Setting goals and achieving success isn’t easy. There are many obstacles to overcome and personal habits that can hold you back. Self-awareness is crucial for you to move forward and create the life of your dreams. Here are some ideas to help you do that.
Life-Changing Goal Setting ... Views: 730
Your ability to communicate well with others has a direct affect on how much joy and success you experience. In fact, your success in life is 85% dependent on your communications skills and only 15% on your technical skills. So, if you can’t get along with people, if you can’t speak up for ... Views: 1573
Do you love to crawl into bed at night because your sheets are soft and cozy? When you grab a pan in the morning to scramble some eggs, is the pan easy to find? Do you love the color of your bathroom?
Your Living Space
Look around your home and ask yourself, “How do I feel when I’m in this ... Views: 1255
What is the secret to passion and how do you get it? Well, the answer isn’t what you think. Don’t think about how to get it, because you already have it. Think about where to find it.
Where to Find Passion
The secret is that passion is buried deep in your joy and happiness. In other ... Views: 886
It takes constant, focused energy and motivation to carry out all of the projects and plans necessary to complete a designated goal, which is why the idea of success can feel intimidating for most people. Here are some barriers and action steps to help you ignite your energy and motivation for ... Views: 909
What does success mean to you? Are you successful when you have lots of money, power, or an expensive car? What does failure mean to you? Are you a failure when you weigh too much, work at an unfulfilling job, or live alone?
The Success Secret
I believe that success is when you become ... Views: 762
Stress can keep you from living the life you were meant to live because when stress consumes you, it becomes your focus. And, the more you focus on stress, the worse it gets.
Quick Facts About Stress
* Americans spend $11.3 billion per year to cope with stress.
* Over 90% of disease is ... Views: 886