Are your batteries running on low? Do you feel fuzzy, lethargic, and are having trouble making decisions? The beta brainwave frequency can quickly restore and recharge your energy, using the medium of brainwave entrainment.
Beta brainwaves are stimulating and have a great impact on ... Views: 2186
You can fly -astrally, while your brain resonates with the theta brainwave state, using brainwave entrainment.
A deep theta trance state is necessary for an out of body experience, flying, or astral projecting. This state of consciousness is not easy to do on your own because you need the ... Views: 1913
Are you sleep deprived? Do you have trouble remembering when you last woke up refreshed and ready for the day?
Restore this most important period of your day by listening to, and falling asleep with delta brainwave entrainment. Brainwave entrainment can introduce a delta brainwave pattern to ... Views: 3021
It all starts with you. Will you attract love this Valentine's Day, or any other day for that matter, or are you feeling that you'll never find a good mate?
Attracting love is no different than attracting anything else you want in life and brainwave entrainment can help you do that. ... Views: 2115
"Being in the moment", or present moment awareness, during a mindfulness meditative state, while using brainwave entrainment, can alter your brain, physically and emotionally, and change how you experience your life, on a daily basis.
The mindfulness state means focusing on something, in a ... Views: 1912
Mindfulness is a form of meditation that involves focusing on the moment, a sound, or a mantra, non-judgmentally and without reaction, and when combined with brainwave entrainment, a neurological tool that entrains your brain to a specific, consistent frequency conducive to the meditative state, ... Views: 1602
Stress kills a great sexual experience, on so many different levels, including, and maybe most importantly, in the mind. Brainwave entrainment is a clinically proven neurological tool that uses sound to coax dominant brainwaves into a specific frequency, that is conducive to remove stress, which ... Views: 1881
First of all, you may wonder, what brainwave entrainment is and why you would want to try it.
Brainwave entrainment is a cutting edge neuro-technological self-help tool that allows you, in the privacy of your own home, to alter your dominant brainwave frequency, to produce different states of ... Views: 1484
When you factor down a limitation, you can see the cycle of fear. Fear breeds fear, breeds fear.
Brainwave entrainment is a scientific tool that allows you to access the brainwave frequency that can stop fear in its tracks, interrupting the cycle of fear, giving you back your control over ... Views: 1595
Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven system that will guide your dominant brainwave frequency, to the frequency required to energize your desires, providing a strong and fast formula for their manifestation.
Your desire won't manifest if it is not emotionally charged or energized ... Views: 1970
There are a few reasons out there, that can contribute to the greying of our precious locks, none least of which is genetics.
You can't run away from your family genes, I'm afraid. If your family stared turning white in their teens, as mine did, you probably will follow suit...thank God for ... Views: 1750
Isochronic tones are the strongest brainwave entrainment on the market today and using this technology can increase and enhance your sexual desire and drive.
We all live stressed-out lives today, and the fall-out of that is, a diminished sexual libido.
Sex gets put on the back burner, and ... Views: 5120
Brainwave entrainment, a powerful audio and/or visual technology that entrains the brain to a specific state, can and does have the ability to stimulate brainwaves that will increase your experience of sexual stimulation.
Yes it can make you excited.
It can turn you on and up. It will lift ... Views: 6768
Why Not Sleeping Makes You Gain Weight
• When you don't sleep at night, you are in the beta wave frequency and most likely stressed. If you are stressed, you are releasing high amounts of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is one of the hormones that regulate your appetite. It makes you hungry and ... Views: 1962
Scientists have discovered that brainwave entrainment can alter the chemicals in your brain to reduce the intense need to eat at night, which will ultimately lead to weight-loss. Eating at night has been linked to a chemical imbalance acquired from an over-production of cortisol and an ... Views: 1526
If you've tried cutting calories, eating pre-planned meals, and bought and actually used a fitness club membership, and you're still carrying around more of you that you'd like, maybe it's time to try something new.
It all starts and ends in the brain.
Certain brainwave states can actually ... Views: 1651
You are feeling down and lonely, so you get up at night and raid the fridge.
You don't grab celery and carrot sticks. Are you kidding? Most likely, you'll dive into the chocolate cake or the family sized container of rocky road ice cream or maybe you'll finish off the cheesecake.
There's a ... Views: 2834
When you think of losing weight, you usually envision months of food deprivation and gruelling exercise. The concept of meditation is one of stillness-not moving. Not moving usually means not burning calories. If you are not moving, how can you lose weight? Can meditation using brainwave ... Views: 2066
When you don't have enough money to pay the bills or to live life the way you wish, your mindset is one of lack. There's no other way around it. You are going to feel the lack. With the way the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration work, that then, will be the only thing you will attract ... Views: 1808
You must tap into your own source of well-being before you can receive abundance in your life. Brainwave entrainment is a neuro-technological tool that will align you with the frequency that attracts and activates the Law of Abundance, changing your life, making you a conscious receiver.
Are ... Views: 1624
Brainwave entrainment can alter your state of consciousness, raising your vibrational frequency, so you can petition the Universal Flow of Energy and receive abundance.
Here are a few tips on how to accelerate abundance.
· First you must determine what it is you feel about receiving. Are ... Views: 1942
Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven neuro-technological tool that alters your brainwaves to mimic precise frequency patterns, for a specific purpose. Entrainment can help you access the area of your mind that will magnify your abundance frequency, increasing your chances for ... Views: 2734
Brainwave entrainment alters your dominant brainwave frequency so that you can take your personal power back and break habits that are negatively impacting your life.
Habits are unconscious and compulsive. If you surrender yourself to something habitually, it can become an addiction.
