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Everyone in your life is there to mirror you... and vice versa.
When I tell a couple that they are perfect mirrors for each other, inevitably at least one of them has a fit. “I am not like him! How can you say that?” Often they can’t see this although it is literally true. This is quite ... Views: 833
GTA V for PC torrent
Rockstar has not announced or released a version of GTA V for PC. That is clear to most gamers who have bothered to visit a reputable gaming website in the past few weeks or to simply go to Rockstar’s own site. But “most” isn’t all, and someone has decided to take ... Views: 1234
Autism is a lifelong neurological condition. Among the several developmental disorders in children, autism is the most common brain disorder. Autism manifests as differences in development in three main areas:
1. Communication (verbal and non-verbal),
2. Social interactions and
3. ... Views: 754
If you believe you might suffer from Autism, it is necessary to be mindful of its signs and symptoms. People with autism frequently have restricted interests and take part in repetitive behaviors. It's possible that there's not a single cause for autism but that there are plenty of factors ... Views: 804
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“The impermanence of this present life will force you to leave all wealth behind, but by giving it away, you can take it with you as good karma.” ... Views: 1055
The Baker’s Dirty Dozen Gaps Between What’s
Bill Cottringer
“The main challenge in life is to close the gap between where you are now and where you really want to be.” ~The Author.
We all have much work to do to close the above gap. Here are a Baker’s Dirty Dozen Gaps we need to ... Views: 857
If you’re like most people, you deal with gas, bloated belly and indigestion. It’s become such a common occurrence; most people automatically reach for the “thick pink liquid” or a little pill to get rid of the problem. Or so they think.
The problem goes beyond the symptoms and actually is ... Views: 877
Transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS is a noninvasive process applied to cure depression. This process involves the use of magnetic fields to excite nerve cells in the patient’s brain to cure the causes of depression. This cure is chosen when other treatments do not work to cure the problem. ... Views: 977
Substance misuse and substance use disorders, one of the primary causes of depression, have remained behind the veil of ignorance and stigma for a long period of time. In fact, at one point they were merely seen as a social or criminal problem in lieu of a “health issue”. Wherefore, people in ... Views: 1256
I am often asked by my students the following question: “How can one become an effective and a stimulating conversationalist?”. My response was and still is the same “One must fathom the essence of a conversation and its main components.”
After contemplation, I felt compelled to write this ... Views: 937
“I see losing love is like a window in your heart. Everybody sees you’re blown apart. Everybody sees the wind blow”
PAUL SIMON Lyrics from “Graceland”
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Dear One,
We’re ... Views: 955
Mental health is a complicated thing. Sometimes, it’s hard to know what exactly is causing the issues you’re having with your mood, motivation, or anxiety. The reality, of course, is that there are many factors and only one solution. Be compassionate with yourself and find ways to address your ... Views: 766
In a couple’s counseling session, Dolores accused her husband, Perry, of workaholism. His immediate response was, “Yes, I’m a workaholic.” Joyce and I were surprised at the actual pride revealed in his voice. He continued, “I’m a creative man, an entrepreneur. I thrive on juggling many ... Views: 920
People-pleasers are at risk in the domains of finance, love, sex, family, and friendship.
How is it that we can manage a successful business but still have a failed personal life? Extending a hand to others after taking care of yourself is how we make the world a better place for our children ... Views: 1020
What I feel in my body does not match how I feel in my mind. It comes as a shock to let the number of my age surface to consciousness. How can this be? I still feel like I’m 18 years old some days.
Sure, I know I've transitioned though many developmental stages and my body has changed, but it ... Views: 1359
Equine Therapy is mainly a powerful, evidence-based experiential modality. The horse-human connection can make a wide range of benefits for teen mental health.
