"Never tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." unknown.
Goal setting never seems much fun until you learn how to get really good at goal getting. What's the difference? Want to know how I traveled to 24 countries in 18 months, without having to book an ... Views: 1155
“Success is the Progressive Realization of a Worthy Ideal.”
Spending last summer in the French Riviera working for a multi billionaire, I was surrounded by glitz, glamour, and what most people might consider “success.” I watched as hoards of tourists come in from the cruise ships, posing in ... Views: 1107
"Some days, you'll play lonely games too, games you can't win cause you'll play against you."
One of my favorite authors growing up was Dr. Seuss. I loved the rhymes, the silly names and characters, and with a little deeper thinking, the morals and lessons he would weave into his stories. ... Views: 1912
Next to your flight, your accommodations can absorb a huge part of your travel budget, but it doesn't have to. Here are 5 budget friendly options to stretch your money further, while enhancing your vacation experience at the same time.
1. Friends and Family
Some of the most memorable ... Views: 935
"With every adversity comes with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."
Nobody likes getting fired. It always seems better to leave a situation with the upper hand, knowing that your services were appreciated and valued and that you left a positive impression. Never mind the fact that ... Views: 1575
It can be a challenge and frustrating to come to a place and not be able to communicate your basic needs. Even if you have taken the time to learn a language, the embarrassment of speaking incorrectly and being misunderstood can tie up your tongue so badly that you might as well not even try. ... Views: 1941
If you couldn't tell already, I LOVE adventure! Many of the activities and tours that I choose to participate in center around getting that extra boost of adrenaline, as if traveling didn't give me enough. Because I save so much money in some of the other areas I travel, tours are something I am ... Views: 1073
I have always wanted to see the world, but one of my biggest inspirations for actually getting out there came from reading the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho shortly before I started my travels. The book is a fable about a shephard who dreams of a treasure waiting for him at the Pyramids ... Views: 1446
"R.E.S.P.E.C.T find out what it means to me...All I'm asking is for a little respect." sings Aretha Frankliln. From romantic relationships, to our children or even our bosses, we could all use a little more respect, but how do we give and get more of it? Here's 5 ways to show respect in ... Views: 1436