I have always been astonished by the amazing abilities individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder have. Sometimes these gifts are hidden and I have to help parents dig for the treasure that lies within. Other times this extraordinary talent is obvious to all, which makes it easy for parents to ... Views: 1516
It’s NOT your fault. Don’t be a receptacle for guilt; address your feelings of guilt instead of letting them fester. Guilt is something that will always be waiting in the wings; you just have to learn how to deal with it when it wants to make an appearance.
Once your child is diagnosed with ... Views: 2781
Children do not come into this world able to care of themselves. In the beginning they are dependent upon their parents for everything, but gradually they learn to wash, dress and feed themselves. Typically, a child will master daily self-care skills with relative ease. Many are self-motivated ... Views: 2537
Did you know that anxiety symptoms and disorders are the number one health problem among children and adults in America? Anxiety disorders are more common in children today, than in their parent’s generation. The Anxiety Disorders Association of America states that one in eight children are ... Views: 1820
As parents we would all love to have a quick and efficient way of changing some of the negative behaviors our children display. There are behaviors that irritate us, embarrass us and exasperate us, and ones that present a safety issue at times. And then there are those unique, repetitive ... Views: 1597
Has your child ever vehemently resisted your request to perform a task?
I worked with a young mom recently who came to me exasperated by her daughter’s refusal to wash her hands and dry them or sometimes have a meltdown when the mom would do this task for her. The mom was at her wit’s end ... Views: 1334
Does parenting exist without guilt? Let’s face it - guilt comes with the territory. Whether or not your child is on the Autism spectrum, guilt is a difficult emotion to avoid no matter how hard a parent tries. If you are a seasoned parent you may have had more than a few encounters with guilt ... Views: 1650
Do you have a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that is just not interested in the holiday fanfare? Unfortunately, many children on the spectrum may be tuned out or just not interested in some or all that comes with the holidays.
We expect the holiday excitement we develop as ... Views: 1503
All parents, regardless of the label their child has been given - anxiety disorder, PDD-NOS, overweight, learning disorder, lactose intolerant, Autism, OCD, near sighted, gifted, etc - struggle when it comes to dealing with negative behaviors. I have never met a parent who wasn't open to ... Views: 1737
Parents often complain that they work on changing one irritating behavior only to find their child has replaced it with another annoying action. The easy solution to this problem is to choose the replacement behavior yourself and instill it as a habit.
All children have the ability to learn ... Views: 1624
There are many things that can cause stress in any child. This can include a change in family dynamics, fighting with siblings or typical tension in the home. While these may be manageable stressors for adults, they can be big deals to children so it is important not to dismiss them.
Other ... Views: 1810
This is an ever-changing world and there are many things in it that we would like to protect our children from. The last thing any parent wants to see is their child violated, hurt or in pain.
As parents, we do our best to provide our children with safety equipment, expose them to lessons ... Views: 1723
There are many things we do to stimulate or calm our senses. We rock babies to soothe them and we sing or hum to ourselves in the shower, we fan ourselves to cool off when we are hot, and we hug and kiss others to give and receive comfort. When we want to increase or arouse our senses we often ... Views: 1771
Do all of your child’s behaviors make sense? Most likely they do not, especially if your child has an Autism Spectrum Disorder. The neural pathways in the brain of a child with Autism are wired differently causing him or her to respond in ways that may be very foreign to us. Does that make it ... Views: 1692
No two of us are alike. We all have likes and dislikes, challenges and strengths. But we are similar in that we are social animals and we live in a social world. Some of us may thoroughly enjoy making social connections and others may view it as a chore or an intrusion into our world.
As ... Views: 1436
Do you really know how your child feels about going back to school this year? Maybe last year was a positive experience but can you really assume this will be another carbon copy? Many children, even those without an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), can harbor secret worries and concerns they ... Views: 2877
Does your child have a bully problem? If not, consider yourself lucky that you don't have a bully to deal with right now but would you and your child be prepared if one should arrive on his or her doorstep tomorrow?
Bullying is difficult for anyone to deal with, regardless of age. All ... Views: 1711
Parents of children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder often fret about when to tell their child they have an Autism Spectrum Disorder and how.
What if you didn't have to tell your child he or she has Autism?
Wouldn't it be nice if you lived in a world where your child could just ... Views: 1572
If your child hits, bites, screams, pushes and destroys things and you are at a loss for what to do, don't dismay. Negative behaviors such as these are learned and they can be unlearned as well.
Keep in mind that misbehavior is simply an expression of an unmet need or an inability to cope ... Views: 1572
Dads come in all shapes and sizes, personalities and temperaments, just like moms. Both mothers and fathers have dreams for their children that begin even before conception. Once a person discovers they are to become a parent, ideas form of how things will be with their son or daughter.
