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The ancient Egyptians had a fairly complicated process by which they were allowed - or not – to access what we might now call “Heaven” after their death. Among other things, they were to approach the gods of the Underworld with a series of negative affirmations: a recitation of all those things ... Views: 1217
Whether you have a great job, make a lot of money and have the perfect family or struggle on a daily basis with arguments between you and those you love, there is some kind of stress at some point. You need to know how to recognize stress when it appears and how it affects the body so that you ... Views: 1117
Though figures vary from publication to publication, it is widely accepted that 1 in every 100 people is on the autism spectrum.
For children, the impact of autism can lead to heightened stress and anxiety. They struggle to process the world around them, but are often required to follow ... Views: 1122
Plenty of parents call me this time of year, exhausted and tell me, “my teen needs therapy stat!” or “I was fine raising my child but now that he/she’s an adolescent I’m at a loss”. Parenting a teenager is a new and scary experience for most, and to shift how you interact with your children can ... Views: 1210
......THE LOSS OF INNOCENCE .... ( genesis 3)
One of the greatest things to observe is the innocence of a child. Children are simply pure, having a rare form of peace and joy. However, as they grow, there comes dents, which start as little misgivings but grow ... Views: 1379
Do you ever feel unworthy to receive good things in your life? It’s not an easy question to answer. Some of you are in touch with your feelings of not deserving. Some of you are not. I dare say that feelings of unworthiness are present in most of us, although we might not be aware of them. The ... Views: 1735
Children have always been dependent on us in many countless ways in their entire life. In every step they take, we are always there to tell them the right thing to do. As for our side, we just want our children to grow into proper individuals.
Because of our huge influence on our children, ... Views: 2844
In part one I explored how emotions are energy in motion and how these emotions not only impact our DNA but our health and well-being. Now in part two I talk about how we can discover these emotions and about how we can change or release them to help us reach our highest level of ... Views: 1362
If I asked how you train your mind, what would you say?
“I read a lot.”
“I meditate for an hour every day.”
“I journal every night.”
If any of those things are true, then you’re doing a great job of feeding your mind. But what happens when you feed yourself and don’t workout? ... Views: 1577
Think of parenting on a pendulum. As it swings one way, a parents parenting style may be inadvertently ineffective. There may be multiple warnings; a meek tone of voice; too many options; too much praise; asking versus telling; bargaining; rewards greater than appropriate. In this scenario, the ... Views: 1112
Control your anger or it will control you.
Control your anger as it can cloud your ability to make good decisions and find creative solutions to problems. It can negatively affect your work performance.
With insight about the real reasons for your anger and learning anger management ... Views: 1407
Relationships between two people don't exist in isolation. Past experiences, personal history and expectations all influence a relationship, and often the way we communicate in our relationships is as a result of our past.
If you’re one of the many people who feel that you and your partner do ... Views: 1318
Christmas can be a stressful time of year for many people. It can put a strain on relationships, bring old grudges and problems to the fore, and also be a very sad and lonely time for some people.
With the expectation that you should be enjoying yourself with friends and family, the expense ... Views: 1153
According to the psychiatric community, I have bipolar 1 with ultra rapid cycling, but I don't take meds anymore. I tried a few different pharmaceutical drug cocktails before I thought 'Now hang on, this totally sucks and what if I NEVER find the right combo of drugs to meet someone elses' ... Views: 1720
When Emotional Intelligence or EQ made its first appearance in the mid 1990’s it was the missing link in explaining the success of people that were deemed low in the traditional IQ scale and were considered much less likely to succeed than their peers with higher IQs. The idea of emotional ... Views: 1001
Parents are saying discipline, consequences, time out and sticker’s don’t work. Parents are presenting as more and more defeated when it comes to managing the behavior of their children. They have a long list of tried that – didn’t work scenarios including many of the more popular parenting ... Views: 1329
We're all influenced by those around us and by what is occurring in our lives. Something as simple as the weather can affect how we feel. A cloudy, rainy day can take an otherwise cheerful person and transform them into a gloomy Gus of sorts. Being stuck in traffic can alter one's mood from ... Views: 1383
Forgiveness has been around for thousands of years. It is mentioned and/or discussed in sacred writings of many religions. So it is well grounded in the realm of spiritual teachings. Up until recently, the fact that forgiveness was a tenet of religion was enough for most people. One forgave ... Views: 1234
According to Dr. Fred Luskin, Director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Projects and a pioneer in the practice of forgiveness therapy, “What happens when you’re stressed is blood flow draws away from the parts of the brain that think creatively and straightforwardly. That is what stress is ... Views: 1311
Freedom of Choice?
