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Mental health consist of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
Mental health is usually used as a substitute for mental health conditions, such as ... Views: 996
[Note: This JOT is adapted from Mother Nurture, a book written for mothers - focusing on typical parenting situations and gender differences that are experienced by many, though not all, mothers and fathers, and by parents in same sex relationships. Parenting is a complex subject, plus it ... Views: 1007
How We Find Happiness in Life. Happiness is life’s most desired goal. But we can never achieve it while we continue to look outside of ourselves, as it is an inside job.
“Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every ... Views: 959
[Note: This JOT is adapted from Mother Nurture - a book written for mothers - focusing on typical situations that are experienced by many, though not all, mothers during the years before their children enter grade school. These are most commonly the years when mothers (biological and adoptive) ... Views: 978
“From the Buddhist point of view, the Chinese officer who is committing the cruel act against the young boy is initiating a new cycle of negative karma. In the case of the child, there is a closure of a particular karma that the child is experiencing. The perpetrator of the crime is in fact an ... Views: 1470
Whether you've already married or might want to be, why not learn an easy way to keep your relationship happy and lifelong?
Regardless of life's ups and downs, if you've chosen your partner well, you can continue to enjoy romance, romance, intimacy, and teamwork. You'll deal with issues ... Views: 1374
Another day, another article. The experience of previous posts leaves you feeling that you are starting to repeat yourself. That, a few other limiting beliefs and you are successfully petrified. Don’t fret, burnouts are a common phenomenon in any field. And in doing creative work it’s easier to ... Views: 1548
We all know this fear. You're walking down a street, someone you don't know comes toward you, and there's a second or more of wariness, scanning, apprehension, and tension or bracing in the body: a barely conscious assessment of possible threat. Or you step into a meeting with people you know ... Views: 916
Why is laughter so important in the healing process?
One of my favorite clients is fond of saying, “Laughter is the cheapest medicine!” Three basic reasons why:
1. Laughter lightens up your spirit by shifting your emotions. You create a more positive frame of mind through ... Views: 1023
If that title has the ring of a typical fitness course to it, there’s a good reason. There are a lot of similarities between mental fitness and physical fitness. A mind burdened with useless attitudes is as unhealthy as a body blanketed with layers of fat. And wouldn’t you know, just like there ... Views: 1187
Many years ago, I was in a significant relationship in which the other person started doing things that surprised and hurt me. I'll preserve the privacy here so I won't be concrete, but it was pretty intense. After going through the first wave of reactions - What?! How could you? Are you kidding ... Views: 836
Gravity and entropy are powerful processes in the natural world. Gravity draws things together, toward a center, while entropy scatters them into disorder. In much the same way, in our own lives, some things bring us to center, while others disturb and disperse us.
In terms of centering, be ... Views: 1115
Recently, Dr. Romance has been asked a lot about how people can overcome paralysis and self-sabotage, so I thought I’d pass on my ideas on the subject. Getting in your own way is all about how you relate your yourself. In addition to not managing your time effectively, ... Views: 1066
Enjoy life to the fullest, it has an expiration date. Life today should mean pleasure, but our modern concept of living is often just the reverse; negative in concept and implying the resignation of one’s self image. Modern living often means abandoning satisfaction because of a phantom called ... Views: 1217
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but if you’ve been experiencing some of the techniques I’ve already shared for the last few days then right now you’re probably feeling better?
You may not be sure right now why you’re feeling better, but you just are…
You may have already had a little glimpse ... Views: 980
Most people spend most minutes of most days doing one thing after another. I sure do. Typing these words is a kind of doing, as is driving to work, making dinner, brushing one's teeth, or putting the kids to bed. For all the "labor-saving" devices of the past 50 years - dishwashers, phone ... Views: 879
Are you aware of your awareness? I call it room awareness. I sold Time Share for years and we would train our Sales People about room awareness. If you ever been to a Time Share Presentation you know that everyone sits in the same room at different tables and each table is close to every other ... Views: 1086
Isn't it time to launch your dream?
We all have dreams of what our lives, our relationships, our careers, and our futures look like. Yet, how often are we steered away from them? We made choices required of us, based on life circumstances which was and is fine. NOW you have the ability to ... Views: 1290
Whether you are looking for a significant other or wanting to improve your existing relationship, the answer lies near and dear in our very own selves. Years ago when I was working on improving my relationship with my hubby, I realized that I wanted him to be and do certain things. I made a ... Views: 785
Today you hear the statement, "I'm not religious, I am spiritual."
And I seriously doubt that few people have any idea what they mean by 'spiritual' other than they are not into the conventional religious orders of today.
