Youths are upset when they get low grades from what the feel is high-grade work. The resent it when discipline seem excessive or uncalled for or seem motivated by racial bias. They are angry when special attention or professional treatment is given to the teacher’s pet.
Granted, teachers are ... Views: 1386
Before you came across this article you must have tried all you can to forget some one you see everyday but can't get a solution. This article will eventually bring an end to all your emotional pains so you will be happier and healthier as before.
You might be a victim of breakup and you are ... Views: 7536
Gaining weight during pregnancy is natural, expected, and healthy. It is important for the proper development of your baby and the healthy adaptation of your body to its new needs and functions. Although the common saying you are “eating for two” is true in one sense, it is important to keep in ... Views: 1101
You need to have a solid commitment and knowledge to get nice muscle tone and build an attractive muscular body. Here are some muscle building tips. Before you commence weight training, remember to warm up and as well as doing some stretching exercises.
How to build a muscles
Train ... Views: 1571
It’s obvious that every man’s dream is to impress the ladies, Or take on that bully at the beach who kicks sand in your face? You may be able to do these things if you build a big chest. Whether you seek to become a professional bodybuilder or simply improve your physique, nothing is as ... Views: 1772
You might have a wonderful wedding and you are now living with your spouse, friends and you might have kid(s) but It’s obvious that your will one day have conflict with your spouse, friends or children.
When this eventually happens, how will you go about making peace at home in other to ... Views: 1965
Before accepting the responsibility of being married they are number of things you need to put into consideration in order to enjoy a happy married life and to avoid the saying “had I known”. After you must have accepted the proposal “will you married me” I believe your positive respond means ... Views: 1385
Many people find themselves fighting with their partners night after night. They almost wish they could run away and just find a better life somewhere else. The more they fight the more they struggle to find positive feelings about one another. Often, one partner becomes discouraged and ... Views: 1813
When it comes on how to choose the right person to spend the rest of your life with, the only one who can be sure if you are choosing well is you. We all come with the idea of the right man and how we want our lives to be in the future, so here are some tips to ensure that you are following your ... Views: 1803
Once you have taken your vows, don't do anything to break that trust. You have both taken vows to be faithful in every way to one another. Now it's time to believe in one another and trust your partner.
You have taken the plunge and made the biggest commitment of your life. But statistics ... Views: 1828
If you’re already on a stable or semi-stable career path, this article will help you determine whether your current career is really the right one for you, using a very simple assessment process.
Career fulfillment defined
What does it mean to have a fulfilling career? Here’s how I ... Views: 1375
Remember, love is an act of the will, not a warm feeling or a clever expression of experience. True love requires you to deny yourself and seek to meet your beloved's needs.
In the excitement of a new romance, it seems easy and natural to communicate your love for the other person. After ... Views: 1267
How can i deal with breakup depression
Breakup depression is actually what many people face after separation with their partners. So in this article I will let you know how to deal with breakup depression and get on with life.
Before I let you know how to deal with breakup depression I ... Views: 1378
Of recent I got a mail from one of my reader and she said “since I breakup with my ex and I found another guy who is so loving and above all caring. I also try as much as possible to reciprocate the love he has for me but it seem difficult because each time I see my ex picture I keep thinking of ... Views: 1227
Marriage as we all know is a legally recognized relationship that is established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners. Before accepting the responsibility of being married they are number of things you need to put into ... Views: 985
Someone who hardly spends time with you just for the joy of being together but allows obstacle and circumstances to come in between is not a good friend
Foe drains you of your energy and enthusiasm for what you are supposed to do.
One whose advice has always landed you into trouble ... Views: 1167
everyone lies from time to time, may it be a big fat lie or just a small white lie. Even so, nothing good can come from repeatedly lying to someone. However, these are certainly not foolproof. Saying whether someone is lying or telling the truth is as risky as forecasting next week's ... Views: 1725
Price is what you do or give in order to acquire another thing. Virtually, everything in life has a price, nothing is for free. I what to use this ample opportunities to clearly state that even the air we breathe is not for free. The energy you dissipate to free the system is the price you pay ... Views: 1055
Vision as we all know is the ability to think or plan the future with great imagination and intelligence. It is equally a driven force that keeps one moving even when the journey is not smooth. Vision is an illusion on our way especially when dark shadows tossed therein.