Through equine therapy activities, teens basically gain confidence, build trust, and form healthier boundaries. Moreover, the basic ... Views: 820
Did you ever wake up with a rigid neck or simply a sore low back? Nothing can be more annoying than waking up to a stiff neck which neither allows you to bend down to tie your shoelace nor can you move your head comfortably. In fact, there isn't any specific position which can help alleviate the ... Views: 629
One hot summer day I saw a very strange creature roaming around on the property. It looked somewhat like an anteater from a distance, but they don't live in this part of the world. I grabbed my binoculars to get a better look. It was a raccoon with a jar stuck on its head. I initially laughed ... Views: 1833
Health Psychology is a somewhat isolated branch of the field of psychology. It is the study of psychological and behavioral processes in health, illness, and healthcare. Health Psychologists strive to understand how psychological and even cultural factors contribute to physical health and ... Views: 807
Equine assisted therapy utilizes the strong relationship between horses and humans for teaching life skills. This therapy is about learning to care for another living being. It also helps to care about yourself and communicate with people effectively. If a patient with depression and anxiety ... Views: 867
Recovering From Relationship Codependency
(Codependency Part Two)
written by Randi G. Fine
Originally published on Life As A Human
Codependency is an emotional disorder that begins forming in childhood, but it does not reveal itself until a person starts having adult ... Views: 1327
Addictive Personalities
Conclusion of a Three Part Article Written by Randi G. Fine
Deep down inside people with addictions know that what they are doing is wrong. They know that their behaviors, choices, and actions are hurting them and their loved ones. But the need to feed their addiction ... Views: 986
Addictive Personalities
Part Two of a Three Part Article Written by Randi G. Fine
Much has been written about genetic predisposition and its relationship to addictive personalities. Having an addict in the family does not guarantee that everyone in the family will become addicts. But many ... Views: 1048
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“The universe that we inhabit and our shared perception of it are the results of a common karma. The actions of each of us have contributed to the world we live in. We ... Views: 1416
Forget making New Year’s resolutions this year. They are notoriously hard to keep. Instead start down a concrete path to make your work and life more meaningful and satisfying. How? Begin by “finding the thread that ties your story together” suggests Pamela Slim in her new book, Body of Work. ... Views: 1619
Forget making New Year’s resolutions this year. They are notoriously hard to keep. Instead start down a concrete path to make your work and life more meaningful and satisfying. How? Begin by “finding the thread that ties your story together” suggests Pamela Slim in her new book, Body of Work. ... Views: 919
Mental health issues are very common nowadays. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 1 out of 6 Americans suffered from a mental health problem in 2016. This means about 44.5 million U.S. population have a mental health issue. NIMH further says the commonest issues include ... Views: 968
Learn to practice awareness of intent, to move out of your painful feelings and into your inner peace.
Those of you who have been practicing Inner Bonding know that the basis of the Inner Bonding process is the intent to learn about loving yourself and others.
It is the intent to learn ... Views: 1169
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“In most of our human relationships, we spend much of our time reassuring one another that our costumes of identity are on straight.”
Dear One,
Welcome ... Views: 1102
Every parent knows that it’s normal for kids and teens to act out. Tantrums, fights with siblings, arguments with you…they are all a part of growing up as kids start seeking their own independence and autonomy. However, sometimes there could be a lot more going on under the surface.
When my ... Views: 1495
A friend once told me a word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. So I replied, "I might be stupid but I'm no fool". Then I realized the original version of that statement is "I might be a fool but I'm not stupid."
Suddenly the answer came to me. Bill Cosby ... Views: 1187
One of the common desires that people experience in their lives is summed up as a well-known saying – “I want to thrive, not just survive.” This can also be interpreted as enjoying life as opposed to simply existing. When there is a deep need for a person to change his way of life, the world has ... Views: 1768
Dear Dr. Romance:
I was brought up with eight children Where father was gone from home early morning till late night. Mother all the time angry at one kid or the other. Everybody use to say I was the better behaved sibling among all, and my mom was always partial to other children in ... Views: 1606
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“Someone once asked a great sheikh what Sufism was: ‘The feeling of joy when sudden disappointment comes.’ Don't grieve for what doesn't come. Some things that don't happen keep ... Views: 1396
Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms occur in many women. During the leading days of periods many women experience abdominal pain, headache, mood swing, irritability, etc. Premenstrual syndrome also known as ‘premenstrual tension’ is common among the menstruating women.
