Before we begin, I'll briefly explain to you what white noise actually is. White noise contains all the frequencies that the human ear can hear, and are played at the same time randomly together. There are literally thousands of different tones being played at the same time. You cold think that ... Views: 4104
This article discusses binaural beats, what they are, how they work, and how they can help you.
Binaural beats seem to be growing in popularity in recent times. Binaural beats, or brain entrainment, are created by the brain when two different tones are played at the same time to each ... Views: 2454
Subliminal audio's are usually recordings which contain audible music with hidden suggestions interwoven within them. The idea is that the conscious mind listens to the music, whilst the hidden suggestions are absorbed by the subconscious mind. How does this work?
How subliminal mp3s are ... Views: 2589
Hypnotherapy is commonly known to be an effective aid to help people permanently quit smoking. This article will give you a bit of background as to what hypnosis is, and show you how it works to help people quit smoking.
The therapeutic use of hypnosis is known as hypnotherapy. It actually ... Views: 1525
There are many ways you can sell affiliate products. You don’t even necessarily need a website or blog, although I would recommend it if you want to make good money for a long period of time. Although you can make good money without a reputable site, I prefer this route as you can create ... Views: 2246
If you have an interest in hypnosis or hypnotherapy then you have probably noticed the recent attention that hypnosis gastric band procedures have been receiving. In this article I am going to explain what they are and how they work so well.
Most of you will be aware of gastric band surgery. ... Views: 1976
Hypnosis is well know for it’s effectiveness in treating many things such as weight loss, smoking, stress, IBS, phobias etc. It is also very effective at treating motion sickness. This is great because it removed the need for any drugs, or other potions that have side effects. How does ... Views: 3389
Although aging is inevitable, you can still significantly reduce the effects of time. We do not have to look old before our time if we do not want to. We can become that well polished vintage car that turns everyone’s head if we so desire. It just takes a few simple lifestyle ... Views: 1657
I will show you a very simple, but incredibly effective method of making permanent changes to your habits.
Physiologists agree that it generally takes about 28 days to change a habit. 28 days of consciously trying to make a change should lead to a permanent change. You must live ... Views: 9264
The effects of long term stress are not to be taken lightly. Although they cannot always be seen, the effects of stress can lead to serious physical, as well as mental health problems. Managing our stress levels is very important if we wish to remain happy and healthy. Unfortunately this is ... Views: 1662
The effects of long term stress are not to be taken lightly. Stress can lead to serious physical, as well as mental health problems. Managing our stress levels is very important if we wish to remain happy and healthy.
Common symptoms of stress include irritability, muscular tension, ... Views: 1570
You can have the best web site in the world, and it is highly likely that nobody is interested, unless you take steps to market your site. What many people who first enter the world of web business don’t realize is that a lot of hard work is required in order to create a successful web site. ... Views: 5615
Here is a script I have written that helps the patient to relax. This session takes the patient on a journey to the sea, to swim with dolphins. The patient may take many different benefits from this session, it is often quite a personal experience. Often patients benefit from feeling calmer ... Views: 3363
Building muscle is just as much a mental activity as it is physical. The mind controls the body. If your mind does not want to go through hard and heavy workouts, your body will not want to either. You will end up solely going through the motions and training without the intensity required ... Views: 2820
Here are some common worries and questions that people have on clinical hypnotherapy: -
Can I be hypnotized?
Most people can go into a hypnotic trance. The only types of people that cannot be hypnotised are …
1. Those suffering from psychosis or a thought disorder
2. A person with a low ... Views: 1656
Many people's eyes begin deteriorating in later life. It seems that very little is done to help prevent this. Excuse my cynicism, but the opticians do absolutely nothing to help this. They merely keep testing peoples visions until they have deteriorated to a point where they deem they need ... Views: 12685
Hypnosis can be used to improve ALMOST EVERYTHING about yourself that you can think of.
It can make you MORE SUCCESSFUL by improving your confidence, memory, mood, imagination. Hypnosis is often used to help people pass exams, present dynamic presentations, excel in job interviews, and ... Views: 1821
Therapeutic Questions For Quitting Smoking
If you would like to give up smoking then this questionnaire can help. If you answer these questions honestly, they can reveal your subconscious drives as to why you smoke; some of which you may not have even realised! This self exploration can ... Views: 1881
Therapeutic Questions For Quitting Smoking
If you wish to give up smoking then this questionnaire can help. If you answer these questions honestly, they can reveal your subconscious drives to smoke – some of which you may not have realised! They can help you understand why you smoke, which ... Views: 16001
Don’t Panic! - Panic Attacks Explained
What is a panic attack?
It is normal, natural and common to get panicky from time to time. You may be late for work, think you can hear a burglar downstairs, or be ready to sit an exam. These feelings are normal and pass fairly quickly. They are ... Views: 2240
Weight Loss – A Practical Solution
The human body is designed to tell us when we are hungry and therefore regulate our natural weight, however modern living can seriously ruin this mechanism.
Many people, during childhood, experience being told to eat up all our meals, even if we are ... Views: 1795