Cali is so much healthier than most dogs her age (which is 14.5 years old) however, she isn’t immune to things, and lately, we’ve had more visits to the Vet and to the Animal Hospital than in the past. It’s scary and frightening until I have answers on how to help her.
She’s been getting a ... Views: 1105
If you follow me on Facebook, you would have seen posts recently about my girl being admitted to our local animal hospital, Angell Memorial. Quite honestly, it was a scary time. Something that has made a huge difference to me when scary things are going on is to ask for positive energy from my ... Views: 961
I posted a comment on a Facebook thread recently that studies have shown that at least 90% of all chronic illness is caused by negative emotions (primarily stress). The good news is that if you change your emotions, your illness can often diminish or disappear.
Well, one of the readers got ... Views: 1187
When one of my clients, “Susan,” an entrepreneur, first started working with me she was anxious about her lack of success in her own business. She wanted to make more money and have more clients, but that wasn’t happening for her, even though she was very good at what she did.
During our ... Views: 980
The other night, I was watching the news on television. There was an expert panel discussing some critical issue, and the group was made up of three men and one woman. When the woman wanted to make a point, she would ask,“Can I interrupt?” and wait to see if she could interject and share her ... Views: 902
Nothing stays the same. You really don’t want it to stay the same. An expression I share a lot when speaking from the stage is that “you’re either growing or dying.” Think about a flower. Once the seed is planted, it grows and grows until the flower blooms…and a bloom only lasts so long, ... Views: 1140
Do you ever get frustrated wondering why it is taking so long for you to achieve your goals and manifest your abundance? You’re not alone.
A lot of people that I’ve met and then worked with have told that this is one of their biggest worries. The fear that this “thing” that they “really, ... Views: 989
Right now, I’m sitting at my desk trying to write this blog. As use the word “trying” as Cali (my wonderful 4-legged child) is making that crying noise and distracting me from getting into my creative mode. What do I do? Telling her to stop crying will definitely not work. I can push through ... Views: 1112
Right now, I’m sitting at my desk trying to write this blog. As use the word “trying” as Cali (my wonderful 4-legged child) is making that crying noise and distracting me from getting into my creative mode. What do I do? Telling her to stop crying will definitely not work. I can push through ... Views: 1098
When most people focus on charging what they’re worth, they focus on what they should charge. Right? It makes sense that you would think that. You evaluate what your pricing (or salary) is and decide if it is valuing you. Then, you raise your prices.
However, there’s another side to the ... Views: 1085
Stressed out about all of the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Right? You’re rocking it out one minute and the next so far behind. How in the heck does that happen? And, what about all of the things you’re telling yourself that it means? Those thoughts keep pushing your success further ... Views: 1303
There is a song that I grew up listening to as my parents played it by Rogers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma that had a chorus that went like this:
“Oh, what a beautiful morning,
Oh, what a beautiful day,
I’ve got a wonderful feeling,
Everything’s going my way.”
To listen to the audio ... Views: 970
Thanksgiving should be fun, right? Turkey, stuffing, corn bread, pumpkin pie and so much more really good food to eat. Just thinking about all of that deliciousness makes you want to wear clothes with an elastic waistband and never look at a scale again.
The holiday season has started ... Views: 939
Knowing how to manifest has made all of the difference in my success. You see, when I started my business, I didn’t have much in the way of financial resources (aka money). Yet, I had all of these big dreams and desires and hopes for them to all come into my life.
There was so much I wanted ... Views: 1055
I used to think it was all about the money. Reaching the end goal. Partly, because I’m really results-oriented and partly because of my background in corporate. It was always about winning and being successful. Boom! That’s where the rewards always were.
In corporate, my boss called to ... Views: 1591
There’s an expression I first heard when I became an entrepreneur.
“You don’t know, what you don’t know”.
Have you heard that before?
The other day, I was at the salon getting my hair cut. One woman was complaining to another that she wished she had done her wedding photographs ... Views: 1776
"What's your sign?"
"Hey, beautiful"
"Want to see come up and see my art work?"
Think back to your younger, single days (or maybe for you that's what you are now) and when you went to the bars.
