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The past can power your present, if you let it.
I would like to make you aware of an amazing aspect of your brain using the following example:
You are driving your car early in the morning. You have to run some errands and visit a store, which is about 45 minutes from your house. While ... Views: 1267
The past can power your present, if you let it.
I would like to make you aware of an amazing aspect of your brain using the following example:
You are driving your car early in the morning. You have to run some errands and visit a store, which is about 45 minutes from your house. While ... Views: 1256
The past can power your present, if you let it.
I would like to make you aware of an amazing aspect of your brain using the following example:
You are driving your car early in the morning. You have to run some errands and visit a store, which is about 45 minutes from your house. While ... Views: 1225
I have learned that in order to redirect your thoughts, you have to consciously and subconsciously want the same thing. If your conscious mind and subconscious mind are thinking alike, you are able to achieve any goal. In other words, if subconsciously you do not really believe you will complete ... Views: 1309
Your perception creates your reality, but what creates your perception?
Every new experience is filtered through your core beliefs, your personal past, and unique emotions. Even your mood impacts how your reality looks at any given moment. No 2 people exist in the same perception of reality and ... Views: 1219
Happiness is not a goal that you reach.
It’s a state of mind that
you can choose to live in every day regardless as to what’s going on around you.
Enjoy the journey of life and choose to live in a state of happiness.
Action for today:
Choose to experience happiness throughout ... Views: 1325
Ever had an opinion about something, or someone, and you felt it in your entire body that your opinion was based on solid facts and therefore the only right opinion? (Read: believe system) Every vessel in your body is telling you that you are so right about this!
The only resolution at that ... Views: 1257
re you a naturally positive person? OR do you practice positivity as a way of conquering naturally bad feelings and thoughts? There is a big difference.
Of course positivity is much better for us than negativity is. Studies clearly link positivity to better health and more ... Views: 1559
Mahatma Gandhi quoted “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning “. That is the power of belief. Belief can be defined as the feeling of conviction about anything. It is the assumption of the fact which may be ... Views: 1443
We, all without exceptions, spend most of our lives chasing after an intangible or an abstract idea called Happiness. However, is it a tangible feeling or an elusive concept?
The fundamental question should focus on the meaning of happiness and the means to experience it.
Some people may ... Views: 1499
Have you ever heard of the saying, “What others think of you is none of your business?”
Have you allowed the negative opinion of someone else to become your truth?
If your answer is yes to the question above, this article is for you.
Do not allow another person’s negative opinion to ... Views: 1348
This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat ... Views: 1673
Are you someone who would give all your water away to take care of someone else?
What takes place when you give all your water away?
What do you do when you’re in need of water to keep yourself hydrated and you don’t have any water left because you gave it all away?
Since you don’t have ... Views: 1178
No one enjoys losing control, but that's what you have to look forward to if you give in to anger. Rage takes over, blowing situations out of perspective. A red mist of unreasoning fury drops across your vision, leading to explosive rage spirals. Break the cycle and cut your short fuse by ... Views: 1155
Some people are naturally drawn to high-risk behaviors. This may involve taking drugs or alcohol, engaging in promiscuous sex, gambling or getting into physical altercations. There are many different ways this tendency can manifest, but all can be dangerous. In some cases, such actions can have ... Views: 1131
Development as a Workplace Objective.
By focusing on development, entire environments come together. This is because development is such an inspiring, satisfying, growth oriented, and positive directional principle. One of the greatest assets is how it brings people together. This common ... Views: 978
Anger can be one of the most destructive emotions of all. It can be harmful to your health, relationships and well-being. Taken to an extreme, it can cause you to do things you later regret or that have legal consequences. Fortunately, there are effective ways to manage and reduce your anger. If ... Views: 1683
It may be common to have low energy, get sick a few times a year, and be five to ten lbs. over weight, but please don't make the mistake of thinking these symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle are normal… because they simply are not!
