We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Behavior Modification". If you have expertise in Behavior Modification and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
One of the companies I worked for brought in external consultants to assist us in shaping a new strategy to grow the business. One of the exercises we undertook was to get an understanding of what drives us to ... Views: 2210
By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited"
Positive feelings (about oneself or pertaining to one's accomplishments, assets, etc.) – are never gained merely through conscious endeavor. They are the outcome of insight. A cognitive component (factual knowledge regarding ... Views: 2457
The achievement made in the field of medicine and science in the last century would be dwarfed by the achievements occurred in this century. The advancement in technology would make practicing medicine faster, cheaper and better. And the best part is that patients would be benefited a lot from ... Views: 1183
Bibliotherapy for social-emotional learning experience. Or in other words, reaching your child‘s inner-world by joining him for the ride with stories, toys and games. By Educational Toys And Children Books For Character Education.
An iceberg floating peacefully in the ocean or a majestic tree ... Views: 1541
Most people have heard the phrase "random acts of kindness", which refers to a selfless act of giving resulting in the happiness of another person. Terms like this are increasing in popularity around the world, as more people identify a deficiency in their lives that can only be fulfilled by ... Views: 1157
This past weekend, while we were away for the 4th of July holiday, I had a profound realization of how addicted I've become to my iPhone. While I love many aspects of how technology enhances our lives and allows us to connect with one another in some very cool ways, I'm also aware of the ... Views: 1596
You hear about it all the time. First impressions are lasting impressions, you only get one chance to make a good first impression. Nobody will know how good you are unless you make a good first impression on them.
Unfortunately most people see themselves as not good at making a first ... Views: 7004
Celebrating Mother's Day and mom's birthday at the beach was a gift my mom, my sister, and I gave ourselves each year. It was a Mother's Day tradition for many more years than I can remember.In 2001 we started a new tradition.
Mom’s three year journey with lung cancer had taken a toll on ... Views: 2244
Celebrating Mother's Day and mom's birthday at the beach was a gift my mom, my sister, and I gave ourselves each year. It was a Mother's Day tradition for many more years than I can remember.In 2001 we started a new tradition.
Mom’s three year journey with lung cancer had taken a toll on ... Views: 2429
I believe that our lives here on earth are one enormous learning situation. I have seen the lessons zoom in front of me time, after time, after time until I finally get it. Many lessons come in the form of discomfort.
The first time I was consciously aware that there was discomfort in my ... Views: 1371
Joe was afraid of heights.
He could have just avoided heights, as many people do. The trouble was he also loved them. Joe was a rock climber.
It’s surprising how many rock climbers are afraid of heights. It takes them longer than other climbers to learn new techniques or get used to new ... Views: 1768
A while back when I was getting ready to launch my book ‘How To Change Your Life One Day At A Time‘ I decided to create a street video to help promote it.
I had only one question that I wanted to ask of many complete strangers: WHAT ONE THING YOU WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE ABOUT ... Views: 1604
The details related to our childhood, and things that we’ve experienced in the past, are still very much running in our subconscious minds. Our childhood memories are affecting how we are living our lives today. As children, we may have fallen out of the bed or down a flight of stairs. Or ... Views: 1631
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to perform your best when it really matters?
Consider these situations:
14-year-old Luis wants to finish his math assignment, but spends all morning in class staring out the window.
13-year-old Kayla loses her homework almost every day. It’s usually at ... Views: 2191
Feeling trapped can leave us vulnerable to more and more dissatisfaction. I believe our lives should be lives of fulfillment and satisfaction, so let’s see what we can do to help you move away from feeling trapped?
What makes you feel trapped?
• Parental pressure?
• A toxic past?
• An ... Views: 1281
Are you suffering from insomnia? Here are some suggestions to help you ease into a good night’s sleep.
Top tips to fall asleep
-Don’t do heavy exercise within two hours of bed time. Light exercise is perfectly fine though.
-Don’t drink any caffeine at least a few hours before bed. Some ... Views: 1939
You love your smartphone – right?
How many good things has it done for you today? From connecting with friends to getting restaurant reviews, our phones are invaluable.
