When ABC News interviewed me for their upcoming show on the pros and cons of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction, one of their questions was, “Why are there so many self-help books?”
Apparently a published skeptic felt that if self-help books really worked, we wouldn’t need so many of ... Views: 1076
A reader watched my DVD, Humbug, and emailed me this question:
“Was there one point in your life that was the turn around? I often ask people who’ve obviously hitched themselves to a Saturn 5 rocket the same question.”
I get that question a lot.
I’ve been thinking about it long and ... Views: 1051
What’s a key to self-help, self-improvement or self-development?
Ace is the most upbeat, revved up and amped up guy I know. He absolutely loves making amplifiers for musicians.
I’ve seen people in love with their work before – from plumbers to postal workers to electrical repair people — ... Views: 1552
If you’ve ever doubted that you could accomplish something, you’ll love this story.
A year ago I hadn’t written a single song, couldn’t carry a tune, didn’t have a solid beat, only knew a few guitar chords, and never sang in public or in the studio.
Today I have my first singer-songwriter ... Views: 1016
Years ago I asked Rhonda Byrne — the woman behind the Law of Attraction hit movie The Secret — an important question.
We were having dinner in Maui when I asked, “How did you come up with the idea for the movie?”
She thought for a long time before answering, “I called it forth.”
“I ... Views: 1217
I flew to Houston recently to do one thing: test drive a Spyker, a hand made exotic super car from Holland.
It was a departure from my usual way of doing things. I never take a day off to fly to another city just to see a car. But it felt right. It felt like I almost couldn’t stop myself from ... Views: 945
People have been asking for scientific evidence for the Law of Attraction ever since the movie The Secret hit the Internet four years ago last month.
I’m excited to report it’s here in the form of a readable book.
I was in Utah last week visiting my Miracles Coaching team when I decided to ... Views: 1348
A massage therapist I know asked me if he should start asking people to donate money for his services rather than pay a specific price. He thought the former would be the ultimate demonstration of abundance consciousness.
What do you think?
Is leaving the payment up to the customer or ... Views: 885
Hybrid cars are coming out of the floors and ceilings these days. While I’m still excited (and still waiting) for the Scorpion, that incredible hydrogen-gas super exotic car being made for me, I’m also keeping my eyes open for other green auto innovations. When Porsche announced its 918 Spyder, ... Views: 834
When I was a kid I asked my parents for a guitar for Christmas. I was probably under ten years old. They were struggling, scarcity minded, hard working folks who weren’t convinced I’d actually practice or stick with it. So they gave me a Roy Rogers special cowboy guitar, made out of ... Views: 981
Recently I caught the classic 1956 movie, Moby Dick, based on the famous book by Herman Melville, starring Gregory Peck, directed by John Huston, screenplay by Ray Bradbury. I was reminded of how hypnotic and meaningful the movie is, with symbols about Divinity and messages about the Law of ... Views: 1298
Can you complete this sentence —
“Money is the root of all –”
Of course you can.
“Evil” is what comes to mind.
But why?
IS money evil?
Many spiritual people think money is bad. They judge wealthy people as material.
Does that sound spiritual to you?
IS money bad?
ARE ... Views: 1743
This folk wisdom from Alex Haley reveals a secret to success in life –
“Anytime you see a turtle on top of a fence post, you know he had some help.”
This is relevant because I just finished the long awaited sequel to the bestselling book Zero Limits and was reminded of something along the ... Views: 1516
My entire day got rearranged when Rhonda Byrne’s new book, The Power, arrived. I dropped everything to read it. I have been waiting for her sequel to the global hit movie and book The Secret since 2006. Well, it’s finally here.
I’ve liked Rhonda ever since she first called me in 2005 and ... Views: 1352
Which of these mistakes do you make with the Law of Attraction?
1. Thinking imagining what you want is enough.
2. Trying to attract a specific person.
3. Focusing on the material only.
4. Focusing on the spiritual only.
5. Working with affirmations only.
Truth is, there are many ... Views: 1467
Vocal wizard Guy Monroe told me about working with a singing student and urging her to just break all the rules and experiment with her voice. He suggested she do things faster than normal as a way to break limitations.
Guy said, “The faster you go, intelligences appear. This is trust ... Views: 1300
I was interviewed about my new audio program (The Abundance Paradigm) while in Chicago recording it. The host asked, “Joe, with the economy in the tank and sinking, what are we to do?”
