I firmly believe, that if we hold onto the things we don’t need, there’s not enough room for new exciting things to come into your life. Because its already full of the clutter.
I like the metaphor that if you go into a room of your house and see lots of clutter, its represents your life. After ... Views: 1004
Life has meaning if we choose. Why don’t we choose?
Everyday we have so many options and potentials that we seem to miss.
Why? Is it that we are tied down to the ‘rat race’ of life? Why do we choose to have meaning on the events that we cannot control? The events that hit ... Views: 1306
We hear this quite often, don’t we? But what usually happens when we hear this?
Well the most common response for people who don’t get their results would be:
“Well I don’t want ‘x’ to happen”,
“I don’t want to stay in debt”
“I don’t want to be ill anymore”
I hear this all too often when ... Views: 1159
Cause and effect’ is a way of thinking that a ‘cause’ (an action) will lead to an ‘effect’ (a consequence)
So what side of the equation are you in life?
Are you just an ‘effect’ of all that is around you?
Do you know someone who says “everything happens to me” or “Bad things always happen to ... Views: 1055
Public Speaking fear to Public Speaking excellence
Public speaking can be a massive concern for many people; in fact there have been recent studies that people fear Public Speaking more than the fear of death.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. I too once had a big fear of public speaking, I ... Views: 1010
What stops you achieving your dreams and how long are you prepared to let it stop you?
That’s right, how long are you prepared to let it stop you?
With all the respect I can give, I believe we are our only limitation. We only usually perceive them to be external things if we allow them ... Views: 1178