As important as water ... Views: 1007
The issue of selecting best friends among other friend is not as easy as we may think because friends as we all know are people in whom we share common interest and ideas
How to know a best friend
A best friend as we all know is a person who has the same interest and opinion as you. Again, a ... Views: 1137
It’s true that almost everyone wants to be engaged but do you know why some people are still single? Do you know that in almost every cases of this issue, many people stay single based on how they go about living their lives and the manner in which they interact with other people which gave ... Views: 1423
A confident speaker is someone who, first and foremost, feels confident in his own self and his ability to deliver a good speech confidently in public or a presentation. Being confident is not something anyone can give you nor you can buy from somewhere. Confidence is built, step-by-step, from ... Views: 1111
Who says you’re not attractive? Having this kind of belief system is just like believing a common myth from others but I want you to know without doubt that no one is unattractive. It’s but normal that not everyone would be able to love us. If so somebody like the president and top celebrities ... Views: 1347
I decided to write this article due to the high number of comments I get from my daily readers. Some of them have been saying things like “I am tired staying with him, he does not deserve my love, I need a breakup” etc. My inbox is almost full with things like that and I am already getting ... Views: 1308
At one point in life, some of us get stocked in situations that demand us to make serious choices and the way we go about and the kind of choices we make tend to influence our lives tomorrow. This does not only end with relationship issues but it extends to other fields of life. Handling such ... Views: 1141
A research was carried out on the level of breakups around the world after which it was proven that more than 65% of relationships end in breakups. If you decided to carry out another research, you will discover that the majority of these people who broke up was not because they did not love ... Views: 6600
A great way to overcome fear is to educate your fear into oblivion.
Consider most people’s greatest fear — public speaking. Public speaking has a lot of variables — writing and organizing the speech, delivering it with confidence, vocal variety, voice volume and pitch, gestures, body ... Views: 940
Youths complain that their parents don't respect them. Instead of being trusted, they are judge without a trial when something goes wrong. A young girl said, "My Dad always wants to know everything, where I am, when I am going to be back. But do they have to know everything?"
Reasons for ... Views: 1391
If you look around, you will notice that people now have different perspectives about marriage life. Some imagine it to be a romantic fantasy. Others head for the alter because they want to appear grown up in the eyes of others. Yet others simply want to escape a bad situation at home, or in the ... Views: 3779
At times, it's difficult for us to move to another town due to the circumstances that we are going to face there. One thing important to note is the fact that, if it's certain that you have to move to a new town beyond your wish, would you resent? I doubt it. In this situation, what would you ... Views: 1391
What happens if you are involved in a relationship with someone and soon realized that he or she is a drug addict? What if on the other hand, you really don't want to cut out the friendship? There are many things that can be done in order to safe your friend's future rather than concluding that ... Views: 1312
Yes, it's true that at one point in our lives we have been lonely. Although many of us managed to pass through this stage successfully, still there are many others who never managed to make one friend. In one of my articles, how to find new friends I explained some of the causes for the failure ... Views: 1537
We have many types of friendship like the rich class, the poor class, the average, popular class etc. While all these social classes may seem difficult for some people to associate, if you get closer, you will notice one thing about them; there is no different between you and them. You'll be ... Views: 1217
That’s the main reason. We fear the consequences of our power. Sometimes we fear the responsibility that comes with power.
You may not feel ready to wield so much power. When you realize that you can manifest your desires quickly and definitively when you go after them directly, it’s ... Views: 2124
Being successful or unsuccessful isn’t about how much money or status you’ve achieved. It’s an internal quality. It’s your attitude. If you wish to become more successful, then work on improving your relationship with the most successful people in your life.
Improving your relationship with ... Views: 1330