Though PMS is not severe, ... Views: 1043
Why do people talk to themselves? It's not what you think..
How many people talk to themselves? As you’re reading this, you might even be saying to yourself, “Who me? I don’t talk to myself.”
There are those who think people who talk to themselves are crazy, but nothing could be ... Views: 1203
Is this decision going to be good for Me? To help Me be successful? How do I make the right choices? What are the effects and the outcomes. Ask yourself, Who am I really making these choices for?
Backbone Power was written to help everyone from mothers, to college grads, to people that have ... Views: 1893
A habit is a routine that you follow each day, almost without thinking. No one has to tell you to brush your teeth each morning, it is a habit.
How high would you say your mental toughness is? Answer the following:
Do you give up on exercise when it gets tough?
Do you find excuses for ... Views: 1975
There is nothing more draining than negative thinking especially when your thoughts are picking you apart.
So many things can throw you into negative thinking, it's like a drug labeled "being realistic" and it sucks. Maybe you are like me a few years ago, getting out of a bad marriage lost in ... Views: 1567
A major aspect of loving yourself is taking the loving action suggested by your spiritual guidance. I cannot even begin to tell you how much my life has changed since I’ve been following the advice of my guidance rather than my ego wounded self. Here are just a few of the changes that have ... Views: 1391
Commodities have great potential to become a separate asset class for the long-term investors. Many investors considered it as a risky segment to trade but it can provide a good return if risks are properly managed by investor. Starting in trading should be well planned, and a trader must have ... Views: 885
Leonardo Da Vinci kept a notebook with him at all times so he could record his thoughts and questions that occurred to him. I think you’d agree that he was pretty successful, right?
Most of us just float through our days and don’t exercise our curiosity enough, nor do we do enough ... Views: 1151
Mental illness carries a lot of stigma. People often hide their diagnosis or minimize their symptoms because they are afraid of the judgment that will follow. It seems easier for many to suffer in silence than to have everyone else look at them as broken or crazy, as something to be feared or ... Views: 1503
The power of motivation is often either underestimated or brushed aside by some people. People fail to realize that motivating someone in any arena of life only cultivates more force in generating positive feelings. To pat someone on the back, to congratulate someone when the going gets great or ... Views: 1466
Sometimes I feel like complaining. About whatever. And it feels good – that is, when I’m not in the company of the kind of person we all know who see it as their job to drag us over to the “positive perspective” corner of the room. “Leave me alone. I want to feel miserable for now,” I want to ... Views: 1290
Did you notice that everything had got all mixed up in our lives?
Thus, material goods become more significant than sincere relationships with people. Or, talks about true love call nothing but wit's end or even sarcasm.
Why does it happen so?
Aren't we able to feel love anymore? Are ... Views: 1506
Dear Dr. Romance:
I recently read "Could He/She be a Control Freak?" and I suddenly found information that seemed to pertain to a failed marriage that I was still pondering about. I am wondering, if a person had a chaotic childhood ... Views: 1447
It’s really easy to get caught up in the drama of our lives, but we have a choice. At one point or another, we all face adversity. We all face those times of trial and tragedy. Yet how do we get to the other side? How do we bounce back from the adversity that we face? Do we systematically figure ... Views: 1509
Our reality is strongly connected with the way we interpret it. Many people consider it a shallow New Age psychology but it’s actually a well-known fact. Scientists have even proved that positive thinking reduces the feeling of loneliness and increases pain tolerance.
A lot of situations are ... Views: 911
“So, where do you see yourself in five years?” We’ve all heard that one before. It is an existential black hole of a potentially soul-draining question. Yet it has become a staple of every job interview. And if you’re like anybody else, the answer to the question usually lies in an empty blank ... Views: 1238