Do you know the angst of greatness, that sick feeling when you see your dreams sailing downstream towards a ravine that dares you to enter and retrieve them? Despite our obsession with success, we say little about the angst that eats when failure chastens and cheats.
The Silent ... Views: 2435
Destiny isn't something created by the cunning to lead the clueless --it does exist.
Leadership: A Call to Greatness
When’s the last time you felt the call to greatness, when you were convinced of your capacity and not merely gripped by its power? As leaders, we must not only know what ... Views: 1576
Things get easier as we keep aiming towards our goals. It may not seem like it because we aren't always as clear as we imagine on what these are. We generally have more ideas than we do exacts. Ideas get us started but exacts keep us going (and committed). They also enable us to accelerate our ... Views: 1106
A book entitled, Getting to Yes, appeared several years ago. It focused on the art and science of negotiation, and how to make beneficial compromises as we each pursue our peculiar aims. As used in this article, however, getting to yes implies mastering the steps needed to experience the ... Views: 935
All of us are fascinated by greatness whatever its form, sports, entertainment and even gardening! We love to see people doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways. We feel likewise when seeing extraordinary things being done in extraordinary ways. Something about the sight stirs our senses and ... Views: 2361
You can’t achieve greatness focusing on your weakness. How often have we heard this statement made? How often have we even said it to ourselves only to be snared by our own failures? More important, how do we bypass the blockades that failure erects and which we unconsciously expect when success ... Views: 1156
I always smile at people who petition eternity for justice. Not because they’re funny, but because temporally the entreaty fails. Moreover, in doing so they forget that every day decides. What doesn’t make it to court becomes our character. Yet their thinking is a remnant of North Atlantic ... Views: 1117
Greatness is simply rising to the occasion to meet the needs of the moment -- whatever they are. Ideally it is executing with accurate perception what is needed in the moment. Thus accurate perception and not heroic action is what makes the great great and the moment memorable. To the frantic ... Views: 5142
Have you ever had seasons that mirrored symphonies, when everything jelled and every note fell in key without cue?
Several of my books have been written on the steps of various buildings in uptown Charlotte beyond the stare of those who consider me homeless, aimless and foolish. If ... Views: 1101
The nineties are gone and the millennium is here. Are you doing the dream? Are you keeping the vows you made to yourself? If not, it's time. Of course, anyone who has ever tried to succeed knows that doing so is easier on paper than it is in practice. Countless delays and confounding details ... Views: 1027
Safe plays us when we play it.
The economic conditions of today are bleak for many and brilliant for others. These outlooks are based largely on two factors: preparation and persistence. For the prepared this is a dynamic time of opportunity, options, and unusual optimism. With traditional ... Views: 1004