Sadly, most people fall into the category of “not really ... Views: 777
#2: Learn-to-Learn (Part 1 – Active and Reflective Learning Techniques)
After figuring out your learning-style last week, it’s time to learn the different techniques that work best for you.
*Note – Techniques used by each style can work and be useful to the other styles. Just because one ... Views: 1284
A Quick Preamble:
It really is – like every aspect or category of your life – an out-and-out“mindset” thing…if you want to be wealthy, then simply “think” like the stinking-rich think…
…rich people build big wealth before they spend…they don’t actually spend money at the outset, just ... Views: 1131
Problems are like the little paddles in a pin ball machine, that influence and guide the ball one way or the other. If the paddle hits the ball just right, it can propel the ball in an advantageous direction. You’re the little ball, and your problems are the paddles that guide you one way or the ... Views: 1120
Education is becoming very, very expensive.
Even worse, it is not actually teaching any viable job skills that the workplace wants.
As for most jobs you’re hired for; require on the job training and have nothing to do with the degree you have.
A good example is my friend, Mike. Mike ... Views: 1417
They can either free you or enslave you.
Nagging thoughts, self-deprecating thoughts, fearful thoughts, all enslave you and keep you locked in a prison of your own making. Try as you might, you can't get out. If you feel this way, it's because you're giving too much energy to those particular ... Views: 1287
Thought is the limitation within which I have this human experience. At first, that may be a slippery concept to grasp. Beyond the understanding that I can think, and fall immersed into thought, is the concept that I can step out of thought.
As long as I’m experiencing life from inside the ... Views: 1193
As a board certified neurofeedback practitioner, I've helped clients make significant changes in their lives for the past 5 years using the tool of neurofeedback.
Recently, with publication of Bessel van der Kolk's new book, The Body Keeps the Score, my office has been getting a flurry of ... Views: 1603
Have you ever asked yourself why you are getting so defensive? ME? DEFENSIVE? I’m not defensive!
See! You are getting defensive.
I’ll share with you the key reasons why you get defensive and how you can leverage your defensiveness to accelerate your own personal growth.
When you get ... Views: 2782
Trust is what allows us to believe in ourselves, in others, and in situations. When put into action, it looks like our being confident and knowing that all will be okay no matter what. Liberator of the constraints of our fears and anxiety, from a trusting place, we feel spacious, light, and more ... Views: 3427
Music is KEY to Good Health after Crisis
As a native of the South, I wanted to make a contribution to the field of Psychology through my research on the Katrina survivors in Mississippi and Louisiana. Another reason, was I wanted to identify if individuals who experienced crisis became ... Views: 1388
We all have a ‘dark side’ though most of us are afraid to admit to it. We prefer to think of ourselves of good people. That means that most of us are in, what is called by the experts, a state of denial. It is a state that the human race can no longer ignore, for we all can be murderers if we ... Views: 1382
Imagine for a moment, a pie chart.
Now imagine (for the sake of this example) that pie chart represents objective, external reality.
Now imagine that your beliefs are the mechanism through which you gradually unveil and fill in more and more of the pie chart.
As you become more ... Views: 1049
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?”-Captain Jack Sparrow
Have you ever been really excited and passionate while contemplating a big life change, or something new for yourself in general?
How often are your considerations met ... Views: 1206
II dislike using the word cure when it comes to Tinnitus. I think it’s misleading and somewhat cruel. Cure tends to conjure up an image of a magic pill or an elixir where one day you have Tinnitus, the next day just like magic, it has vanished. As you probably already know, there are literally ... Views: 1417
A habit is formed in approximately 20 days, whether it is a good habit or a bad habit. Therefore, if a person repeats an act over and over again it will result in a habit that is difficult to modify. A habit can be, let’s say eating ice cream for a week straight every night. The subconscious ... Views: 1579
A habit is formed in approximately 20 days, whether it is a good habit or a bad habit. Therefore, if a person repeats an act over and over again it will result in a habit that is difficult to modify. A habit can be, let’s say eating ice cream for a week straight every night. The subconscious ... Views: 1546
Life is full of opportunities. There’s work of course, or school if you’re a student. There are chores, and errands, but also workout time, evenings with your family, organizations you want to support…so many things you can take part in.
