The old saying says that April showers bring May
flowers. However, what happens if you didn’t plant
anything? It’s really hard for something to grow when
you don’t plant. Of course this is just an analogy and
yet it absolutely applies to your life as well.
What are you putting out ... Views: 1491
“The road to success is not a smooth way; but it is a rugged path, filled with obstacles which can only be surmounted by patient toil.” – Ellen G. White
Some people believe that success has a step by step procedure you may follow for you to be able to succeed. Real success is not ... Views: 1502
When you first bring your profession home and begin your stay at home business, you may yearn for that tiny little cubicle that you had when you were at an office
working for someone else. At least when you were in your own
cubicle, you were able to turn your back on impositions
and get ... Views: 1379