By Lisa Christiansen
Mastery in one’s career and self growth simply requires that we consistently and constantly produce results beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary by producing outstanding results. Mastery is attained by consistently stepping outside of our comfort zone, going beyond ... Views: 1504
By Lisa Christiansen
Something to think about before you invest, I have a friend who is a retired Investment Advisor; he once gave his opinion to people on investments. Since he is retired and not trying to sell you or anybody else anything, I asked for him to share his investment philosophy. ... Views: 1773
By Lisa Christiansen
What is Long Term Care if you broil it all down? It’s purpose is to provide access to a pool of $’s that will be available at some future date to protect your cash flow and lifestyle so that it will take care of you and leave something to your heirs. I personally think ... Views: 1306
By Lisa Christiansen
The article I wrote concerning Long Term Care (LTC) generated enough response to have a follow-up. I realize I need to provide two more articles to address numerous questions, the first one going over some of the points I tried to make in the first article in more detail ... Views: 1287
By Lisa Christiansen
This article is inspired by my friend who has a law degree; he is also a retired banker and financial planner. I will remind you that he has been retired for about 5 years, I do believe his input is still pretty much top-line. I feel the most under-utilized financial ... Views: 1115
A Lasting, Fulfilling, Relationship - The "Dynamic of Stay": 4 Keys to a Successful Partnership with the One You Love
It is currently my honest belief that more people in the world are mystified regarding how to find - and keep love - than how to find and keep money. There was a time in ... Views: 1765
A study recently came out that says Darwin may have been wrong about "survival of the fittest". This information came from researchers at the University of Bristol in England that was published in Biology Letters. They say finding the right "living space" may be more important than natural ... Views: 4016
I read an interesting story in Wired today. The name of the article was "Why Money Can't Buy Happiness" by Jonah Lehrer.
The general theme of this piece is explaining why America - the richest nation of this century - is growing more and more unhappy...the richer we get.
This is exactly ... Views: 2107
Wrinkles form when the skin loses its elasticity. As long as the skin is supple, any creasing of the skin disappears as soon as you stop making the expression that caused it. Over time these lines deepen into wrinkles. Some wrinkling is inevitable, as a result of aging. The first line of ... Views: 2845
Gi-Dee-Thlo-Ah-EE, This is the name given to me by my mother Sosti (Mary Ann Groundhog) at the time of my birth, My Name is Lisa,
I am from the Blue People Clan and I will Break the Silence!
As you come to know me better my hope is that you will feel the pride that I have lived with in my ... Views: 2017