Addiction ... Views: 1527
Brainwave entrainment is a process that allows you to alter your dominant brainwave frequency to a state of consciousness that will help you actually achieve your goals, when willpower alone has let you down.
Every year about this time, just about everyone world- wide, takes a look at their ... Views: 1552
The beginning of a new year is not the only time that you may take stock of your habits and decide that you need to reign some of them in, but it often represents a place or a time to start.
Brainwave entrainment is a personal technological tool that helps you access specific brainwave ... Views: 1656
Brainwave entrainment is an easy way to access the frequency of your subconscious mind, which is where you need to go if you wish to achieve your goals in an effective manner.
The subconscious mind controls 98% of your perception and behaviour. This unconscious part of your mind processes ... Views: 1533
Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven technological tool that allows the brain to mimic a repeated and rhythmic sound stimulus with the intention of producing a specific brainwave frequency. There is a large amount of substantiated clinical proof, of the effectiveness of entrainment ... Views: 2430
Addiction, a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behaviour or substance, can come in many forms and can be overcome with the use of brainwave entrainment to change the dominant brainwave frequency.
Alcohol and drugs are what most people acquaint with addiction, but activities like ... Views: 3838
It all starts with a thought, a desire and a dream. You want to change something in your life-make it better-alter your reality. You've watched "The Secret", repeated your affirmations, put up your vision boards, and you're still not manifesting your intentions.
Why aren't your intentions ... Views: 5709
Isochronic tones are the newest form of scientifically proven brainwave entrainment technology.
Brainwave entrainment occurs when a specific sound and/or visual stimulus is introduced to the brain with the intention of altering its state of consciousness and frequency. The brain, using the ... Views: 4260
Are you in the right "frame" of mind?
You are standing, alone, looking at yourself, naked, in a full length mirror, saying, for the hundredth time this week,
"I am at my perfect weight. I only eat foods that are healthy for my body",
and the 35 lb spare tire draped around your middle, ... Views: 2577
Very few of us are at our peak mentally, athletically, emotionally, or spiritually, and could use some major improvements in those areas.
Increasing gamma brainwave activity will help your brain work faster, stronger and clearer. Gamma brainwave frequency oscillates between 40 Hz and 70 Hz. ... Views: 5449
There are a few reasons out there, that can contribute to the greying of our precious locks, none least of which is genetics.
You can't run away from your family genes, I'm afraid. If your family stared turning white in their teens, as mine did, you probably will follow suit...thank God for ... Views: 2238
Sometime during the course your life, you will experience a migraine - a headache from hades.
It will announce itself by removing pieces of your vision, zigzagging together what's left of the picture, making people look pretty scary without their noses. Or it could affect your speech, ... Views: 3232
Is your hair thinning? Has it lost it's girth, let alone it's colour? Has something in your biological system shut down and your locks are missing in action? Maybe you don't know why your hair is disappearing. Maybe it's stress. Actually it's a little known fact that as we age, yes even women, ... Views: 2025
Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter that is produced from an amino acid called tryptophan that is stored within the gastrointestinal track, platelets, and the central nervous system. Ninety percent of it is found in the gut regulating intestinal movements. It is associated with your moods, ... Views: 5323
The secret to losing weight is all in your mind.
It really is, and brain wave entrainment, will give you access to that secret easily and quickly. It will tune your brainwaves to specific frequencies that will provide positive, long lasting results that will eliminate the sabotager lurking ... Views: 2021
The brain is a follower, likes new information, loves repeated rhythms, and will mimic this type of stimulus, in the form of entrainment, changing its dominant brain wave frequency and state of consciousness, to match said stimulus (Frequency Following Response--a scientific principle).
... Views: 2307
The expression of who we are, our personality, is housed in our mind, our life data processor.
As we experience life, our brain changes as it learns and adapts to what is happening to us, and how we feel about it. If it didn't do this, we wouldn't survive.
Brain matter is malleable or ... Views: 3025
The expression of who we are, our personality, is housed in our mind, our life data processor.
As we experience life, our brain changes as it learns and adapts to what is happening to us, and how we feel about it. If it didn't do this, we wouldn't survive.
Brain matter is malleable or ... Views: 1820
Do you want to know why I think it works?
I believe it works because there is physical evidence, if the brain is stimulated in a repetitive, rhythmic manner, that it will physically change, growing new blood vessels and neural pathways, and you can see all of this on a brain scan. New brain ... Views: 2996
Are you in the right "frame" of mind?
You are standing, alone, looking at yourself, naked, in a full length mirror, saying, for the hundredth time this week,
"I am at my perfect weight. I only eat foods that are healthy for my body",
and the 35 lb spare tire draped around your ... Views: 6324
It only takes six minutes for your brain to start entraining.
Brainwave entrainment is a natural phenomenon that occurs when your brainwaves fall into step with an outside stimulus, usually sound and/or light, changing its dominant frequency to match that of the stimulus' frequency.
It ... Views: 2166
Brainwave entrainment is based on the principle in physics that proposes that two cycles will naturally synchronize with each other in order to work more efficiently. The brain's natural frequencies will attempt to duplicate or entrain to the frequencies of an outside stimulus.
This is ... Views: 1975
Did you trance today?
Bet you did. Everyone experiences a trance state, everyday, whether they realize it or not.
Did you get lost in a good book today or a music download? Did time disappear?
How about driving home the same old way? Do you remember every detail about the trip? How ... Views: 2579
For the most part, your subconscious mind determines your reality. You'd think that it would be your conscious mind that called the shots, but no, it's the part of you that lays hidden, and can only be accessed under a certain frequency, that will have you doing its bidding. This mysterious ... Views: 2073