However, there’s also a downside to our phones. As we focus on our phone, we often neglect dealing with things in the ... Views: 1373
Clarity is the ability to see reality from many perspectives. Reality becomes single-minded when one views everything from just their perspective.
One’s perspective is the very truth one holds about self and all that self has experienced in this lifetime. Every perspective is unique even ... Views: 1216
Is it possible to reprogram you brain with NLP?
Can reprogramming the brain change our behavior?
In our last blog post, we explored a brief history of NLP (neuro linguistic programming). NLP started as a research product conducted by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the 1960s and ... Views: 2836
Relax, Don’t Be Anxious About Your Anxiety
Anxiety may be caused by a number of factors. It may be due to a situation specific stimulus or it may present as a characteristic trait that endures over time. This is an important distinction in terms of tailoring treatment approaches that will ... Views: 1613
There is a concept that we are all just victims of victims. This intrigues me greatly because it opens up the possibility of breaking the chain to find acceptance and forgiveness; both of which allow us to heal and move on. You will notice that I will not say it excuses abusive or detrimental ... Views: 1107
It seems that today, more and more people are walking around asleep, dazed by the perceived perilous economic upheaval and uncertain government moves or regulations. Some are just burned out and would rather tune out instead of facing life with boldness and direct communication and action. It is ... Views: 1369
Inside all of us is a wealth of untapped potential far beyond our own imaginations and belief. There are hidden gems just waiting to be discovered, explored and excavated. God put us on this planet to not just breathe, but to serve Him by serving others. It is difficult to help others if we ... Views: 1600
“Are You ‘Normal’ and Hate Learning?”
• 1. Me: “Normal is the opposite of Abnormal, right? Dictionary.com defines ‘normal’ as Average-Ordinary-Common. Add: mediocre & second-rate.
• Normal makes you Defensive toward Change, Improvement, and expanding your Comfort-Zone.
Are Bill Gates, ... Views: 2139
Given the vast amount of therapeutic methods known all over the world and the vast amounts of money invested in medical research, I find it puzzling that disease prevalence stats demonstrate a continuous rise in the prevalence of chronic and life threatening disease. With all the existing ... Views: 1575
Why You Must Not Keep Eye-Contact to Convince
• 1. Me: “Mike, what do you think about making & keeping eye-contact with people you talk to?”
• 2. Mike: “Pop, you always said it was critical if you want to influence & persuade.”
• 3. Me: “We all hate change, it creates fear & anxiety. Yet we ... Views: 1829
The most important decision you ever make is whether you live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe, according to Einstein’s great genius. So, either you see the world as a positive or a negative environment, you are right.
After a lifetime of struggling with depression and a ... Views: 890
This question used to be at the forefront of my mind, imbedded so deeply that there seemed to be no escaping the powerful emotions that it evoked. When did it start? Why was I born this way? How could I stop the terrible things going on all around me I was hurting so many people. Maybe the ... Views: 1343
How to ADD 51% to Your Long-Term Memory – Permanently
• 1. This is a conversation I had with my teenager, Mike
about a system we teach at our one-day workshop at
Columbia University.
• It helps our graduates ACE school & their careers. It works for kids age 10, to high school, college & ... Views: 1794
Did you know that before you can change, you have to accept yourself. This means that you must acknowledge all of your behavior. What are those good actions that you are proud of? When have you felt contrite about your conduct? When are you neutral?
You have to honestly recognize who you are, ... Views: 1068
These mind exercises are things you can do every day to overcome any mental obstacles in your way and build your self-confidence. Be mindful that The payoff for investing a little time in yourself each day, is a lifetime of success and happiness!!
Are you up to the challenge?
1. Set yourself ... Views: 1689
We all have the potential to create unlimited abundance in our life. The only thing that is stopping us is us. THAT’S RIGHT….YOU! At this moment you have everything you need to create unlimited abundance. HOW? WHAT’S STOPPING YOU? Let’s take a look at that……
• Do you know what you ... Views: 1794
Give me one moment, I can give you life, not as one may have imagined, not with mortal thought, touch deeper than flesh could ever allow, a delight of senses real and not of this world, in our moment of eternal connection all else watches and waits. Daniel King, Rumi-Nations
The first day of ... Views: 1387
Stress is a killer and can easily build up when we don’t address address it routinely. Here are some ways for you you install “pressure relief valves” in your life:
1. Learn how to better manage your time. do your work during the workday. Make this feasible by taking on fewer tasks and ... Views: 2063
Many people are finding that they can count on auricular therapy for weight loss. This unique treatment focuses on curbing addictive eating and strengthening will power.
