When I got up Wednesday morning, I had a choice to make. I choose to make it a good day.
There is enough craziness going on in this world, the talk of economic collapse, and gosh help us, elections on both sides of the border. Here in Canada, as far as leadership goes, I don’t find any real good choice. In working with politicians for years to advocate causes, I learned one thing quickly. The only real certainty starting from the time they are confirmed as elected? The real politicians are consumed with getting elected again. True people pleasing and makes it understandable why being called a politician or political is not a compliment! My life has so many elements going on that aren’t what my conscious mind would choose, yet we made it a good Wednesday. Thursday is my personal mental health day where I see a fellow coach, an associate “professional” whose skills compliment mine, attend a great discussion group and even visit my mother at the “home”! A day that helps keep me centered and balanced.
Those that know me know I do a great deal of volunteer work, including working with a group of peers who are struggling with addictions specifically and life in general. There were people there for me when I needed it, and I will continue to be there the best I can for others. It’s called service.
I also coach for a living. There are many who will not take the “free” help readily available at 12 step programs, for what ever the reason. I have opinions on that. Part of the problem is they feel if it is free, it can’t be good. With some, its ego or work related. I do feel with many if there is no pain there is no gain, and with some pain equates to spending their own money. The hired gun knows best.
While I am certified as an Addictions Life Coach, most of my clients are not addicted. They are people who want more from life, whether it be career, relationships, balance, or settling in a new country. The funny thing, the principles of the 12 steps work in every life and make them better. It all starts with being honest with and knowing yourself, and making each day a good day!
It is frustrating that so many people will spend on things to make them happy, stuff, but will not invest in themselves. Ever seen a world class athlete or performer who didn’t have a coach to bring out their best and allow them maximum performance. Coaching isn’t a luxury, stuff is.
Coaching is something I’ve used for years personally, and paid with my own after tax dollars. It inspired me and helps me to set goals and reach them in several areas of my life. I have hired professional to help me deal with addictions and life as well. It has been a great investment personally.
I’ve experienced coaching and trained hard to be good at it! I believe in the innate goodness that every person was born with, and feel we are our own largest limiting factor in how our lives come out. We have choices to make!!
Every day is not great, some are much better than others. Many of the good ones feature “service” work or client work, and nothing is better than observing others move forward and use their abilities to meet there goals. My great days generally have a new client taking a free session!
Wednesday was a good day by choice. Thursday will be more of the same, but with my getting my dose of coaching, will be a good day with personal growth. How’s yours going to be?

Author's Bio: 

Certified Life Coach who helps clients be Coached To Success. Addictions Specialist.