The young lady was asked to wait after she met the Chairman with HR Chief and a Business Head. The HR Chief was quite positive and enthusiastic having found the right candidate.
Interestingly, the Chairman and the Business Head were also impressed with the candidate. The young lady was ... Views: 850
"Kumar, Come here!" shouted the Executive Director, while taking a round of the Foundry along with the Unit Head. As Kumar presented himself before the Big Boss, all heads had already turned towards him as he started getting the dressing down from the ED. The Unit Head whispered to the ED "Sir, ... Views: 824
Young girls were quite excited when the chief guest told them that he had a recipe for increasing height and was quite willing to share it with them. It was something like dream comes true for the college students to have such a nice gift on the occasion of their College Annual Day ... Views: 898
The issue of lack of concentration is not limited to young children only. Many adults complain about it and look for advice on how to increase concentration. During coaching sessions, I have come across many such requests and here are some tips that I found to be most effective.
1. Make a ... Views: 1871