Everyone wants to know how many calories they burned after putting forth their best effort during an intense cardiovascular workout. Students come up to me all the time after class wanting me to look into a crystal ball and tell them how many calories they succeeded in parting ways with. My ... Views: 1123
Each New Year presents us with opportunities, but it is up to us to seize them and make something out of them. The possibilities are endless.
Don't view 2009 as just another year. View it as your year - the best year ever! I challenge you to put thought and care into the resolutions you ... Views: 1091
Protein is the main building block of muscles, organs, and glands. Protein in your diet helps to feed and maintain your muscles as wells as help your body repair cells and make new ones. That being said, there is no doubt that protein plays a vital role in your eating lifestyle. But sometimes ... Views: 2068
While it's true that your body is never quite the same after pregnancy, achieving your personal best body is an attainable goal once you make up your mind to do so. If you aren't mentally ready, you won't be successful. Your wheels may spin, but you won't get anywhere.
How do you know when ... Views: 1269
It can be very easy to fall into a workout routine and resist the necessity to change it up. You're in a groove and you can do your workout with your eyes closed. Herein lies the problem. Once your body gets used to a particular routine, you are less likely to continue seeing results and more ... Views: 2267
Have you ever noticed that you can always find a reason to put off 'til tomorrow what you can do today? This is especially true when it comes to starting a new healthy lifestyle. Maybe you have a girls trip coming up, an anniversary to celebrate, a birthday party to attend, or it's Wednesday ... Views: 6574
Some of us are quick to blame a lack of weight loss on a "slow metabolism." Contrary to popular belief, metabolism is not the sole determining factor for weight loss! Common sense dictates that weight is determined by the amount of calories consumed versus the amount of calories burned. If ... Views: 1151
For those of you who are new to the world of weight training, a mentor is a great way to learn the ropes! When I first began to get my feet wet, I was fortunate enough to be taken under the wing of a veteran gym goer who helped me make sense of it all.
The gym in and of itself can be ... Views: 1181
"Citius, Altius, Fortius" which is Latin for "Faster, Higher, Stronger", was the 2008 motto for the Olympic games. These three words convey an ideal that calls for personal excellence; in essence that giving one's best and striving for personal excellence is a worthwhile goal.
We can look ... Views: 1179
I often ask the question to the students in my indoor cycling class if they are giving their maximum effort. It is evident that they made the effort to get up and arrive at the gym early to sign up for class. The logical next step would be to make their workout count! As an instructor I can ... Views: 1258
Starting your day off right makes all the difference in the world. For me that usually translates into a healthy breakfast and a great workout!
Vacation can present different obstacles when it comes to getting your workout in, especially if you are traveling with kids. While I wasn't able ... Views: 829
High-fructose corn syrup is a preservative that extends the shelf life of food and is sweeter and cheaper than sugar. For these reasons it has become the sweetener of choice for many manufacturers. It is made by changing the sugar in cornstarch to fructose.
While the jury is still out as to the ... Views: 834
Are you addicted to your scale? If you answered yes to that question, I'm here to nip that unhealthy habit in the bud! I find that many of my clients give their pesky little scales way too much control over their lives. They ultimately let the scale dictate their mood for the day based upon ... Views: 802
Did you ever stop to think that every thing that you see around you started out as an idea?
When I reflect on how far I have come in my journey I am overcome with immense gratification and a great sense of fulfillment. My book, my Ezine, and my consulting business all started out as ideas! ... Views: 737
Did you ever stop to think that every thing that you see around you started out as an idea?
When I reflect on how far I have come in my journey I am overcome with immense gratification and a great sense of fulfillment. My book, my Ezine, and my consulting business all started out as ideas! ... Views: 998
Did you ever stop to think that every thing that you see around you started out as an idea?
When I reflect on how far I have come in my journey I am overcome with immense gratification and a great sense of fulfillment. My book, my Ezine, and my consulting business all started out as ideas! ... Views: 786
Are you addicted to your scale? If you answered yes to that question, I'm here to nip that unhealthy habit in the bud! I find that many of my clients give their pesky little scales way too much control over their lives. They ultimately let the scale dictate their mood for the day based upon ... Views: 812
I was fortunate enough to have the life changing opportunity to meet Bill Phillips a few months ago at Mark Victor Hansen’s Mega Book Marketing event in Los Angeles. You may know Bill as the author of Body for Life and former owner of EAS.
At the event, Bill Phillips put a Transformation ... Views: 840
Ready to get out of your head and into the heart of NOW?
Stephanie Gunning, best-selling author, editor, and Spirit-preneur extraordinaire, gathered last year with a number of well-known spiritual teachers and motivators (best-selling authors like Gregg Braden, Sandy Grason, Hale Dwoskin, ... Views: 1060
It is a little known fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That being said, a surprising number of people choose to skip this vital meal.
The word breakfast literally means to break the fast that your body has been subjected to during your night's rest. The benefits of ... Views: 990
I recently had the opportunity to attend Mark Victor Hansen's Mega Book Marketing University in Los Angeles. You might know him as the founder and co-creator of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series.
When I was presented with the opportunity to attend the conference, fear set in ... Views: 915
For some reason, holiday weekends always throw my timing off! Just the word holiday brings to mind delightfully sinful treats. But then sanity sets in and I know that although it may be a holiday weekend, that does not translate into taking a holiday from taking care of myself and making smart ... Views: 821
The fear of carbohydrates is an actual phobia and not one that should be underestimated. We have a string of fad-diets and irresponsible media hype to thank for its existence. Unfortunately, those that have fallen prey to the hype are having a very real and difficult time deprogramming ... Views: 969
Mommy – can I have a snack? How many times have you heard that one? Countless, I’m sure. There are many times when it seems as though I just made my way out of the kitchen only to hear a little voice beckoning for yet another snack. More often than not, I have no issue conceding ... Views: 868
Traveling always presents an interesting challenge when it comes to staying on track with your smart choices. You are away from home and that means more than likely you are out of your routine. These two factors can easily translate into poor decision making, especially when it comes to what ... Views: 854
Q. I have a hard time getting going in the morning. Do you recommend taking supplements to boost energy?
A. This is a question I get asked alot! As a mom of a three and six year old, I completely understand where this question stems from. Motherhood while rewarding can be extremely ... Views: 797