Remember how much you hated hearing those lines? I did. Yikes...I felt like ... Views: 1973
Sound familiar? I was just at a networking event and was speaking to an acquaintance of mine who was telling me her most recent sad story of a resource she hired going “haywire”. She hired a copywriter and was very disappointed with the results. Every time I talk to her, she has another ... Views: 1992
This past month, I’ve been to so many events where I saw entrepreneurs repeatedly make the same mistakes. Ultimately, that is taking them off the fast path to success. Over and over again!
These entrepreneurs complain, get frustrated, disappointed and even angry that they’re not having the ... Views: 1783
Tired of being indecisive?
I worked with a client recently that had prospective clients asking her to create long term programs because they really wanted to work with her in that way. She had been sitting on this issue for a month when we first met. She was afraid the offering and ... Views: 2107
4 little words. “Bright Shiny Object Syndrome”
Most entrepreneurs tend to follow the bright shiny light instead of being strategic and staying on path.
Every entrepreneur needs to have a solid foundation. A base. No matter what their level. This foundation brings in income, a way of ... Views: 2103
Wow! I wanted to send this woman a mirror. I was having a conversation with someone at a networking meeting who proceeded to tell me about all of the times “coaching” didn’t work for her. She named several other coaches she worked with and proclaimed how both they and their programs had ... Views: 2180
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Why They Say "NO" - by Kate Beeders, Money, Mindset & Marketing Expert/Speaker
Why "They" Say No
I almost titled this article “why you say no” as it’s the same reasons.
Think about when you’re making the “sales calls” to get clients. That’s an important foundation of your business. Things are going great during the call, you're making a terrific connection, ... Views: 2026
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Who Cares? - by Kate Beeders, Money, Mindset & Marketing Expert/Speaker
This is something a lot of entrepreneurs do that really sabotages their success. They get so caught up with what everyone else is thinking. Their brains are going a mile a minute with all sorts of worry and comparisons. As a result, they procrastinate and don’t take action.
I remember when ... Views: 2010
Having success is work. It is challenging. I think so many entrepreneurs forget that. This is especially common for the entrepreneurs who were successful in corporate or when working for someone else. They become disappointed, disillusioned, and discouraged.
One of my clients, “Robin” ... Views: 2129
As an entrepreneur, you have to be focused and have clarity on what you want this year if you want to reach your goals.
For some of you that will be really easy. You may already have the vision in your mind. You may know exactly whom you want to work with and how you want to work with ... Views: 3197
Can You Beat The Odds?
Most everyone starts the year out fully motivated and excited about what they want to accomplish. But, what happens? Most end up fading out a few months in (if they even make it that long). I call them the New Year’s Resolution people. I used to see them at my gym. ... Views: 2061
I’ll bet you’re wondering when the spending is going to stop and you’re actually going to be making a profit. It seems like the more you make, the more you have to spend. I noticed that in my own business. As I saw my numbers rise, I needed additional members on my team, fancier on-line ... Views: 1994
The beauty of being an entrepreneur is we can determine our income. One of the ways of the fastest ways raising your income is to give yourself a raise. With the beginning of a new year, it’s time to think about if you want to do that.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself?
1. When ... Views: 2006
This subject is so very much a part of my mission and so near and dear to my heart. I love to teach entrepreneurs how to make success even sweeter!
In society, you’re often taught that we’ll be happier if you’re successful and making a lot of money. Following that logic, that means that ... Views: 1916
If this isn't an interesting topic, I don't know what is.
You can learn a lot about business success on Shark Tank. For those of you who haven’t watched it, aspiring entrepreneurs come on the show asking for funds to grow their business. Some contestants have new businesses that haven’t ... Views: 1955
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Why Buy The Cow...? - by Kate Beeders, Money, Mindset & Marketing Expert/Speaker
Remember that expression? “Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free”. Well, we women know what are mother’s were referring to. (It was a silly expression but I found myself using it during some of my private clients' sessions to really drive home a point)
This expression also ... Views: 1926
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The 6 P's Of Success - by Kate Beeders, Money, Mindset & Marketing Expert/Speaker
It’s so simple –yet so hard if you don't know what you're doing. Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance. That says it all.
Yet so many entrepreneurs run their business by the seat of their pants, from the panic mode.
