When creating a family budget, three factors determine the structure of the document: income, expenses, and savings. After the budget is completed, the next step is to make an effort to improve the budget, particularly by increasing the savings. However, the money for more savings must come ... Views: 1328
A life coach has specific, well-defined, and limited roles for their clients. When deciding whether to hire a life coach, it is helpful to know what a life coach does and does not provide, so that you can decide whether a life coach is for you.
What is Provided by Life Coach
A life coach ... Views: 1848
Reading textbooks is different than any other type of reading. Unlike reading for pleasure (whether you read fiction or nonfiction), textbook reading is done because you have to do it. Also, textbook reading is much more detailed than pleasure reading. Unlike reading magazines or newspapers, ... Views: 1278
A family budget consists of three parts – income, expenses, and savings. To create a workable financial statement for a family, all three parts must be understood. Each of the parts is similar to corresponding parts of a business budget, but the family’s budget has different perspectives and ... Views: 1447
One of the more challenging aspects of coaching is getting someone to believe in what I, as a coach, can see as possible for the client. People have a hard time believing how much they can accomplish. As Jim Rohn said, people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they ... Views: 4152
As a teacher, I have observed students for many years. Over and over again, students are more stressed over test grades than any other grade, and this stress is caused by a lack of perspective. Tests are not the most important grade in a typical course; in fact, they are often not given the ... Views: 1194
"Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want and do." - Emmanuel Swedenborg
Every time we ... Views: 1454
"The key to getting what you want is to cause a shift in your vibrations to focus on what you do want." – Frank Mangano
The Law of Attraction is based upon a more fundamental law, the Law of Vibration. The Vibration Law says that every result, every thought, everything has a particular ... Views: 2028
"Positive visualizations also create powerful energy from within you. The universe will take notice of your positive energy and you will be able to meet your goals quickly with help from the universe." – Dr. Steve G. Jones
One of the questions that is often asked about manifestations is ... Views: 2166
The Universe operates under many laws, some of which are corollaries to others. People who cooperate with the laws and operate within the laws tend to be successful; those who oppose or work against the laws have a more difficult time, despite the appearance of temporary success. These laws ... Views: 1837
Resolutions and goals are very similar; they both represent something we want to achieve. However, they differ on their effectiveness. Goals are considered to be a foundation stone of success, depending on your definition of success, whereas resolutions have, according to some studies, a 97% ... Views: 1715
Zig Ziglar tells a story of when he was buying a bicycle for his son. There were two bicycle stores in town; the first was a cycle shop, which had a starter bicycle for a higher price, say $79. The second was a discount shop, whose starter bicycle was, say, $39. Mr. Ziglar bought the cheaper ... Views: 1895
When someone talks to me about life coaching, they often ask me where it starts. “Where,” they say, “do you begin? After all, life is such a huge topic, how do you pick your starting point?” The starting point of a coaching program is determined by what can be called The Gap. Since gaps are ... Views: 1236
"You will be able to attract amazing things into your life by changing your negative behavior into positive behavior." – Frank Mangano
The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool to help you improve your career, your life, and your world. However, for the Law of Attraction to work, you need to ... Views: 1309
John Maxwell says that when you put together a plan of action to reach a goal, to accomplish something significant, you need to focus on using your strengths, not compensating for your weaknesses. When a coach of an athletic team is planning a game strategy, he looks at each player for what they ... Views: 1051
When I was selling life insurance, many times prospects would say they were not going to buy life insurance “until the time was right.” Now, they knew and I knew that was just an excuse for not buying, but I have since heard that many times when talking to people about self-development. “I’ll ... Views: 1418
The Law of Attraction works in either three or four phases, depending on your perspective. Regardless of how you approach the Law of Attraction, the last phase of its operation is you receiving what you have attracted. The key to this phase is that you receive the result with an attitude that ... Views: 1278
Gaining confidence can be difficult, particularly if you are just starting after a history of not having any. If you have a list of situations where you did not accomplish what you set out to get done, or you have not gotten what you strived for, confidence can be in short supply. One way to ... Views: 1302
When I talk to a person about their budget and their savings plan, I often get the question “How much should I save?” The usual answer I give has been around for a long time, and is clearly expressed in the book “The Richest Man in Babylon”. By keeping to this principle, you can start a ... Views: 1552
One of the necessary actions for success is taking risks; the old saying “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” is very true when it comes to reaching goals, to achieving success. However, not everyone is willing to risk their security, real or imagined, for a chance at being successful. In order ... Views: 1218
There are two ideas in the personal development field that appear to be contradictions; however, since both appear to be valid, this contradiction must be apparent rather than real. The lack of substance to this contradiction is found when we explore the reason behind the two ideas.