Obesity is a global health issue. According to the latest OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), ... Views: 1966
Tired of nagging your kids all the time? Do you feel like no matter how many times you tell them to clean their rooms, the rooms are never cleaned? Worn out from refereeing sibling fights? The answer is easier than you might think—Positive Parenting. Instead of spending your days ... Views: 1710
Having an injury while you are running is every runner's fear. For starters, it could be a similar problem too especially if you are just beginning. So for you to eliminate that kind of fear, you have to understand that even when injuries happen, you can basically do something to prevent it from ... Views: 1429
Parenting Logic: Over Indulgence
Parents are very busy these days, working full time jobs and sometimes even two jobs just to make ends meet. All too often they feel pressured and overwhelmed and end up parenting from moment to moment. The feeling of helplessness in managing their children’s ... Views: 1227
Who are you really?
When you talk to someone, or listen to someone, what perspective are you doing that from? I’m not talking about being a friend, a parent, a lover or even a nemesis; these are roles we play throughout our lives. I am talking about your true core, your personal truth, the ... Views: 1064
Narcissistic individuals are usually highly functioning within society, and for that reason incredibly difficult to detect. There are many narcissistic people within the community, who are well respected and revered by ‘the outside world’. It is only the individuals who were unfortunately hooked ... Views: 3326
If there’s one choice of super food for the healthiest, you would hear that most of them include a glass of natural and fresh blend of juice in their morning meal. Why juice? Our body needs all the nutrients and minerals it can get from all the food we eat. The most abundant source of these ... Views: 4145
One of the most common reasons people give for feeling unhappy in their life is the thought that they simply don’t have enough money. If the money you currently have could assume a human form and talk to you, what might it say? If you're like most people, it would probably say something like ... Views: 1050
Having written two bestselling books that consist mostly of questions (The Little Book Of Big Questions and Instant Insight), I have a lot I could say about this subject. Yet, in essence what I want to convey is that by asking yourself specific questions on a regular basis, you can ... Views: 1172
Do you have this urge to check the door if it is locked over and over again? Do you think that your hands are dirty and have the urge to wash it frequently? You may be suffering from an obsession. Obsessions are unwanted thoughts and fears that often repeat. These thoughts can be frightening and ... Views: 1285
You are probably aware of the expression, “walking around with a chip on your shoulder”. There are some people who wear that chip like a badge of honor. For them, it is easy to hold onto all the pain and anger they have experienced in their lives. That proverbial “chip” is a constant reminder ... Views: 1353
The Seventh Step Prayer
My Creator, I am now willing
That you should have all of me,
Good and bad.
I pray that you now remove from me
Every single defect of character
Which stands in the way of
my usefulness to you and my fellows.
Grant me strength,
As I go out from here,
To do your ... Views: 1364
By Pierre AH-FAT
Have you noticed how often urgent assignments, documents to sign or tasks to complete come to you at the last minute as most urgent matters? The way these are presented to us appear to be so imperative that it would seem the world would stop if they are not implemented ... Views: 1907
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”
― Gautama Buddha
I used to suffer greatly from a bad case of self-criticism, in my teenage years, it was so severe that I could never ask a girl out on a date. I feared that she’d say “no” and I’d ... Views: 1126
One of the common narcissistic tendencies is baiting. Narcissistic individuals love getting attention – because attention is narcissistic supply, and it confirms to the narcissist’s ego that he or she is valid, alive and exists.
Because a narcissistic personality is a constructed False ... Views: 24357
Good morning to all….
This morning I started the day by ushering out a few family members….one by one they left to fulfill their daily obligations. I realize more and more that it is not the “job” we have or where we go; it is what we do with that job and what we do where we go.
I kiss ... Views: 1101