Today I’m talking about time and how to use it for your business.
Time management is essential for business, but it’s also a very personal thing, so before we talk about what you’re going to do with the time, let’s find the time you’re going to work with.
Get a notebook or a new document ... Views: 1496
When you’re starting a business one of the first things you need to identify is your target market, or niche. These are the people who’re going to buy your product or service and without them your business will fail!
I was absolutely horrified to read a post on a forum recently that basically ... Views: 1032
We all like the odd bargain or freebie, but get too many from one place and you start to get suspicious about the quality of the product or service being touted.
“Get a free e-book when you sign up to my newsletter”…
This is a pretty standard thing, you’re asking people to sign up to your ... Views: 1335
It’s a simple thing, we all have a list of jobs we need to get done each day, or by a certain deadline and nobody is really so busy that they simply can’t get things done, we’re just not very good at organising ourselves.
Being organised to get the jobs we need to get done each day simply ... Views: 934