have driven myself and my poor family crazy for days before the event as I went into anxious preparation mode. While we would have great parties, I found myself time and time again ... Views: 660
If your child has ADHD, you know exactly what it is like to be one of the most crucial members of your child's educational team. However, with all of the information out there to help assist you in this process, you might be a little confused as to what type of help your child needs. So what is ... Views: 1862
As parents of three active children involved in sports, music lessons and school activities, we occasionally take a break from the daily routine of cooking and clean up to dine out. Each time we go to the popular family locations like Pizzeria Uno, Chili's and Olive Garden, we are amazed at the ... Views: 802
Ivy League, Harvard, Yale, Princeton - What many aspire for but few will obtain. While there are many different variables to deciding which college or university to attend, if you are aspiring to be an Ivy League graduate, you may be wondering if the school's tuition cost is really worth the ... Views: 941
Apple. A word that is now synonymous with technology. On the cutting edge for a significant number of years, Apple has defined itself in terms of game changing products for users of all ages. The cliché "kid in a candy story" defines technology lovers globally when Apple is the object of ... Views: 904
There are very few secrets in the world anymore. This is mostly due to the fact that social networking has opened up a world where almost every thought goes onto the Web for all "friends" to see. This phenomenon has caused families to be split, marriages to be dissolved and children to ... Views: 972
If you're looking for just the right book to give your child, and he/she is interested in heroes and battles, magicians and sorcerers, hidden worlds or unique twists on old fairy tales, these five authors have series that will provide your child with hours of enjoyment and excitement. And I ... Views: 1037
Pictures from Grandma's 70th Birthday, your checking account transactions, your son's video project for school, all would be difficult to replace or recreate if anything happened to your laptop or desktop. There are many solutions out there to help protect the valuable information you rely on, ... Views: 646
iPhones have been in our family since they first came on the market, so I had always been sold on the benefit of the phone and the technology. But it was only after my phone was stolen that I realized how truly dependent on my smartphone I had become.
The first week of the New Year started ... Views: 942
Stimulants such as Concerta, Adderall, and Vyvanse may be the answer to the prayers of a parent with an ADHD child when it comes to focus and attention, but the side effects that they introduce can be just as concerning until you figure out how to manage them. Having three children diagnosed ... Views: 817
If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, regardless of what form of treatment you choose to undergo, one thing you must do is start to educate your school and teachers on how best to work with your child. The most important role you will start to undertake over the next few months and years ... Views: 1494
You've been offered a free piano, but should you take it? For most parents searching for a piano for the first time, a free piano sounds too good to be true. And often, that's exactly what it is.
When my daughter first began playing piano, she did so on my old digital keyboard, a 10-year-old ... Views: 1119
For many aging seniors who are starting to need extra help, moving in with your children is not a viable or desired option. Unfortunately, sometimes parents and children do not want to think about the inevitable and do not talk about what plans the parents have or have not made. Whether your ... Views: 983
The decision to give your child ADHD medication is a difficult and personal one. By no means is it the only choice, but it's a decision that should be carefully considered before you accept or reject it as the right treatment method for your child.
Do we have to consider medication?
No. ... Views: 909
For my son, teachers noticed there were slight problems at school. He would sometimes lose focus or zone out and didn't participate in group activities in class. He still did very well at school, but we started to notice that he was beginning to have issues with his friends. Because my child was ... Views: 1423
Whether you enjoy a picturesque stroll on wide trails, or more challenging rock climbs over a network of paths that jut out around the lake, the grounds at Mohonk Mountain house offers beautiful trails to meet your needs. If you are a guest of the 256 Victorian Castle or just a day visitor you ... Views: 754
Anyone who's ever made the decision to drive to a far away vacation destination knows that the drive home always seems twice as long as the drive there. But in 2009, when we made our yearly trek to Disney World with our three children, it truly was the never ending journey.
We had spent a ... Views: 909
Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child became my favorite authors when I started reading Relic, a horror/thriller set at the American Museum of Natural History. Douglas Preston worked at the Museum as a writer and editor from 1978 to 1985 and the rich detail around the museum's inner workings drew me ... Views: 1221
It seems like the right answer for everyone involved. A parent that can no longer take care of the family home alone , a son or daughter with children of their own
that could use a little help with the house and the kids. Combining incomes can perhaps improve everyone's living arrangements. ... Views: 867