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People are happiness seekers. We want to be happy and yet happiness eludes many of us. We say to ourselves, “I’ll be happy if I get that new car” or “I’ll be happy when I re-do the kitchen.” While these new things will increase our happiness for a time, their novelty wears off and we go back ... Views: 1555
I’m sitting in a big room that makes me feel so small I don’t even recognize the man sitting in front of me but he seems to know all about me by their conversation. My mum is telling him about the fact that I have started wetting the bed, how could she tell this stranger that about me? I feel so ... Views: 1500
The above two words could be seen as travelling in each other’s company, but this concept could not be further away from the truth. If you have every walked the road I was set to travel the difference is insurmountable. Many may even think that the difference is only marginal so why split hairs? ... Views: 1391
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The Birdcage - by W. Richard Hoffman WRHoffman and Associates
The Birdcage
I remember in my younger days, it was fashionable for people to own birds such as Parakeets, Song Birds and Canaries. Gentle birds who could be domesticated. These birds through training and experience with man could entertain with songs or repeat human words. Their reward would ... Views: 1505
Fatherhood and history often repeats itself. I woke up this morning with an old Harry Chapin song from back in the 70’s playing in my head. The song is called “Cats in the Cradle" and the lyrics that stuck in my head and keep playing over again go something like this….
“My child arrived just ... Views: 2591
There are events in our lives that can quickly become chaotic and even catastrophic if we do not put our emotions and actions into check. As an example, imagine if firefighters arrived at a major apartment fire and instead of putting out the fire, began running around with their hands in the air ... Views: 1555
When dating, especially if you have ever had a history of being narcissistically abused, it is very important to be aware of narcissistic tendencies.
Beware of anyone who ‘love bombs’. ‘Love bombers’ have the narcissistic tendencies of expressing copious amounts of compliments, attention and ... Views: 1701
This article discusses binaural beats, what they are, how they work, and how they can help you.
Binaural beats seem to be growing in popularity in recent times. Binaural beats, or brain entrainment, are created by the brain when two different tones are played at the same time to each ... Views: 2455
Perfection doesn’t exist.
Seriously it doesn’t. Yet how many of us have that ‘ideal/perfect’ concept in our heads? Especially when it comes to our mates and partners, we meet someone that sort of fits the bill and immediately they go up on a pedestal. Then when they do something less than ... Views: 1143
The other day during a discussion with a dear friend of mine we got talking about their sense of feeling very trapped at this time in their life. As the discussion unfolded I had a realization that much of what they were going through had to do with their personal power and their perception that ... Views: 1074
What are Beliefs?
Beliefs are statements about reality that we assume to be true based on either our own conclusions or those of other people.
Our Core Belief System
The majority of our beliefs were formed when we were very young and learning how to survive in the world from the many ... Views: 1109
After a long day of fishing the bright sea, an Indian fisherman heads home to port. The sea with its endless potential treated him very well today and he was sure to gain huge reward after selling his catch. The fishing market had been bustling as of recent and the demand for the fisherman’s ... Views: 1618
Are you frustrated at why you are not making money the way you would like to?
It appears as if things just don't seem to work out right? Yes you work hard, but it seems as if for every 2 steps forward that you take, 3 steps backwards follows. Making money just seems impossible and it's ... Views: 7689
Relieving Anxiety with Brainwave Entrainment
Many of us have heard of brainwave entrainment and we are also familiar with anxiety. You may be wondering how the two are related. According to clinical studies, brainwave entrainment seems to help reduce the symptoms of anxiety. It is also known ... Views: 2858
"If you can't explain something simply, you don't know enough about it." - [Albert Einstein]
Plainly and simply, at least as far as past and present gurus, yogis, free mystics and enlightened beings of India such as Buddha, Mahavira, Rama, Krishna, Saint Kabir, Guru Nanak, Vivekananda or ... Views: 1466
If you have become used to living with anxiety, fear, depression or unhappiness, then it can be difficult to believe that happiness is possible. But a few simple steps can help to reduce those unwanted feelings and increase your happiness.
