Progressive Overload
In the big wide world of exercise science there’s a training principle called Progressive Overload (PO). PO is pretty much the cornerstone of any training program designed to produce performance improvements for the individual who is following the program. In layman’s ... Views: 1867
When was the last time you questioned your beliefs? Really questioned them? That is, took a practical, realistic, uncomfortable, honest and un-emotional look at some of the beliefs that “run” your life. You do know that some of your current beliefs suck right? That’s no major revelation is ... Views: 1282
If you’re serious about creating lasting and significant change in your world – as opposed to merely thinking and talking about it for another year – there are a few things you might want to do in order to help make those intentions a reality…
1. Know what success is. If you don’t know what ... Views: 1269
* Note: this article won't be relevant for every reader. For those of you who have followed through on your New Year's resolutions and done amazing things, you may want to check back in tomorrow. For some of you it will be a timely poke in the ribs, for others it will be reality check and for ... Views: 1148
In the big wide world of business and in particular, marketing, the suits are always talking about 'branding'. The need to create a well-respected, well-known brand (reputation, profile, public perception) for our product, service or organisation. If you have the best product in the ... Views: 1310
Aaaah, the good old Pity Party; we've all thrown at least one in our time. Some people throw them every day of their lives. They are absolute party animals. Of course, quite often they will be the only attendee at these 'celebrations', and then at other times they will do their very best to get ... Views: 3375
One of my favourite quotes about learning:
"In times of change the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."
Eric Hoffer.
So true and so relevant for those old arrogant, ignorant dinosaurs who stopped ... Views: 1345
If the Personal Development movement and it's ever-expanding range of offerings (books, programs, seminars, CD's, Gurus) was in fact proving to be an effective resource in helping humanity pull itself out of it's collective crap, then globally we should be seeing things improving by the day. ... Views: 1335
We're all about making real and practical changes in our very real and practical lives, so I thought it was about time for us to roll up our sleeves and move from the theoretical to the practical. We've explored behavioural science and the psychology of change for long enough, now it's time to ... Views: 1207
Happy to be here
At the risk of sounding a little arrogant, I gotta say, my life is great. Overall, I'm pretty darn content. Not in a smug way, just in a happy-to-be-here kinda way. Yep, love being alive, love my family, love my friends, love my job, love where I live, love my country (you ... Views: 1213
The following is an extract from one of my fave movies - A Few Good Men (or as it's known here in Australia - Three Grouse Blokes):
Jessep (Jack): "You want answers?"
Kaffee (Tom): "I think I'm entitled to them."
Jessep: "You want answers?"
Kaffee: "I want the truth!"
Jessep: "You can't ... Views: 971
I often get asked how I write my posts. What's my process? Do I have a weekly or monthly plan of topics I'm going to cover? Do I write using a particular formula? Word limit? Do I methodically and strategically mix up the sciencey stuff, the motivational stuff, the funny stuff, the philosophical ... Views: 1340
While I don't claim to be (anywhere near) the best Personal Development Speaker in the world, if you were to Google the search term Motivational Speaker you would typically find that my name usually comes out somewhere near the very top of the list of about two million matches. Now, let me ... Views: 1181
I think most of us would agree that on a practical, day-to-day level the most important life skill is communication. However, when we take a look around we discover that:
1. Many of us have trouble expressing ourselves effectively.
2. Many of us spend the majority of our life not saying what we ... Views: 5110
Given the opportunity, most (if not all) people will reel off a list of things that they would like to change about their life. That's not to say (necessarily) that their current reality is intolerable or in immediate need of change, but rather that there are areas of their life which could do ... Views: 913
One of the many interesting things about being a life-long, single male in his early forties is people's reactions to that single-ness (yep, a word). Everyone has an opinion on it. Depending on the person's thinking, it can place me anywhere on the scale from 'complete social outcast', to ... Views: 977
* Before I even write this piece, I know that I will ruffle some feathers. I know that this topic will polarise you, the reading audience. I'm okay with that. I'm okay with your opinion, as long as you're okay with mine. We don't have to agree with each other, merely listen and consider. Feel ... Views: 897
This might seem like an unlikely discussion coming from a bloke who has spent the best part of his (working) life owning and running gyms and helping people create their best body, but working along side thousands of people for a quarter of a century (good grief) has taught me many (many, many) ... Views: 929
I wake up with a jolt.