Bill Cottringer
“Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will.” ~Jawaharlal Nehru
A perennial philosophical debate that started with the early philosophers and gave birth to all the earlier theories of ... Views: 1389
Up to the beginning of the Republic convention in Cleveland, Ohio, I, as most people worldwide, was holding to a shred of hope that the American Republican Party would come into its own sense and find a logical and legal means to replace Donald Trump with a reasonably tolerant and reconciliatory ... Views: 1014
Most teens (83%) say that school is a significant source of stress in their life. Here's how you can help your teen manage school stress...
For teens, stress looks like this:
Getting to school late
-Feeling irritable
-Feeling tired a lot
-Crying a lot...or snapping at you
-Leaving ... Views: 1459
Clients come to my office for a number of reasons. For example, when they’re feeling depressed, when they’re feeling anxious, and when they are experiencing conflict in their relationships, but also when they’ve become bored with their lives.
For these people, meaning and engagement in life ... Views: 1371
Schizophrenia risk may be revealed by face reading and finger length according to research. The findings uncovered that deficits in emotional recognition may be a precursor to schizophrenia symptoms and may help identify those at highest risk to develop the mental disorder.
There are criteria ... Views: 969
No matter what you aim to do in life—whether it’s starting a business, writing a book, or completing a marathon—the process is a journey and you’ll need energy to complete it. The problem, however, is that many of us barely have enough energy to satisfy our day-to-day responsibilities, let alone ... Views: 1326
Is your mojo missing? Feeling powerless? Maybe you just want to be a better version of yourself! Here are 10 ways that you can take your power back and increase your happiness.
1. Focus on what you want to happen: Positive thinking is at the forefront of every great success story. ... Views: 1644
Living in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia Canada we are given the opportunity to experience many, many different cultures than our own.
Life has changed dramatically since the days of my childhood back in the 1960s when 99% of the people in my life were Western European Caucasians who ... Views: 1241
According to a study from the Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care, junk food stimulates the award system in your brain, the same way as cocaine. This means, having a Big Mac Meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner can lead to a full-blown addiction. However, other supplies in ... Views: 1116
Of the many offerings of the investment world from banks to governments, the sexiest and most publicized is corporate ones. Specifically Stocks, Mutual Funds, and ETFs. Each has their own flavors of the month, but they are all simply “equity in a company”. Most are publicly traded and on the ... Views: 1407
Of The classifications of animal, vegetable or mineral, where do we fit? According to most scientific authorities, we are the human animal.
AS WE LOOK into the animal kingdom we discover more often than not there exists a herd. Some people call it a tribe-same thing. And the herd has the ... Views: 3853
Of The classifications of animal, vegetable or mineral, where do we fit? According to most scientific authorities, we are the human animal.
AS WE LOOK into the animal kingdom we discover more often than not there exists a herd. Some people call it a tribe-same thing. And the herd has the ... Views: 2576
There are 3 types of people in this world when it comes to finances. They are the Perpetually Broke Person, the Well-Off Person, and the Highly-Wealthy Person.
Need to Plug up Your Financials?
The Perpetually Broke Person never has any money and ultimately lives paycheck to paycheck. This ... Views: 1278
There are 3 types of people in this world when it comes to finances. They are the Perpetually Broke Person, the Well-Off Person, and the Highly-Wealthy Person.
Need to Plug up Your Financials?
The Perpetually Broke Person never has any money and ultimately lives paycheck to paycheck. This ... Views: 1564
There are 3 types of people in this world when it comes to finances. They are the Perpetually Broke Person, the Well-Off Person, and the Highly-Wealthy Person.
