As a first generation entrepreneur I have experienced a gamut of amazing adventures in pursuit of my purpose and passion. In retrospect, I see glimpses of what I was predestined to become in this world. I remember having a vivid imagination as a child. My childhood friends and I had our ... Views: 1099
There always seems to be more work than hours in the day to complete it. This presents an internal struggle for many women who battle with the superwoman syndrome. How can you recognize whether you are a proponent of this ever increasing epidemic?
Ask yourself these questions:
1)Do I ... Views: 1027
As the world turns on its axel our society is moving forward at a break neck pace due to technological advances. These innovative solutions are great on one hand yet are also a main culprit to diminishing customer service experiences. It is time to change the way we do business in the new ... Views: 1585
In order to distinguish yourself from the masses it is essential to commit to the never ending process of personal enhancement. This spans far beyond mere physical appearance, exhibiting the essence of your innermost being and every aspect of social interacting. It is imperative to be ... Views: 1885
As human beings we are innately wired to gratify the wishes of others in exchange for their acceptance. It is critical that we learn how to love ourselves well enough in order to avoid this disease to please. Only you can honestly answer the question, "What does loving me better look and feel ... Views: 1303
It is no secret that the United States of America is treading lightly as we journey through a wilderness of financial uncertainty. Countless individuals are experiencing hardship uncommon to anything we have witnessed before. We must remember to embrace the spirit of unity until we prevail as ... Views: 1284