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Recent studies suggest that low-income parents tend to endorse much harsher discipline, partially because they hold stronger beliefs about the value of spanking and experience higher levels of stress.
However, parents who work in high-stress jobs or are stay-at-home parents who are feeling ... Views: 1204
Mother Nature has a way of teaching us valuable lessons…if we’d only look or listen! As a personal coach, I often hear how frustrated clients, friends, and colleagues are about their life experiences. I have one friend in particular whose calls are often (unconsciously, I’m sure), disguised as a ... Views: 1362
(Proverbs 14:30)- A calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism, but jealousy is rotteness to the bones.
We have all seen the destructive effects that jealousy can have. It often brings emotional and physical harm. In fact, people have even died because of being victims of jealous rages. ... Views: 2264
Reaching your goal weight brings a feeling of elation that you won't soon forget. 16 years after reaching my goal weight using Weight Watchers, I still remember that feeling of joy and pride. That feeling - although you remember it, unfortunately won't keep you from gaining the weight back. I ... Views: 1143
When people have the right mix of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control, their intention to change behaviour will be strong.
Their intention is only constrained by their actual level of control.
In this final of a series of four articles using Ajzen’s theory of planned ... Views: 1929
“There is a wisdom of the head, and…a wisdom of the heart!”
Charles Dickens, Hard Times
“Where my heart lies, let my brain lie also.”
Robert Browning, “One Word More”
“It is the heart which experiences God, and not the reason.”
Blaise Pascal
There is a new trend these days ... Views: 2237
Stress - Friend or Foe
What is stress?
Stress is the wear and tear our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has definite and specific physical and emotional effects on us that can create both positive and negative feelings. And as many of you experience ... Views: 2799
....Know yourself first: Your relationship with yourself
Deep down inside, at the core of your soul, your spirit knows that you are a person of worth and value. You have a burning desire to reveal to others that you are indeed a worthwhile individual, someone of value to know. But in order to ... Views: 1797
Read on to find the BEST hint about this I have ever heard about how to beat Procrastination……
If you are really well organised, get things done in a timely manner, and do NOT have a huge undoable list called:
then don’t waste your time ... Views: 1423
My unique multi-cultural upbringing exposed me to how; many people live in other major parts of the world; such as Europe, Asia and Africa. Although I came from an affluent and privileged background; I ended up working closely with all kinds of people from diverse classes including; social ... Views: 2830
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
-Mother Theresa
Words can be deadly weapons or protective layers of love. They can bruise and batter a person, no matter how old, in the heart and spirit just like physical blows can cause damage to ... Views: 5540
Improved hygiene and indoor plumbing has successfully reduced or eliminate many causes of death that were once common place, like polio, cholera, tuberculosis and others. As our worries over these preventable horrors decrease we are finding new problems to fill our waking moments.
As the ... Views: 1163
I think everyone knows what 'comfort food' means. It’s that particular snack or food that you might crave when you’re tired, lonely, sad, happy, whatever. That particular food that if first tasted it as an adult, you probably wouldn’t like and would never eat again. And ... Views: 918
If you want to improve your performance at something, or if you want to create new good habits, one very successful technique is the use of positive reinforcement. The following story will illustrate how one of my coworkers used positive reinforcement to create new successful behavior.
When ... Views: 9235
Most people think they know themselves pretty well, but how well do you really know yourself? Do you know exactly how you feel about certain things and why, or do you tend to judge how you feel by how you think you should feel? Are you comfortable with your feelings and the "inner you," or is ... Views: 4764
The fall season is a time when things change. It’s also a good time to continue to get more balance in our work and life.
Have you seen the life balance wheel? You identify areas of your life important to you, and rate them anywhere from 0 to 10. All-encompassing balance can include areas ... Views: 2346
In this spiritual ghetto of the cosmos called Earth, are men who are intelligently stupid. They are intelligent in as much as they have the ability to understand – and stupid because they often react negatively to what they hear.