“How do you know it’s sinking?” I asked. “Where did you hear about it?”
He seemed surprised by my ... Views: 1327
Now that I’m on an intense learning adventure to sing, play guitar, write my own music, and record my own album in 2011, I get to see what it’s like to struggle in the pursuit of a goal in a new category.
The key word is “new.”
I’ve written over fifty books. Writing another one would be ... Views: 1172
Around 1994 my life was changed by a book called Spiritual Politics.
It helped me see the big picture of global conflicts and gave me an elevated view of what was happening. It delivered a fascinating analysis of the cosmic, karmic and metaphysical reasons behind politics, world affairs and ... Views: 1164
Recently a person commented that I was just after “the dimes.”
When I said I was actually just following the Divine, somebody else said it was clear I was just after “the dollars.”
The two comments got me thinking about money, motivation and perception. I decided I would share some of my ... Views: 1355
He said he doesn’t recall the last time he worked a 40 hour week because he works 18 hour days. (!)
He went on to explain that he often spends entire days, one after the other, trying to write a song, and turning up nothing.
But then one day a hit (such as Her Diamonds, Push, Lonely No ... Views: 1185
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “He’ll get over it.”
It’s usually said after someone has been hurt by a statement. The person who said it will rationalize, “They’ll get over it.”
But will they?
For decades now, I’ve been doing my best to encourage people to go for their dreams. When ... Views: 875
He said focus on process, not perfection.
He said he doesn’t care to avoid death, that he instead wants us to live long enough to complete our life mission.
He said he’s seen dramatic transformation right after people take total self responsibility.
He said he’s seen 225% better results ... Views: 966
A few people have asked me what I mean by the Divine or Universe. I’ve talked about this in my books and audio programs, but since it keeps coming up, I’ll also address it here. I’ll use one person’s recent questions as the kick-off, and I’ll end with a surprise gift for you. Here goes:
1- Is ... Views: 954
Tom Moore wrote a couple of cool books that are helping me fine-tune my intentions these days.
The Gentle Way and The Gentle Way II are “self-help guides for those who believe in angels.”
I love the niche of the titles: if you don’t believe in angels, pass up these books. But I don’t think ... Views: 3688
The Universe gives clues to you all the time.
You have to notice them.
What you do with them is up to you.
That’s free will.
Here’s an example:
Recently I was talking to Pat O’Bryan about this and that when he mentioned he visited famed luthier Tony Nobles. Tony showed him his ... Views: 1325
At some point it’s wise to accept or create a “Rubicon Challenge” for yourself. It’s a way to stretch your talents, exceed your potential, dare something worthy, and achieve what others might call impossible. The line or “river” you cross is the self-imposed limitation of your own potential.
I ... Views: 1339
Recently singer Daniel Barrett of the Austin band Porterdavis came to my home for my weekly pre-production session for my forthcoming album of original music. As he walked up the stairs into my recording studio area, I started congratulating him on something he hadn’t done yet.
“Dan, it was ... Views: 1304
Recently singer Sarah Marie kidnapped me.
If you’re going to be kidnapped, she’s the way to go.
We sometimes meet for coffee, and talk about everything from guitars and music to movies and dreams. We also “Nevillize” each others’ goals. She’s part of my support team for creating my own ... Views: 1096
I admit it. I'm frustrated. I'm tired of getting emails from people who write, "I can't do what you did because ---."
Just fill in the blank with whatever excuse you can think of.
People say they can't write as many books as I have because they don't have the time, or they're too old, or too ... Views: 1153
It was October of 2012 that I told my music producer and friend, Daniel Barrett, that my desire to make more music was dead. I didn’t feel inspired or connected to the muse. I was happy with the four albums of healing music I had already created, but I didn’t see any more on the horizon.
I ... Views: 1439
“Joe, what’s with the beads?”
People sometimes ask me why I wear a string of beads. I’ve been wearing them off and on since 1979. It began as a mala (prayer or meditation necklace) my spiritual teacher at the time asked me to wear. Over the years it evolved into something more.
I wore ... Views: 1360
In 1891 members of The Authors Club of New York came up with a terrific idea to raise funds for a permanent home for their meetings. I love their idea and want to share it with you. You could adapt it for many uses today. Plus there’s a lesson in prosperity here for you.