Don't struggle on your own:
Happiness can seem a ... Views: 1414
I developed a terrible inferiority complex growing up, but not because I was ugly or had some physical defect. No, I had an alcoholic father that abused me with words that created in me very low self esteem. But one day that all began to change. I got saved. And God being the merciful person He ... Views: 8112
The Art of Follow Through: Stop Putting it Off!
Why do some people seem to be able to accomplish so much while others allow obstacles to block them, or they procrastinate and never finish what they start or dream of starting?
Surely those who succeed know some things that others don't. Or ... Views: 2260
Walking Meditation
You have probably heard about “The Secret” and the “Law of Attraction”. It has become the bible for personal development and the secret to creating the life you want. If it was all as simple as some of the publicity would have us believe then we would all be rich, have ... Views: 1248
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you’re riding through the ruts, don’t you complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!” ~ Bob Marley
“Blame no one. Forgive yourself and others. ... Views: 1499
Recently, I have been itching for a change and I decided I should come up with ways to make myself feel better, to achieve more, learn something new and do something for the first time. Yes, there are times like this in our lives, when we simply want to escape from the routine and feel the ... Views: 1499
I’ve been urging you to practice forgiveness. I asked that you forgive white society for their transgressions against us and I asked that you forgive yourself for getting caught up in the negativity that they have heaped upon us and turning it in on yourself.
But this begs the question, just ... Views: 1589
In my last article, I told you that it is time to forgive those who have harmed us. I spoke not only of this generation, but the generations that lead to this generation. That’s a lot of work. It is challenging work. It is also rewarding work. But be aware that it is still work ... Views: 1344
The comfort Zone!
90% of the population live here. They are satisfied with the way life is. They fit the description of an average American very well.
This is called the comfort zone because like an old worn pair of jammies; it is comfortable. And people have gotten so comfortable in ... Views: 1730
Let’s face some facts. We have made tremendous progress in reducing the torments of discrimination and isolation and oppression as results of racism. However, there is still a very long way to go. We are still imprisoned more often, less well educated, dying faster, more underemployed, more ... Views: 1434
So many entrepreneurs start businesses with dreams of taking back control of their time, working fewer hours and enjoying work again. You know the sort of thing, it’s almost a mythology – working in your pyjamas, from the beach or for just a few hours a week. If that has worked out that way for ... Views: 1222
Perception is personal.
Have you ever met someone that you talked to for a minute and didn’t like? Then circumstances threw you together and you discovered that they were actually pretty nifty and you do like them, in fact you become good friends. The only thing in this scenario that changes ... Views: 1135
We hear about truth, are asked to tell the truth and heck I am even telling you that your truth shall set you free. But what is truth?
Is there truth in our media? Well if our news is pretty much the same thing on every channel in in most papers you can be reasonably sure it is vetted ... Views: 2907
Have you ever noticed how many excuses you make for things? Or that other people make for things?
I caught myself doing it recently and had to stop and take a look at what exactly was going on. Why was I excusing, defending even, something that caused me discomfort? We all tell white lies to ... Views: 1036
How to Lead a Stress-free Happy Life?
(Vinod Anand)
On a visit to the US I happened to meet an Asian immigrant, let’s call him SA. I found that he was a man with a difference. At all times he was in a happy mood. His colleagues also affirm that he is quite different from other people. In ... Views: 1335
There always seems to be more work than hours in the day to complete it. This presents an internal struggle for many women who battle with the superwoman syndrome. How can you recognize whether you are a proponent of this ever increasing epidemic?
Ask yourself these questions:
1)Do I ... Views: 1028
Recently a friend of mine gave me reason to think by going on and on regarding how wonderful they are, how hard they work and how nice they are to others but why do bad things happen to them? I wasn’t pondering their struggles; I was confused that they felt the need to declare how great they ... Views: 1415
If you are throwing your hands up in the air with what to do for your troubled teen, you may want to consider the summer boot camp option. These programs have been specifically designed to support, guide and create structure and limits for a child with behavior problems. Additionally, these ... Views: 1708
Getting Past An Uncomfortable Comfort Zone
Have you ever wondered why some people are able to successfully make change, yet many others cannot? This has remained a great mystery to many. Perhaps you have taken that moment to reflect and ask yourself this same question? I’m sure we all have ... Views: 875
When people first hear about waking Hypnosis they are kind of thrown for a tailspin. People usually think of Hypnosis as something where you are sleeping and you are totally unconscious. This is not the case.