Why? Because they are controlled by a gang of ... Views: 2011
How many times have you been at work, and the phone rings, or someone walks in your office, or the e-mail "blings" and you decide to take a peek, and when you come back to what you were doing, you completely forgot where you left off? And then, it takes you 5-10-15 minutes to figure out where ... Views: 3481
I use the word “improper” because I hate using the word “bad”. Bad sounds evil or terrible, and some habits just aren’t that bad; they might be annoying but they are not bad. What improper habits do you have? We all have improper habits that we exhibit occasionally, ... Views: 2862
How to Break your Kid’s Brat Habit
It seems that we need anger awareness and age-appropriate choices to help our kids successfully manage their anger. A young child's unique and awesome personality is suddenly taken over by what seems like an alien being. Did you ever consider that acting out ... Views: 10511
If you want to learn how to stop obsessive thoughts, the first step involves understanding exactly what's happening to you right now. It's like you're spinning on a hamster wheel. Like a treadmill that just runs in circles without ever getting anywhere.
Why? Because you lack TRACTION. You ... Views: 16955
Quick: Which of our five senses more than any other influences our behavior? Triggers our memories? Controls our cravings? Enhances our moods? Ignites our sexuality?
If you replied, “It’s our sense of smell,” then you’re smarter than most. We live in a culture that ... Views: 1784
Why is it that we have a hard time fulfilling our promises that we make to ourselves? When we say that we are going to do something, especially something that changes a habit, we make the same promises again and again. Is it because we had no intention on fulfilling the promise in the first ... Views: 944
Many erroneously believe that the terms sympathy and empathy are synonymous. Although both words have to do with feelings, they do express different grades of feelings. But before I go in to the details of explaining the differences, let’s look first at what the dictionary says.
Sympathy means ... Views: 19526
Too many of us are operating out of a certain need despite believing we are acting in our best interest. A need for comfort, a need for achievement, a need for social acceptance, a need for a partner, and so on. As human beings we do continually create situations through our desires, which ... Views: 2487
Six Serious Fear Busters
By Marcia Wieder, founder Dream University and DreamCoach.com
Do you dream of a business and /or life where you have impact, contribute to others, and maintain a certain lifestyle? As you get closer to fulfilling this dream (or any others) don’t be surprised ... Views: 2498
"…The old avatar looked up, slowly waving his hand in front of my face. He gazed into me, deeper than anyone had ever been allowed. Not a word passed between us in those brief moments he read my soul as he read his own and knew a stranger as he knew himself. The unanimity this man felt with ... Views: 1113
Behavioral therapy for autism is becoming popular due to its reported high rate of success. Using this therapy, your child quickly learns that his previous inappropriate behavior will be ignored and not encouraged. He finds that only appropriate behavior is rewarded and will be motivated to do ... Views: 3186
"Overweight and obesity are associated with heart disease, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis, breathing problems, and psychological disorders, such as depression",according to the Surgeon General. The numbers are staggering when it comes to the economic cost of ... Views: 1015
"Talk to Me, I’m Human!" Have you ever felt like telling (or
worse—yelling!) this or a similar phrase to your boss, a coworker, or
significant other with whom it seems impossible to have a conversation? In a world that prides itself for its advances in technology, we have surely gone backwards ... Views: 1010
Avoid being road-kill on this super charged super highway called life in the 21st century. There is an increase in the amount of information and activity that bombards us on a daily basis and there is no sign of a slow down. In fact, we can feel its exponential growth. It is time to take charge ... Views: 2189
It is proven that affirmations help to reprogram one’s mind. When one repeats an affirmation over and over, the subconscious picks up on it as the present reality. Does this mean that people have the ability to completely turn around their life as they know it? In one word: yes.
You can ... Views: 3391
Haven't you always thought having a disorderly mind meant something was wrong? Well, I did. That was, until...
I read tons of information about the brain, including material produced by the Center for the Study of the Brain.
And guess what? Having a mind that is disorderly is a ... Views: 15950
Violent. Child. These words don’t seem like they belong together do they? We hope that children are naïve, accepting, loving, gentle. That they have open loving hearts.
That is what I thought when a bright eyed 8 year old came into our hearts and our home. He exhibited behaviors that were the ... Views: 2073