Any ... Views: 1671
Having a child with a disability is every parent's nightmare. Once you have heard the words, "Your child has Autism." the disappointment, anger and the feeling of isolation can leave you in shock. How long you remain there will be determined by how well you deal with your ... Views: 1539
All children want to be good and please their caretakers. Young children don't PLAN to misbehave or fall apart. When a child has an emotional meltdown it signals they are having trouble controlling their emotions, especially when the demands of the environment exceed their current ability to ... Views: 1773
What type of messages do you think are going on inside your child's mind? Children with special needs such as Autism will intuitively grasp that they are different and pick up on the less than positive judgments from others - however subtle they may be.
Do you pay attention to that voice ... Views: 5222
Potty training a normal, healthy child can propel any parent into a state of anxiety, overwhelm and exhaustion. Now let's consider what potty training is like for a parent when their child is on the Autism spectrum? A child with Autism may have sensory issues that get in the way or they may not ... Views: 1514
All parents worry about their child's future. Many of us wonder what our children will be like when they grow up. Will they go to college, join the military, find a good job and be financially independent? Will they have healthy relationships and become parents themselves?
Are the concerns of ... Views: 1550
Will a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder limit my emotional connection to my child? As parents we all want to cuddle, kiss and hold our children. Not only do they feel good to hold but they smell good too - most of the time. But what is a parent to do when their child pulls away from ... Views: 1518
Did you sense how your identity changed when you became a parent? At the moment of birth or adoption, our lives are never the same because once a parent, always a parent.
Despite the fact that our self-identity shifted once Mother Nature inaugurated us as mom or dad, this new role is not ... Views: 1465
The myth that families of children with Autism have an 80% divorce rate was proven false by researcher Brian Freedman, PhD, clinical director of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, as this article, Autism Families: High Divorce Rate Is a ... Views: 1758
Every once in a while parents are embarrassed by their child's behavior or the factual remarks they make, such as pointing to a person next to you in line and claiming, "she's fat!" Moments like this can be very uncomfortable but fortunately do not occur often, but the risk may be higher if you ... Views: 2084
The holidays are a time of great joy, laughter, learning experiences, sensory awakenings, and fabulous opportunities. Unfortunately, maintaining a holiday atmosphere full of merriment and cheer is not possible to sustain twenty-four hours a day, every day of the week, especially when you have a ... Views: 1582
Every holiday from New Year's to Christmas and everything else in between provides opportunities for families and businesses to celebrate. It offers a time for families to gather and do something special and it gives business a chance to increase their revenues. As a result, the holidays and ... Views: 1195
Are you confused by all the information out there in cyberspace regarding the use of praise with children?
Is there a best way to praise a child and should a parent of a child with Autism distribute praise differently? If you look at the literature on using praise with children over the past ... Views: 984
If you have more than one child, do they compete for your attention? Do you detect jealousy that you would rather not see? Does the amount of bickering among your children and lobbying for No. 1 position concern you as a parent? Welcome to the world of parenting!
In addition to that, if you ... Views: 1834
October may be the month many children look forward to for costumes, candy, and parties with creepy ghouls and goblins but all of this may not be your Autistic child's cup of tea. Every child is different and unique yet it is typical for almost all of them to develop anxieties and fears at some ... Views: 1329
Do you have a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who is challenged socially? Do you realize that you don't have to rely on the professionals who provide services to your child to enhance their social skills. Social skill groups and classes led by experts in the field are extremely ... Views: 1249
Along with motivation, curiosity is the one of the best and most direct paths to learning new things. Encouraging curiosity in children is a crucial role parents need to play in developing their child's intellect. Children will stay curious as long as they are allowed to explore, discover and ... Views: 4257
Does the old fashion medicine man or witch doctor still exist? Remember the stories of the charlatan selling snake oil by the side of the road? Have you been told about someone who can 'cure' your child with Autism? Have you been contacted by someone claiming they can reverse the progression of ... Views: 1136
Your son with Asperger's is refusing to go to school.
Your sensory sensitive daughter is constantly testing your patience when it comes to mealtime.
Your six year old with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is throwing tantrums like clockwork.
Your four-year-old child with PDD is not ... Views: 1212
The start to a new school year can be riddled with anxiety for any child. When you think of your first days at school, I am sure your memories are mixed with some years having a better start to the school year then others.
Going to a new school or having a new teacher in the same building ... Views: 1306
Do you remember not getting what you had your heart set on when you were a child? Maybe it was a special birthday gift, or that trip to the zoo, or that new skateboard you coveted. That was childhood but now as adults we are more mature in how we deal with disappointment, or are we?
We are ... Views: 1170
There are many things about parenting that are enjoyable, such as holding your infant in your arms for the first time or seeing your child take her first step. On the other hand there are some events attached to parenting that we just don't look forward to as much and for many parents toilet ... Views: 1487
It’s inevitable - all parents eventually have to deal with the job of weaning their child from diapers and instructing them to use the toilet independently. As this time approaches parents begin to collect resources and information from various sources to help guide and support them in this ... Views: 1713
As parents, we all want to do what we can to reduce any type of school related anxiety for our children and minimize the possible stress it can bring into our households. As a parent coach, I have guided many parents to discover ways that will make school a positive experience for their child. ... Views: 5323