Need to Plug up Your Financials?
The Perpetually Broke Person never has any money and ultimately lives paycheck to paycheck. This ... Views: 1291
Scientific breakthroughs have enabled the human species to understand more about the universe and its structure. What science has bestowed upon the human race is the ability to probe into the human mind and explore the fundamental mechanism that lies deep at its core. Extensive scientific ... Views: 1474
The term prior authorisation has a specific meaning within the concept of health care and health insurance, and has a fundamental effect on virtually all of the procedures and clinical assessments that an individual is likely to come up against in the context of their health insurance ... Views: 1556
For people who depend on any type of private or company insurance to cover the cost of their health needs, the question of whether or not the health insurance policy covers mental health problems is a crucial one for a number of reasons.
The idea of a split between physical health and mental ... Views: 1403
Not everyone likes change. Some are comfortable precisely where they are and prefer to stay within their comfort zone. Others are more adventurous and enjoy a good challenge. They are more open to trying new things in order to experience something new or perhaps to learn something that will ... Views: 1566
Aloha! Right Now: Your self care tip for today: "No. It's a complete sentence. Learn to say it." Further, from, "The B-Natural Food for the Soul Self-Care & Maintenance Guide:"
"Say NO without guilt or explanation. Ultimately, YOU are the only person responsible for YOU and your spiritual ... Views: 1712
Quite a few occasions we go to some
psychic mainly because we really feel our lives can use more joy. What
would make you joyful? For many of us, that question may well right away elicit
a host of enticing concepts: getting a cat nap in the sun, maybe, savoring some
decadent ... Views: 1126
You may have already begun taking the steps to see your New Year's resolutions come to fruition. Perhaps you finally got around to joining that gym, or maybe you were able to confront a friend about something on your mind that's difficult to talk about. Whatever new you may have initiated so far ... Views: 1405
Many parents of troubled teens assign 100-percent of the blame for their teen’s troubles to their teenager. They also think shipping them off to a therapeutic boarding school is all they need to do to fix their teen’s behavior. Unfortunately, the task of parenting a troubled teen is not so ... Views: 1541
It seems like today, everyone is stressed out. We have created a culture that takes us from place to place with what feels like no rest in between. How many tiny inconveniences do you put up with on a daily basis? Each one of those seemingly meaningless irritations are draining you of your joy ... Views: 919
“Your emotions are very unstable and should never be the foundation for direction in your life.”
By- Joyce Meyer
The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is the psychological acupressure ... Views: 1191
In this life filled with criticism and stress, it can be a burden to even try to pick yourself up when you feel trampled under the mess of your everyday struggles. However, if you embrace positivity and take steps to find a new mindset, it can transform your life into one that is worth living. ... Views: 870
Did you know that clutter can impact greatly on your productivity, your focus and ultimately your energy?
A study from Princeton University’s Neuroscience Centre “Interactions of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mechanisms cloningin Human Visual Cortex” found that:
“Multiple stimuli present in the ... Views: 863
Day two of our October Abundance Tapping. Today it’s about releasing the emotional intensity around one of the greatest saboteurs to creating abundance in our lives – SELF DOUBT.
Once we intend more abundance in our lives – whether that be in health, business, finances or relationships, – we ... Views: 866
Is Your Child a Bully? Aggressive Behavior to Watch For in Kids.
Does your child manipulate others for favors, and never make an effort to reciprocate? Do they have a lack of concern for the feelings and well being of others? Do they fight, steal, vandalize or set fires?
What do you do ... Views: 1270
Since the mid 1990’s the Standish Group have regularly published their Chaos Report1 looking at the effectiveness of change projects and if we take their findings at face value then we will be aware that the global track record of change in organisations is not very impressive – on average over ... Views: 1149
The past can power your present, if you let it.
I would like to make you aware of an amazing aspect of your brain using the following example:
You are driving your car early in the morning. You have to run some errands and visit a store, which is about 45 minutes from your house. While ... Views: 1339