No one seems to have enough time to get things done. Goals, programs, products, services, customers, relationship farming, tending the herd, goals and family. Every minute of every day brings new demands on what little time we have to pay attention to them.
As you begin to set your ... Views: 1344
Using any of the social networking tools can be overwhelming. Initial questions come to mind:
What am I doing here?
How come people say this is so great? What's so great about it?
There are so many people here - how do I get their attention?
Who is an expert? How have they achieved that ... Views: 1547
Human resource development professionals are often stymied by their inability to hone their business skills. Like many other experts, they are really good with their product creation but do not attain the results they want within the first few years of operations.
"Building A Career That ... Views: 1719
Across the spectrum of nonprofit organizations, a broad brush of advocacy concerns and efforts are underway - each as varied as the organization they represent.
Women’s Way is one of the youngest groups supporting legislative efforts that will positively impact the respect of, for and by ... Views: 1581
Recently, in a conversation with a community banking representative about the business of nonprofit agencies and civic engagement, she became quickly confused by my use of two terms.
Advocacy was one of them. Governance the other. But she was a banker and couldn’t be expected to know what ... Views: 1504
One of life’s greatest frustrations is taking charge of your destiny as the leader of a nonprofit organization. Many individuals and consequently, the organizations they may come to lead, get stuck in their path to success. They mire in self-doubt, in self-sabotaging behaviors, and never truly ... Views: 1560
When's the last time you took the pulse of your board of directors.? Are they sitting around the table nodding their heads in approval for the first half of the meeting when the perfunctories are presented?
Do they understand your vernacular? Are any of your board members glazing over when ... Views: 1278
Your Recipe to Success - My Experiment
Be known as a hard worker.
Give it your very best.
Ask and understand what’s expected.
Create additional value.
If you do all of these things, you will be successful. Isn’t this the American mantra? Work hard; do your best; know what to do and be ... Views: 1166
Promotions and Your Campaigns
You are in the business of raising funds for your mission. You should have a method of collecting names from every resource to encourage readers, visitors, event attendants, and members to go to their next level in their commitment to your organization. How you ... Views: 1239
Reading Between the Lines
Late last year, two Philadelphia Newspapers, The Philadelphia Buziness Journal and The Philadelphia Inquirer have posted articles taliking about the future state of nonprofits. According to Peter Key, the good news is that nonprofits in the Philadelphia region are ... Views: 1482