I do not believe in coincidences. I believe you are reading this because you are ready to see this message. I trust you to know what this moment is challenging you to do. Or should I say what you are finally ready to do.
Yes, this is about that thing you have been putting off. You are doing ... Views: 1532
You did not except this. You are not happy about it. In fact, you are feeling pretty low about how things are happening. It may feel like you have no control. You may feel like you want to do something but you just don’t know what to do. The hopelessness can be overwhelming and make you feel ... Views: 1803
Wow, some people just know how to push your buttons, don’t they? Wait, I KNOW he did not just cut you off in rush hour traffic and you are already late as it is?! And why is she always so mean and nasty to you? This is her job. It’s what she gets paid to do. You would think Ms. Thing could ... Views: 1829
Yes, you. I’m writing this specifically for you to read. Someone needs to tell you, and I care enough about you to do it. Listen, you are a very lovely person. No seriously. You have a good heart and are accomplishing wonderful things. The people around you admire your strength and dedication in ... Views: 1225
Today, I want you to work on being exactly who you are. I know you have a ton of things to accomplish today, yet this is the most important thing that you can do for you and for the people you are around. There is no greater way to serve a purpose than to be exactly who you were made to be. Let ... Views: 1303
What if you just stopped running that negative message over it again and again in your mind and started moving?
How could you do both well?
Why does getting this done mean so much to you?
What story are you telling yourself that is getting in the way of your productivity?
... Views: 1125
Hi. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. You are wondering how some person who doesn’t know you can tell you with certainty that your life is great. The thought running through your mind is probably:
“How can you say that about me?”
“You don’t know my life”
“You don’t know what I’m going ... Views: 1250
I’m just wondering. You keep saying it but are you serious? You say you want to be happier. You say you want to lose weight. You say you want to stop letting people walk over you. You keep claiming that you’re going to start living your dream. You keep swearing over and over that you are going ... Views: 1151
This moment is going to end. When it does, what story will you tell about it? Which memories will you store away to capture what happened?
What will you choose to remember?
You have the option to decide. They say there are two sides to every story. You can choose to focus on all that is ... Views: 1194
Things didn’t turn out how you planned them. You may be feeling shock, surprise, anger, overwhelm, confusion, fear, frustration, grief, worry, or sadness about how things went so terribly wrong. Rationally, you know that the longer you dwell on what you don’t want creates more of what you don’t ... Views: 1629
Arrrrrgh! Stupid Mondays! You hate Mondays. Seriously, like why is it Monday AGAIN? Didn’t you just suffer through a Monday last week? I mean come on! Someone make it stop already. Did you notice how everything terrible happens on Monday? The sun is shining and you’re trying to be happy but ... Views: 1254
Yes, selfish. Did I startle you? I hope that doesn’t seem like a shocking concept. It almost sounds like I’m totally advocating for you to help yourself as much if not more than you help others. Well, I am. Now before you go rejecting the very thought and getting upset that I told you to be ... Views: 973
Okay but what if you could learn to live the life that you really wanted?
Yes, and maybe there’s another explanation for what happened.
What if you could allow someone who knows more about it to help you get it done?
Well, could there be another way to make it happen?
Alright, so ... Views: 936
Did you see that? You missed it, didn’t you? Right there, while you were complaining about how terrible your life is right now, it happened. Love showed up.
You don’t even believe me. Seriously, in that exact same moment you were droning on and on about what they did to you and how unfair it ... Views: 1616
No matter what the issue. No matter what the circumstance, you are probably making it more than it is. Now listen to me. I know this because I do it too. The fatalistic thinking. The dramatization. The negative worry, doubt, fears and criticism. Your imagination is running wild thinking of all ... Views: 1635
Listen, you are not alone. You had so much enthusiasm at the beginning of that project. Your intentions were the best. You were so passionate, motivated, and excited about the impact it would have. Maybe you thought it would be more fun than it turned out to be. Maybe you got distracted by ... Views: 1451
ou need it. You want it. You miss it. You dream about it. You don’t have it. You may have had it. Where did it go and how can you get it back? It use to be easy. It never worked before. You wonder if you deserve it. You worry about losing it if you actually get it. They have it and you’re ... Views: 1152
It happens to the best of us. Things happen. People say things. Stuff breaks. Suddenly you look up and you are in the midst of a terrible situation. The buck stops with you and everyone is impatiently waiting for you to fix it. The good news is you are a highly responsible person so they have ... Views: 1209
We all have moments in life when we are just not feeling the love. In every kind of love, there are times when things go wrong and people disappoint you. It happens to the best of us. I want you to know that when you feel this way that everything is fine. There is nothing wrong with you. You may ... Views: 1173
So some old guy with a terminal diagnosis decides to run off and create some grand adventures before it all ends. It was a fun movie that sparked a worldwide phenomenon. People everywhere have started busting out of the doldrums of ordinary living to “live” by seeking incredible memories and ... Views: 1175
1. Think about What ‘Quality’ Means for You
It does not matter what everyone else wants for you. Right now, if you are going to get unstuck, you must be willing to explore what you want from life. Yes, I know you want to make others happy. What about you? What would make you happy? What would ... Views: 1204
Be honest with yourself for just a moment. No one else matters right now. Let’s talk about what you really want. This is not about what you are responsible for. This is not about what they want you to do. Just for this moment, don’t concern yourself about what should be. Sit with the idea that ... Views: 1163
You are focused on what you don’t have and what is going wrong. I know there is a difference between where you are and where you think you need to be. The difference may seem insurmountable. The consequences may be terrible. The whole situation may be overwhelming. You feel like you are losing ... Views: 1376
Yes, things look bleak. It’s really scary. You don’t know what you’re going to do and you don’t know what to do first. This is hard. It hurts. You’ve taken some losses; you’ve suffered some serious hits. I get it.