I call it “near sighted vision”. They only see what's in ... Views: 3150
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The 6 P's Of Success - by Kate Beeders, Money, Mindset & Marketing Expert/Speaker
It’s so simple –yet so hard if you don't know what you're doing. Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance. That says it all.
Yet so many entrepreneurs run their business by the seat of their pants, from the panic mode.
I call it “near sighted vision”. They only see what's in ... Views: 1964
She wanted this so badly for her business but couldn’t say “yes”. Her husband wouldn’t approve and she’d feel guilty that she wasn’t putting her children first. Boy, could that guilt be overwhelming! She felt as if there was no way to win.
Every time she got new clients, she’d have dreams ... Views: 1900
Whenever I go to networking events (which is quite often) I always get people’s interest up when I talk about money. Especially, when I talk about charging what you’re worth. That’s when the conversations really start flowing. And the complaints!
Here’s what they tell me happens. Do any ... Views: 1365
Tick tock, tick tock! Are you a time bomb ready to explode? Stress and overwhelm are one of the biggest complaints I hear from my clients. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Between taking care of their family, personal life and business there just seems to ... Views: 1776
Tick tock, tick tock! Are you a time bomb ready to explode? Stress and overwhelm are one of the biggest complaints I hear from my clients. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Between taking care of their family, personal life and business there just seems to ... Views: 1781
In a coaching session the other day, one of my multi- 6-figure clients was talking about all of the ways he has been procrastinating. He hasn’t been writing his weekly ezine. He admitted he felt stressed out and that there weren’t enough hours in each day. Although, he did confess he was ... Views: 1590
When I worked in Corporate, we always had an annual event in another state. All 5 offices of my company would come together for these 2 days. They would have a motivational speaker for us to listen to. Once, it was someone from Dale Carnegie (How to Influence People and Win Friends). I won ... Views: 1879
If you’re like me, you’re probably impatient – wanting things to have happened yesterday. I planted flowers in May…actually some were potted and some were seeds. The potted flowers (lipstick red geraniums, golden French marigolds and others) are gorgeous to look at each day.
The sunflower ... Views: 1675
Everyday I take hundreds of different types of action. Some little –some big. I find that the “in limbo” state of not knowing what to do often gets in the way and keeps me stuck. I used to play different scenarios in my head of which way I want to go. I got really tired of doing things that ... Views: 1413
The strangest thing happened to me the other day. I was invited to the Cape (aka Cape Cod for those of you outside Massachusetts), and my response was I needed to check my schedule. Wow! That response stopped me dead in my tracks. The invitation was for 3 weeks away that was certainly ... Views: 1569
There are so many ways of advertising your business and they all come with different price tags. It could be flyers, ads in newspapers/websites, sponsorships. There are hundreds of ways to do this. I want to share the best one (and my favorite) with you – and it doesn’t cost a cent! ... Views: 1387
When I was a flight attendant (back when it was actually fun to be one), I worked with so many different types of personalities. One crew member was so silly and dramatic. I remember him so clearly. He was able to get away with saying anything and passengers would just laugh. He had the ... Views: 1454
Try this experiment. Open up your wallet. What do you see inside? Money? Credit cards?
Is there a lot there? Or just a little?
Isn’t it amazing that the money you have or the lack of money you have effects how you feel about yourself, your business and life? Did you ever notice that ... Views: 1397
Honestly, I couldn’t wait to share this with you. This was good news that I couldn’t wait to announce at the top of my lungs.
I recently had the honor and privilege of being interviewed and featured by one the top DJ’s in Boston for the #1 radio station in Boston for her Exceptional Women ... Views: 1377
When I was a Business Development Executive, I would “chase” (yes, that’s the word we used) after really big, multi million dollar deals. Often, it would take months (or even years) of marketing to finally get that new client. Then what would happen, I would be so busy with my new (very large) ... Views: 1311
It’s the end of the year, time for the holidays and you’re wrapping up your year’s end and thinking about next year. You’re wondering what will 2012 bring?
Recently, I spoke to one of my private clients and we reviewed all she’s accomplished in the last few months of us working together ... Views: 1529
There are so many talented and gifted solopreneurs out there who are starting to have some - or having a lot – of success. The problem comes when they start becoming so overwhelmed with everything going on, that the success stops becoming fun. They’re feeling like a gerbil spinning on the ... Views: 2214