My eyes are still shut but I have an awareness of light in the room.
An abundance of it.
Brilliant, almost blinding light.
For a moment I'm not sure where I am, what time it is, or even what day it is.
I can't really remember what I did last night.
I'm guessing alcohol was ... Views: 847
It must be morning; I'm hungry.
Then again, I'm always hungry, so it could really be any time.
I can hear the shower and feel the sun on my back, so I'm guessing the Boss is awake.
I lift my head off my bed and look down the passage.
I want a shower too.
Sometimes I try and get in but he won't ... Views: 971
Have you ever bought something only to discover down the track that you didn't actually get what you thought you were buying... that you've been well and truly scammed?
Of course you have.
Me too.
We all have.
"But with these pills I'm meant to lose 14 pounds in 14 days... without getting off ... Views: 1097
Sometimes I feel like I must have missed that group-memo coming into adulthood regarding the age-fun, inverted-correlation mandate. You know the one. The one that stipulates that as we age we are required to have proportionately less and less fun; also known as the Progressive Misery Theory. As ... Views: 1058
Last Saturday six hundred of my closest friends and I got together for a chat at the Network Convention (Annual Fitness Industry Shindig) here in sunny (drought-stricken) Melbourne.
Well I spoke, they listened.
Being the insecure only-child with a constant need for attention, that worked ... Views: 1030
Here's my simple take on what some people make, a complex issue; how we use or manage our Emotional Energy (EE). It's a precious and powerful commodity and it needs to be invested wisely and thoughtfully.
Forgive my simplicity, I'm a bloke.
And as I am constantly reminded by the numerous ... Views: 1144
Over the last two weeks I have had an inordinate amount of conversations with people about the relationships in their world. Relationships with work colleagues, spouses, kids, friends, family... the lot.
Mostly, it's pretty negative stuff.
Lucky me.
Invariably there are problems in those ... Views: 1151
So last Friday Johnnie and I flew north to the thriving metropolis of Brisbane (BrisVegas as our lovely host Lisa called it) to do some work for a few hours and spend some quality alpha-male bonding time together.
I could share lots of mildly amusing stories about Johnnie's propensity to slip ... Views: 1065
I just drove past a gym that was advertising group-exercise classes like this:
'Small classes, lots of fun, no mirrors.'
No mirrors?
Why on earth is that a selling point?
Sure, mirrors aren't necessary... but why would their absence be seen as part of sensible marketing strategy?
Something to ... Views: 962
Too many of us have too much time, too much emotional energy, too much intellect and too much talent invested in things we can't and won't change... and too little invested in the stuff we can and should.
I know that sometimes I have a propensity to be somewhat verbose... so today I will be ... Views: 882
Two nights ago I had a phone call from a guy who I've known for a while.
Quite a while.
Over the last few years he has had two major physical and psychological battles; drugs and food.
And of course there's been some emotional stuff as well.
Yep; it's all intertwined.
He's not a buddy as ... Views: 2578
So I was debating whether to write an article on 'the meaning of life' or perhaps one on 'how to get a smaller ass and a six-pack'.
Which would you prefer?
You're all so shallow.
Cut that out.
That's why you need to read this one!
Well, the good news is that after reading this post, you'll ... Views: 1526
Many of us don't particularly like our life or at the very least, something about it.
We haven't for a long time.
And while we have the ability to change, for some weird reason, we don't do it.
By choice.
Or if we do change, it's temporary.
Momentary even.
The reality of our life experience is ... Views: 980
You see, there are several Craigs.
There's a scary thought.
There's Craig the Business Dude.
Craig the Exercise Guy.
Craig the Coach, Teacher, Motivator, Mentor bloke.
Craig the Philanthropist, who wants to do some good.
Craig the Performer, who loves an audience.