You just want things to get better. You’re not a quitter but you just don’t ... Views: 4180
Is it just me or is that chip on your shoulder getting bigger than ever? Man, you must be a really fun person to be around – NOT!
Why are you so defensive anyway? Yes, I get that you don’t want to be taken advantage of. Yes I understand you are nobody’s fool. Are you willing to consider, just ... Views: 1177
Something I saw and then heard myself telling someone the other day that touched me:
“I know it’s really attractive to think that [name] is coming to help you or save you from this situation. We all want to be cared for so I get that. I need you to hear and really understand that there is NO ... Views: 1049
Oh boy! This is it. YES! It’s finally here.
Um, don’t sit there like you don’t know what I’m talking about.
Today is THE day!
You remember?
Of course you remember. How could you forget?! You had so much excitement and confidence about how fantastic it would be as soon as you had ... Views: 831
Listen, I know how expectations can build during a holiday. This day is no exception. I just want to encourage you to stay focused on the things that matter. Please don’t allow the hype and frenzy to derail your peace and joy.
Listen, I’ll make a deal with you. If you agree do what you can to ... Views: 797
Before we all go off to celebrate another ending and new beginning, may I encourage you to remember why you are right where you are, and celebrate all those things you did accomplish in 2012.
Now I know the overachiever in you is merely focused on all the things on your list that didn’t get ... Views: 958
For good reasons or for reasons you cannot even explain, you are not in a good place right now. You might be spinning in circles in totally sensory overload; feeling completely overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done. Fantastic! You might be really afraid of what is about to happen or ... Views: 1031
Stop telling yourself that you can’t. That was then. This is now.
Stop telling yourself that you aren’t. That was then. This is now.
Stop telling yourself that you haven’t. That was then. This is now.
Stop claiming that you don’t. That was then. This is now.
It does not matter how ... Views: 1091
Every now and again you run into someone that does not have anything positive to say. That Negative Nancy insists on sharing horrible tales of injustice and songs of woe. Hearing them whine and complain about the sunrise or the effervescent giggles of a small child, you begin to wonder when they ... Views: 1227
This was a tough weekend. If you’re not emotionally drained, chances are you know someone who is. Our hearts and thoughts are with the families and communities experiencing the most unthinkable loss and grief. When a tragedy occurs, your heart can ache searching for a way to return to a sense of ... Views: 970
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Keep Hope Alive - by Adrienne Fikes; Adrienne the Soul Power Coach
Yes, I know and let’s go beyond thinking about the messenger to the meaning of the message.
Keep. Hope. Alive. It’s a demand, not a request.
It’s a challenge that is yours to take. What does that mean to you in this moment of your life? What circumstances are attacking your level of hope? ... Views: 1127
Hey thank you! Yes, I mean you. YES, you! Please don’t miss this moment. Give these words your full attention for just a minute, okay? Great! Just breathe.
Relax. I want to sincerely express my gratitude to you for the choices you make today. Seriously, thank you! Thank you for shining your ... Views: 1109
So my niece is back in town for just a bit and we got together with the family for some fellowship yesterday. As we sat down to the
table, the familiar sibling argument began between her and her little brother about who is going to sit where and who gets to sit next to mom. The updated ... Views: 966
One of the great ways to motivate yourself is to be intentional bringing abundance into your world. How abundant do you feel right now? How abundant is your life these days? Where could you use more abundance? This week, I want to challenge you to live in more abundance. For the rest of the ... Views: 1002
I can’t afford it.
I’m too busy.
I don’t really need it.
I’ll do it later.
I don’t deserve it.
I’m in a good place right now.
What lame excuse is your inner critic using to keep you where you are? What lies are you telling yourself to avoid taking any action on this divine ... Views: 1066
I wonder who was the first person was to say “Don’t hate. Congratulate!” If you know who it was, please send them a great big thank you for that bit of sage advice. It is true wisdom for the ages, particularly for someone like you.
Yeah, I said it.
Oh, but I am not talking about you ... Views: 1936
We have all done this at one point or another. The flash of genius. The rush of enthusiasm. The big burst of energy. Then along the way, your interest beings to wane. Life gets in the way. Progress slows to a crawl or stops entirely. The idea that was going to change the world is now heaped into ... Views: 1714
Wow, could you just make a decision already? Please!
How many times have you heard that from yourself or others? You wonder why what seems like such a simple decision for others is so difficult for you. Or perhaps you are usually extremely decisive and yet find yourself waffling between ... Views: 5926
Ok, yes I know. You are already pushing toward that goal. You have taken the initiative and considered the risks were well worth the reward. Honestly, you did not see this as a choice. Your heart and soul were calling you to reach for this new level. Things felt great initially. You were feeling ... Views: 2324
What do you want? No seriously what do you want? What are you asking for? What are you expecting? What are you hoping for? Your challenge, should you chose to accept it, is to accept all the abundance that comes your way in the next 48 hours. You will face many moments in your life when your own ... Views: 1432
One thing I hear often is that by just thinking positive or speaking affirmations, you can overcome your fears. Unfortunately this well meaning sentiment is only part of the story. The other part is something you might not want to know. In order for you to truly get unstuck, it is necessary for ... Views: 1275
Congratulations! You stepped out there to fulfill your dreams. You clearly understand that having lasting, meaningful success means setting priorities and being focused on achieving your goals. You are not just a wish upon a star dreamer, your sleeves are rolled way up and the elbow grease is ... Views: 1668
It's just after 3am right now and I'm on a Northeast train headed to a business meeting in another city. I'm really not a morning person and I'm very sleepy. Make no mistake - this is not the way I normally chose to spend my early mornings. When I get off the train, I'm headed straight to my ... Views: 953