By Pierre AH-FAT
Have you noticed how often urgent assignments, documents to sign or tasks to complete come to you at the last minute as most urgent matters? The way these are presented to us appear to be so imperative that it would seem the world would stop if they are not implemented ... Views: 1917
By Pierre Ah-Fat
Are you among those persons who begin their day with a to do list? Do you often bring remaining tasks forward for the following day? Does this leave you with a feeling of incompleteness? Do you go to bed with the burden that there is always more to do the following day? ... Views: 2825
Why Managing Time Sometimes Fails?
By Pierre Ah-Fat
‘If you control your time, you control your life’ Alan Laiken (1973)
‘Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.’
(Mother Teresa)
‘You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you ... Views: 2077
How do you perceive life?
By Pierre Ah-Fat, MBA, Transformation Coach
The story of the two frogs
Two frogs fell in a small well. They both started asking themselves what they should now do. One said: ‘Let us try to climb and get out of this well. We shall then be free to see the world.’ ... Views: 2611
How To Balance Your Emotions
By Pierre Ah-Fat, MBA, Transformation Coach
We want to love and be loved. Don't we?
We may fear being rejected by others. But before asking why others would reject us have we ever wondered whether we accept ourselves as we are? Ever wondered whether you ... Views: 2264
Quick Tips to a Strong, Confident Personality
By Pierre Laval Ah-Fat, MBA, Transformational Coach
So you crave to become that person you dream about. But there is a you-don’t-know-what which blocks you. What is it? You may not be doing the thing that you would most like to do in life. For ... Views: 3076