The secret to happiness is almost as allusive as the search for the mythical holy grail. For thousands of years men and women have searched the corners of the earth for this alluring secret but could it be that the secret was not so secret after all and in fact it would seem the secret to ... Views: 1250
Do you have a dream?
Of course you do, we all have dreams, we all at some stage have or have had a vision to be an olympic athlete, to be a successful business and / or career person, to be rich and famous, to be a loving parent or partner, to be an integral member of the community etc.
Stop ... Views: 1267
Do you often find yourself surrounded by everything that you don't want and the more you try to remove yourself from what you don’t want, the more you seem to attract it?
Do your expenses always seem to be higher than your current income?
Are you barely surviving instead of really thriving?
If ... Views: 8555
The 7 major reasons why businesses and teams under perform and fail to fulfill their true potential include;
1) From inception, the business and employees do not design a clear vision of what Success looks or feels like, which means they do not have clear, definitive outcomes collectively as an ... Views: 1432
Have you ever started a weight loss program and no matter how hard you train, how much you eat all the right foods and no matter how dedicated you are, nothing you try seems to shift that unwanted body fat?
Well, today I have some good news for you that may help you to get rid of that unwanted ... Views: 1168
Too often we become caught up in the ‘doing’ of every day life and we forget that it is meant to be enjoyed. Establishing a system for ease will help you to put the fun back into your life. The following are six systems will help you identify and create your ideal career and live your ideal life ... Views: 1246
Do you often find yourself surrounded by everything that you don't want and the more you try to remove yourself from what you don’t want, the more you seem to attract it?
Do your expenses always seem to be higher than your current income?
Are you barely surviving instead of really ... Views: 1185
Do you have a dream?
Of course you do, we all have dreams, we all at some stage have or have had a vision to be an olympic athlete, to be a successful business and / or career person, to be rich and famous, to be a loving parent or partner, to be an integral member of the community etc.
Stop ... Views: 1260
Do you have a dream?
Of course you do, we all have dreams, we all at some stage have or have had a vision to be an olympic athlete, to be a successful business and / or career person, to be rich and famous, to be a loving parent or partner, to be an integral member of the community etc.
Stop ... Views: 1095
Have you ever started a weight loss program and no matter how hard you train, how much you eat all the right foods and no matter how dedicated you are, nothing you try seems to shift that unwanted body fat?
Well, today I have some good news for you that may help you to get rid of that unwanted ... Views: 1225
As you may or may not be aware, your current life experience is a manifestation of all the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours that you have ever had, or performed, up until this very moment. If you are experiencing dis-EASE in any aspect of your life right now, then you (and only you) ... Views: 1717
Do you often find yourself surrounded by everything that you don't want and the more you try to remove yourself from what you don’t want, the more you seem to attract it?
Do your expenses always seem to be higher than your current income?
Are you barely surviving instead of really thriving?
If ... Views: 1369
Feel like you're on the treadmill, treadmill?
You know, where you keep putting in more and more effort and keep getting the same old results from your treadmill workout.
Einstein said we "cannot solve a problem from the same space or state that created the problem".
If you feel like you are ... Views: 2523
Do you lack motivation to exercise?
You are not alone. We all have that conversation in our head, sometimes. You know, the one that says "I need to do some exercise today, but you know what, I just don't feel like it"
Don't despair! Motivation is possibly the biggest determining factor when it ... Views: 1488
Do you ever feel tired for no logical reason?
Do you ever feel like you never have enough time for the things that are important to you?
You may feel constantly tired and always out of time because you are carrying a lot of unfinished business.
Unfinished business, what's that you ... Views: 2458
Have you ever started a weight loss program and no matter how hard you train, how much you eat all the right foods and no matter how dedicated you are, nothing you try seems to shift that unwanted body fat?
Well, today I have some good news for you that may help you to get rid of that unwanted ... Views: 1465
Motivation is possibly the biggest determining factor when it comes to creating your life of EASE. Your level of motivation can make or break your plans. That is why it is so important to be clear on the underlying values and feelings that your goals will give you before you embark on achieving ... Views: 1025
Studies from the 1950s, 60s and 70s predicted that with advances in technology we would have a lot more leisure time by the year 2000. How wrong they were! Today we are expected to produce a lot more, of a higher quality, as fast as possible and all with less support than we had 30 years ago. In ... Views: 1078
As a sport scientist, personal trainer and performance coach, I have been working for many years with clients who come to me for advice about how they can improve the performance and quality of their bodies. Some want help to lose weight and tone up, others need to reduce their blood pressure, ... Views: 1016