But if you end up saying yes to all of it, then before ... Views: 1494
When we were born, we arrived with a list of things that we needed. Many of our needs were provided for by our parents to one degree or another. Many needs got added to our list as we matured into adulthood. I’d like you to think about what you may need in the following categories. Are you ... Views: 1128
Depression is chemical imbalance in your brain but chemical imbalance is not from your birth. There was a time when you were not depressed rather you were happy and peaceful but over a period of time you developed a few habits consciously or unconsciously which led you to depression. Now those ... Views: 1153
I have to be honest about how I typically deal with my distaste for winter - I get the heck out and go somewhere warm! While I will be making some trips to warmer climates this winter, I still try to find ways to be happier and more at peace when I find myself wishing I had three jackets on ... Views: 1190
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Protection vs. connection - by Gordana Stankovic, Living Peacefully - Humanistic Counselling & Life Coaching
We human beings are social creatures who are high wired for connection with other human beings. Connection with what is alive, in other words what is real, true and genuine in others with that what is real, true and genuine in us is one of our deepest basic needs and it is universal which means ... Views: 1044
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Protection vs. connection - by Gordana Stankovic, Living Peacefully - Humanistic Counselling & Life Coaching
We human beings are social creatures who are high wired for connection with other human beings. Connection with what is alive, in other words what is real, true and genuine in others with that what is real, true and genuine in us is one of our deepest basic needs and it is universal which means ... Views: 1213
To be honest, there are no clear cut signs when it comes to having self-sabotaging behavior. Although a lot has been said about the most common indicators of this particular behavior, it will still vary from one person to another.
However, if we talk about the disadvantages of having this ... Views: 1771
Just like there is no action possible without first the idea or thought; there is no great achievement possible without the desire to achieve it. The intensity of your desire is directly proportional to the rate of which any achievement is realised.
If you are able to transform your desire ... Views: 1463
Ask many people to define the word habit and they give a negative definition. There is plenty of evidence that a habit can be bad; the habit of smoking, overeating, drinking, watching television and on and on. On the flip side, there are beneficial habits. The habit of exercising, eating ... Views: 1175
For years I “pounded the pavement” looking for opportunity. I tried just about everything; except one thing; being myself.
What I discovered was this; as long as I tried to be someone other than who I am, my success was always an arms distance away.
Are you trying to be someone you’re not? ... Views: 1505
Consider this... when you do a kind deed, do you need to get credit for the action or do you take action simply because the task needed to get done? Your initial reaction may be that you took action on something because it needed to get done. Yet, many people (on a hidden level) can't stand the ... Views: 1350
Stress has a bad rap.
Stress can create problems, to be sure. Some of the more common ones are include difficulty concentrating, trouble with focus and memory, moodiness, frustration and overwhelm.
There are physical symptoms as well – low energy, headaches, trouble with digestion, aches ... Views: 1473
By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited"
The narcissist cursed - or blessed - with mental X-ray vision. He sees through people's emotional shields, their petty lies, their pitiable defences, their grandiose fantasies. He knows when they deviate from the truth and ... Views: 6127
"Life is supposed to be fun", says some great people. And I totally agree with that, life is more fun than you think it is. We all want a happy life, and we all know that having a positive attitude feels better than a negative one. But for some reason, we are all attracted to and can be easily ... Views: 1722
ABC approach is a methodology adopted to study the behavior patterns of a person. ABC relates to Antecedents, Behavior and Consequences. The three words may look very simple, but the complexities involved in this study are exceptionally high. Understanding the ABC's of behavior enables one to ... Views: 1596
By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited"
The narcissist can get better, but rarely does he get well ("heal"). The reason is the narcissist's enormous life-long, irreplaceable and indispensable emotional investment in his disorder. It serves two critical functions, ... Views: 1766