The ... Views: 1311
Again and again, when I talk to students and colleagues about time management, I get the response "I don't even know where to begin." People want to practice good time management, people want to be productive and effective; they just do not know how. Most people do not even know how to begin ... Views: 1445
The fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction is that what you think about is what you get. However, while that is what the law states, it needs power to accomplish that task. Without power, the Law of Attraction will work, but it will work slowly, in barely visible ways, and with just ... Views: 1356
For someone who has had little success or achievement in their life, developing a strong level of self-confidence can be a significant challenge. It is a major leap of faith to believe in oneself to the depth necessary to develop a feeling of self-assurance in all aspects of your life. For ... Views: 1353
What does a typical day look like for a homeschooling family? In many ways, it is the same as anybody else’s day. Parents go to work, chores are done around the house (you hope), and kids do their homework, either with or without their parents’ help. However, in many ways the day is very, very ... Views: 1873
One of the first steps of using the Law of Attraction is to set your goals. You must know what it is you want before the Universe can begin to manifest it for you. When teaching someone to do this, I generally start off with the questions “What do you want out of life? What are your dreams?” ... Views: 1510
When you study works on achieving goals, over and over again you will run into the statement that you should write your goals down. By this, the authors of these works mean to physically hand-write the goals out, with all their properties; typing them into a computer screen is simply not as ... Views: 1389
Many students have a difficult time taking notes in class. The instructor is going through something important, turns to the class, says “Any questions?”, and all he sees are the tops of the heads of students busy writing down what they hope will be good notes. This scenario occurs again and ... Views: 1620
Problem solving is a skill everyone wants and which is needed in every aspect of your life, from work to hobby to family life. However, most people study problem solving in a very limited environment: high school mathematics (if at all). What we need is a plan of development for our problem ... Views: 1611
We all have goals and resolutions that we start on; the problem is persevering until the goal is reached or the resolution is achieved. We get discouraged, we get distracted, we quit, we change direction; all of these are part of life. When you are creating a plan to reach a goal or achieve a ... Views: 1225
In every course that I have ever taken or taught, the students are given a syllabus for the course in their first class. Most students passively listen to the instructor explain what is in the syllabus and then put the syllabus away and forget about it. However, understanding the syllabus and ... Views: 1411
Resolutions and goals are closely related, and while there are some differences, those differences occur more in the creation and planning phases and less when implementing either. This would indicate that the same skills and abilities that help implement goals would also help reach ... Views: 1190
They are the bane of all schedules, the destroyer of all plans. They are the dread of managers and coordinators everywhere. They bring the organizer to their knees.
They are unexpected events.
Unexpected events take up valuable time and energy and money. They use up resources which were ... Views: 1759
Many people, in many places, teach how to reach goals. Among the practices taught, writing goals down is one of the most repeated instructions. There is ample evidence that written goals are attained more often than goals not written down, and this fact is all that is given to explain why to ... Views: 1189
One of the reasons people do not read as much as should, at least according to what they tell me, is that they do not understand what they are reading. They end up reading the same thing over and over again, not understanding what they are seeing, and give up in frustration. They decide ... Views: 1772
Every student goes through it. They get to the bookstore, tell the assistant what course they are taking, and are given this incredibly large volume. When the student sits down and looks at the book, it is full of charts and exercises and other things, to the point that the student is totally ... Views: 1491
Many people are hesitant to act confidently for fear of being perceived as arrogant. But confidence is needed in achieving goals and reaching success. This fear, then, holds many people back from reaching the results they desire and deserve. By understanding the difference better, a person ... Views: 1543
The Law of Attraction says we get what we think about. But how does this actually occur? What do I have to do to invoke the Law of Attraction to get the things I want rather than the things I do not want? Is there anything else involved on my part? The answers to these and similar questions ... Views: 1774
Confidence is built on the acceptance of yourself and your abilities. Perfectionism is the belief that you should do nothing if it is not done perfectly. So perfectionism is one of the stronger enemies of confidence. If you are going to develop your confidence, you need to suppress any ... Views: 1511
The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that the Universe, made aware of our desires, will bring those desires to us. The Universe is made aware of our desires by our thoughts and, more importantly, our actions. To get the Law of Attraction to exert its full power, we need to provide our ... Views: 1280
We all want to be confident: confident in our work, confident in our thinking, confident in our relationships. We feel that we are lacking in confidence, sometimes to the point of fearfulness. We hold ourselves back, telling ourselves that we will move forward when we are more confident. But ... Views: 1073
Let me confess something right up front: I am not a neat person. Anyone who has looked at my desk will verify that fact. But the fact of the matter is that being organized will help a person who is working at for a goal, particularly a goal like getting an education. Organization can be at ... Views: 1672
An adult student needs to be able to read a paper or a chapter and understand the material on their own, outside of the classroom. One of the best ways to make sure that this happens effectively is to take notes while reading, writing down the ideas and thoughts inspired by what is being ... Views: 1589
Good time management is closely linked to goal planning, but they are not the same. Time management is a tool used to implement the steps needed to reach a goal, but it is not part of the goal achievement. By examining the differences, we can gain clarity on both time management and goal ... Views: 1321
Many times, when we are working to improve ourselves, we need to determine what we are already doing. In time management, for example, we need to determine where we are spending our time. Since most of our activity is based on subconscious or unconscious habitual behavior, we need to find out ... Views: 1434
Reaching a goal is typically not a simple or quick task. A serious goal is going to require serious effort. Also, reaching goals is not a straight line progress; the process is full of ups and downs, with progress being intermixed with regression. Sheer willpower and strength of personality ... Views: 3576
Many parents who consider homeschooling are concerned with their own ability to teach their children. They feel that they are not trained as a teacher, or they do not have enough education, or that they will in some way make a mistake and permanently damage their child. Having homeschooled all ... Views: 1853
In my experience as an instructor, I have seen students handle many different activities. While each student is different, some things show up again and again. Difficulties with homework are one of those common characteristics, and it can hold a student back from earning the deserved grade. ... Views: 1554
Distractions come in two forms. The first form are one-shot distractions, things that do not always occur. Visits from friends, although hopefully frequent, are still one-shot distractions. The second form of distractions are things that always occur. Email is a classic example of continuous ... Views: 1495
When it comes to managing time, planning our day, or any number of success activities, many times we are blocked by the sheer number of things that are involved. How can I reach a goal that requires so many things, many of which I do not have yet? How can I schedule my day when I have so many ... Views: 1378