Let me ... Views: 1313
About four months ago I had breakfast with the incredible "Hulk," actor Lou Ferrigno. We hit it off so well that we kept in touch, and had a three hour dinner when he returned to my area. That was the other night. And I'm still so excited and inspired that I still can't sleep.
Lou is an ... Views: 1378
The area people get hung up the most with the Law of Attraction is “the how” of it all.
Meaning, they set an intention and then wonder and worry about what to do to actually manifest the end result.
They want a how.
That’s a mistake.
As I wrote in in my book The Attractor Factor, after ... Views: 1383
Mathew Dixon just released an amazing new e-book, titled Attracting for Others. It’s free. And fun. And eye-opening. I wish I had thought of it. Meanwhile, here’s my introduction to his book, which explains why you should go get it right now:
When you want to attract something, what do you ... Views: 1572
Recently I posted the following on my Facebook Fan Page:
“Action attracts motivation. Get moving and you get motivated.”
That insight was driven home while I was reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s autobiography, Total Recall, a book I love. Even at over 600 pages, I’m reading every word of it. ... Views: 2433
A few weeks ago, while I was recording my new audio program for Nightingale-Conant (The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation), I was inspired to share five ways to shift into the abundance mindset. Here’s one of them:
Most of us are so caught up in our ... Views: 1522
A little-known secret to attracting success in all areas of life is to look for the win-win-win in every relationship.
•I don’t want to win but have the other side lose.
•I don’t want just a win-win, either, though both sides winning is pretty cool.
•I want to complete the circuit with ... Views: 1033
Whenever you desire something bigger than yourself, you expand your mind, melt limitations, and turbocharge your energy. An example: Authors who were the most successful were the ones with "a sense of mission." They weren't just selling books; they were changing lives. Is it time for you to ... Views: 1319
I wasn’t going to mention it but several people — especially fans in Russia, Poland, Italy and Peru — have asked me about the “end of the world” later this month, scheduled for December 21st. Take it or leave it, here’s what I think:
My next book is titled Faith. It will be released February ... Views: 941
“Can I ask you a few questions about your take on the Law of Attraction?”
I was sitting in the living room of the home of Morty Lefkoe, author, speaker, belief therapist. Morty is probably the most loving man I’ve ever met. He exudes unconditional acceptance. He radiates love. If we needed to ... Views: 1464
One of the most powerful ways to transform your mind and body is something I learned four decades ago from the classic self-help book, The Magic of Believing, written in 1948 by Claude Bristol. It’s called The Mirror Technique.
I’ll explain the basic method to you, and then give you my ... Views: 7418
Before a recent massage session, my massage therapist (Mary Rose Lam) told me how she made a horrible mess that morning.
She accidentally spilled her blueberry smoothie all over her gray carpet. That left a big green stain. She was frustrated but told the story with a smile. I hadn't been ... Views: 1641
How do you attract more of what you want?
What do you do when it feels like nothing is working out for you?
Recently I interviewed Patricia Ryan Madson*, author of the book, Improv Wisdom. You might recall that I wrote about Patricia’s book on this blog on May 1st, exploring the question, ... Views: 2137
Recently I got to spend an hour and half talking to actor Lou Ferrigno, best known for his bodybuilding career and playing the comic book hero in the classic TV show, The Incredible Hulk.
Lou is 60 years old and looking as fit as ever, if not better than ever. He’s focused, hard working, ... Views: 1201
“I have a question regarding your recent promotion for The Secret to Attracting Money, I hope this doesn’t offend, it is a genuine question.
“You clearly want to help people out of poverty, so why are you charging $120 for the course? The people who need it most are people who are suffering ... Views: 2094
Decades ago — way back in the mid 1980s — I interviewed Stuart Wilde, metaphysical rogue and author of numerous New Age self-help books, such as The Trick to Money Is Having Some, Infinite Self, and The Quickening.
One of Stuart Wilde's books
I was struggling back then, but wrote freelance ... Views: 1413
I love magic. I know many magicians and often attend magic conventions and shows. I haunt the dealer room, where magic tricks are sold. I'm looking for the tricks that make people gasp in surprise and delight.
Unfortunately, most magic is on the level of a prank or kid's joke. That's not for ... Views: 1229
I love the cover design on Leonard Mlodinow’s new book, Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior. Depending on when the light hits the cover, you can’t see the “hidden” words, which is so, well, subliminal. I moved the book to and fro to catch some of the white words in this ... Views: 1639