Imagine you could erase your bad memories. To what lengths would you go to erase them? I recently read a newspaper article about a new drug in development (propanolol) that could do just that. Wow! I can see where this may be useful, such as severe traumatic events, but what about every day ... Views: 1459
Sitting in a Boston train station on a damp Tuesday morning in March, I overheard a conversation between a male customer and a female ticket. The customer asks the ticket agent for change of a $20 bill. The rep shook her head no and the man shrugged his shoulders and walked away.
I then ... Views: 1445
What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you pay off your bills, take a trip, buy a car, share it with family or charity? Then what…maybe invest some of it? What would you do next? Think about it... what if you truly had no more money issues?
What would you do to fill up your ... Views: 1399
According to a financial research firm, an average of 1 out of every 53 US households filed for bankruptcy in 2005! I wonder if people consider bankruptcy as their only course of action because they are so deep in consumer debt. Or could it be that people believe they have nothing to lose now ... Views: 1398
On a recent vacation to Italy I noticed I was just like many other tourists, moving from one place to the next, from the airport to the hotel, from the hotel to the train, from the train to a bus or car, from a bus or car to a sightseeing location. Most of us put a lot of time, thought and ... Views: 1433
If you have read some of my previous newsletters, you know that I am big on visualizations. I practice them every day, even several times a day. You may have heard the phrase “if you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” That is most likely the idea Yoda was trying to communicate ... Views: 1352
Have you ever thought about what are your hot buttons? We all have them. Maybe it is what someone says to you, or maybe it is a certain look. Hot buttons usually trigger an instantaneous emotional reaction inside us. If the emotion is unpleasant, how do you react? How effective are you at ... Views: 1769
Have you ever had a balance between your work and your life outside of work? I’ve heard many people use the term “work/life balance” over and over again as they struggle to find it. I have heard it most often used when a person wants to work less and spend more time with their family.
Is ... Views: 1363
You may have heard that effective communication is critical to building and maintaining good personal and professional relationships. This is very important since most of us spend 70% of our day communicating, and 45% of that time is spent listening. A great way to build better relationships ... Views: 711
“I’m having trouble communicating with a colleague at work. He just doesn’t listen to me.” This is a common complaint among my clients. There are many reasons why two people can have difficulty communicating, and although it may be interesting to delve into those reasons, it can be counter ... Views: 725
Are you a last minute Nelly? Do you find that you are always completing tasks in the nick of time? Is this a stressful time for you? When I am faced with a deadline, I persistently “stress” over the work that must be done by that specific date. However, I often do not take any action ... Views: 1580
When I was growing up my father would often help me with my homework, as parents often do. When faced with difficult math problems or deciding on a topic for an English paper, I would become very frustrated. The more frustrated I got the worse the situation became. My dad had an interesting ... Views: 1344
How many times do you find yourself saying “I should”? Maybe the better question is how many times do you find that you actually follow through on that “I should”? Well, don’t fret, a simple change is all it may take for you to change that should into a did.
I would like you to consider your ... Views: 1552