And then there's Craig the ... Views: 874
Imagine that you've lost something which is very important to you.
A prized, irreplaceable possession.
Although it's worth a lot of money, you don't care about it's financial value; it's all about what it means to you emotionally.
Your grandfather gave it to you.
You are heart ... Views: 852
In my humble opinion, the single most important life-skill is communication.
So get to work on yours.
The end.
*How great would it be if I could write posts as short as that and still have the desired impact?
Make a statement, provide some instruction and then wrap it up.
All in under ... Views: 1234
When it comes to excuses, I've heard them all.
And made up a few of my own too.
In fact, I am a fully-qualified Excuse-ologist.
Excuse-ology (the study of excuse making) is a fascinating but little-known science.
Okay, I developed it.
And graduated in it from the University of Harper.
I keep ... Views: 974
We all need it to get us to our destination.
To maximise our chances of achieving our goals.
It's a crucial ingredient in the personal development process.
Yet so many of us seem to be masters of the stop-start approach, never really getting out of first gear... while others, ... Views: 927
* Before I start, let me say that I don't have the definitive answer to this discussion (or any); I don't think there is one when it comes to this topic.
Like most, I'm still exploring it... which is why I have chosen to make it just that; a discussion.
An interactive chat.
A group ... Views: 864
It's seven forty five Saturday morning and I am doing my best to stay in my current state of being; unconscious, hung-over, stationary, comfortable, horizontal.
Unfortunately for me, something or as it would turn out, someone, is destroying my tranquility with incessant thumping on my front ... Views: 1565
So today I'm taking my Motivator, Story-teller, Drill Sgt. and Politically-Incorrect-Rude-Bloke hats off... and putting on my Exercise Scientist beret.
Yep, you read right; beret.
Ready, steady, go.
If you want to change your body in some way, then today's chat might be of interest to you.
I ... Views: 900
What I'm about to write will resonate with many of you.
It will surprise some of you and hopefully, it will encourage a few of you as well.
For much of my life, I have felt like a... weirdo.
I said it.
Not all the time... but often.
In a range of situations and settings and for a range ... Views: 847
Once upon a time... there was a kid.
A kid who loved to eat.
Not unlike many kids, really.
But this kid was different.
He didn't just enjoy the occasional cookie or bowl of ice-cream.
Or burger and fries.
No, he lived for food.
And when he wasn't eating... he was thinking about eating.
At ... Views: 1202
It's five fifteen in the morning.
You wake up excited with a day of new and amazing possibilities ahead of you.
You bounce out of bed and hit the floor running.
You jump in the shower, throw down some toast and head out the front door.
Knowing that today, is the day.
Your heart is racing with ... Views: 869
We all know that I have a propensity to be somewhat... straight forward.
Blunt perhaps.
Politically incorrect.
Periodically rude (according to some).
An unfair assessment I say but....
Oh well.
I'll cope.
Sometimes straight forward.. is exactly what's needed.
Less fluff.
Less talking in ... Views: 812
If you're like many, then some days your mind is a war zone.
Complete with the good guys (Mr glass-half-full) and the bad guys (Mr stay-in-bed-you-loser) fighting for your attention; your thoughts.
Competing for valuable territory on your cerebral landscape.
Fear, self doubt, anxiety, apathy; ... Views: 960
Public speaking is a curiosity; most people either love it... or are absolutely terrified of it.
Some people are physically ill just saying their name in front of a group... while others will wrestle you to the ground to rip a microphone from your hand.
Over the years I have done somewhere ... Views: 910
Aaah... the age-old debate.
Are we born winners or do we become winners with hard work, discipline, dedication, determination... and all those other 'D' words?
We all want to be winners.
(Well, I've personally never met anyone who has the goal of being a loser).
Winners in our career, winners ... Views: 1627
They live among us.
In human form.
To the untrained eye, it is almost impossible to tell the difference.
Typically they look like you and I.
But they're not.
They're not like us at all.
They are Vampires and their modus operandi is not to steal your blood but rather, your precious energy.
Your ... Views: 1267