With waking Hypnosis you can get all of the same Hypnotic phenomenon while a ... Views: 2947
"Why does this happen to me? Nothing ever goes right!"
We all have at some point in our lives had this emotion of "self pity." It is emotionally draining. Like a parasite feeding on our emotions. Its a human or natural emotion brought on by sadness, things not working out the way we'd like ... Views: 2879
When we think about the Socializer Striving Style, with their predominant need to be connected, the Barbra Streisand song "People” (People Who Need People) comes to mind. Socializers are the “Weavers of the Social Fabric” in families, the workplace and in communities. They easily build and ... Views: 1436
When I started my master’s degree course work in May 2008, I hadn’t been in an academic program for several decades. I dove in with the enthusiasm and determination born of pursuing education as a calling rather than an obligation. I finished my master’s course work in April 2011, passed my oral ... Views: 1880
People that are unacquainted with hypnotherapy always ask, "Does hypnotherapy work?" The answer is yes! In order to understand why hypnotherapy works so well, it is important to understand how our minds process information and how a thought becomes a behavior.
The step-by-step process looks ... Views: 1479
If I got your attention your probably somewhere between desperate for solutions for your horribly behaved child to mildly interested in learning some parenting tricks to have at the ready for the next time your sweet angel thinks she's in charge at the grocery store. Either way, by the time ... Views: 1197
Every year on December 31st, people all over the world make New Year’s resolutions. Millions of people wake up thinking, “This is the day I am going to do things differently!”
They yearn for a new beginning and hate themselves when, after a few weeks their resolutions fail.
Why do they ... Views: 1031
Here are five limiting beliefs about personal goal setting that I discovered last Sunday when a passerby overheard my Irish friends and me talking while he was taking some photos. He came over to chat to us.
He is just finishing up his final year in Sydney and unfortunately he couldn't get ... Views: 1638
Why Should You Push yourself to “Speed-Up?
• 1. “But Dr. Franklin, what good is your new invention of Electrics?”
• 2. “Dear Lady, what good is a new-born baby?”
• 3. Get it? We just don’t know in advance the ... Views: 1379
Before walking your truest path to inner peace and happiness you must first discover and be true to yourself. The efforts of seeking approval and connections with others through submission and imitation, though flattering, will neither connect you very deeply with them nor allow you to ... Views: 2048
Has your child ever vehemently resisted your request to perform a task?
I worked with a young mom recently who came to me exasperated by her daughter’s refusal to wash her hands and dry them or sometimes have a meltdown when the mom would do this task for her. The mom was at her wit’s end ... Views: 1334
Last time I spoke about the law of attraction, what it is and how to use it. Now I’ll talk about another way to help you be happy or at least happier. My favorite way to use the secret weapon: the mind.
Autosuggestion - I use it since I was a little child, not to its full extent from the ... Views: 1255
Man is a triune being. He is spirit, soul, and body. We are made in the likeness of God after the Holy Trinity which is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You are more than just the fleshly body you see in the mirror after getting out of the shower.
The real you cannot be seen. The ... Views: 1933
Attention Deficit Disorder (also known as ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are terms used to describe patterns of behavior that appear most often in school-aged children. Children with these disorders are inattentive, overly impulsive and, in the case of ADHD, ... Views: 2767
Beliefs are generalisations about how the world is. Your beliefs are so powerful that they do in fact determine your life! They are the presuppositions that we have about the way the world is that either create or deny us personal power. In effect, they are our on/off switch for our ability to ... Views: 1546
The more you study clutter problems in houses, the more that you realize that there is a social need to be answered, here. People do not keep lots of unused items in their house within grasp because “They might need it someday and need to have them close.” The problem goes deeper than that. Do ... Views: 1008