Most people believe in some ... Views: 865
There are times in our life that we try to change things in our life. This may be earning more money, gaining a promotion, living a healthier life or having a happier relationship with others. Whatever it is what we are really trying to do is creating a new reality for ourselves. How do we do ... Views: 1611
We all have issues - including demands upon us, stresses, illnesses, losses, vulnerabilities, and pain. (As Alan Watts put it: "Life is wiggly.") Of course, many of our issues - in the broad sense I'm using the word here - are related to important sources of fulfillment, such as starting a ... Views: 871
Ever since the 1950’s when Albert Ellis, Ph.D., my teacher and mentor, developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy/Coaching, the mental health field has not been the same. Instead of spending months and years gazing inward and backward with no real behavior change, folks experiencing emotional ... Views: 1139
By developing three simple habits, you can improve your mental and physical health:
1. Sleep 30 minutes more each day
Increase your sleep about 30 minutes more tonight than you did last night. Stress levels are affected by sleep. Studies show that 90% of people do not get enough sleep. ... Views: 1022
Welcome back to Week 5: Let’s Get Active – I will introduce you to some examples of how to get Active
Some of them being Passive & Relaxing to Support your Nervous System
Whilst Others being stimulating to Support Your Heart and Circulation
Implementing Daily Exercise is Vital for a ... Views: 1070
In my early 20's, I went through Rolfing, a form of deep-tissue bodywork, and I nervously anticipated the 5th session, the one that goes deep into the belly. But instead of gobs of repressed emotional pain, what poured out was love - waves and waves of love that I'd pushed down due to ... Views: 969
When I look back on mistakes I've made - like dumping my anger on someone, making assumptions in haste, partying too much, losing my nerve, being afraid to speak from my heart - in all cases a part of me had taken over. You know what I mean. The parts of us that have a partial view, are driven ... Views: 1088
The other day I was relaxing at the local pool when I witnessed a really special event that unfolded in front of me.
A young man was sitting in the hot tub with his 5 year old son. It was obvious they had a really special relationship as they chatted in the warm water.
While they chatted, ... Views: 1081
It's kind of amazing: right now, what you think and feel, enjoy and suffer, is changing your brain. The brain is the organ that learns, designed by evolution to be changed by our experiences: what scientists call experience-dependent neuroplasticity.
Neurons that fire together, wire together. ... Views: 865
To view in your browser:
“There is a crack, a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen
Dear ONE,
Just as ever increasing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are creating bigger cracks in ... Views: 1250
Dr. Romance writes:
Extreme makeovers are all the rage these days, with botox injection parties, and reality shows. Plastic surgery is on the rise. Many people are trying to match the extraordinary measures actors and actresses go through to look perfect on the screen. ... Views: 1250
(can also be viewed with graphics at https://isolatorfitness.com/blog/)
Do you feel overworked, tired, unfocused, burned out, stressed, overwhelmed, defeated, strained, and depressed? Maybe you just need to take a break and recharge your batteries.
Unfortunately, if you live in America, ... Views: 1361
(can also be viewed with graphics at https://isolatorfitness.com/blog/)
The hardest part about starting a new fitness regimen is finding motivation to continue, especially in the beginning. Once you start seeing, or at the very least feeling, results your motivation tends to naturally ... Views: 979
Humans are an empathic, compassionate, and loving species, so it is natural to feel sad, worried, or fiery about the troubles and pain of other people. (And about those of cats and dogs and other animals, but I'll focus on human beings here.)
Long ago, the Buddha spoke of the "first dart" of ... Views: 1064
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am 48 years of age, never married but would definitely like to. I am doing the online dating thing for a while now and so far no success. I am currently speaking to a gentleman who lives in another state; but given he is currently a pilot he ... Views: 1101
Talk therapy has been found to be an effective form of treatment for mental health as well as treating mental disorders such as schizophrenia. A recent study revealed that over two million people in America have a diagnosis of schizophrenia and primary treatment involves the use of medications. ... Views: 752
Moment to moment, the flows of thoughts and feelings, sensations and desires, and conscious and unconscious processes sculpt your nervous system like water gradually carving furrows and eventually gullies on a hillside. Your brain is continually changing its structure. The only question is: Is ... Views: 998
How many times have you been in a public place that you have witnessed a child screaming its head off for no apparent reason?
How many of those times that you witnessed the child screaming did you also witness the parent or caregiver screaming as well?
I think it is sad to realize that this ... Views: 1147
Have you ever watched two people quarrel, or otherwise be stuck in a conflict with each other? Usually, if either or both of them simply acknowledged one or more things, that would end the fight.
Recall a time someone mistreated you, let you down, dropped the ball, made an error, spoke ... Views: 910
When you are doing your best to succeed at work, it is easy to place less of a focus on your personal or home life. People are working more hours than ever, limiting the time that is left available for life outside of the office.
With these increasing demands, it becomes harder for the brain ... Views: 1183
There I was recently, standing in the shower, my mind darting in different directions about projects in process, frazzled about little tasks backing up, uneasy about a tax record from 2010 we couldn't find, feeling irritated about being irritable, hurrying to get to work, body keyed up, internal ... Views: 1046
Benevolence is a fancy word that means something simple: good intentions toward living beings, including oneself.
This goodwill is present in warmth, friendliness, compassion, ordinary decency, fair play, kindness, altruism, generosity, and love. The benevolent heart leans toward others; it ... Views: 978
The Train Ticket
I gave my grandson, upon his graduation from High School, a battered old train ticket, dated June of 1961. He was always to keep it with him, and refer to it whenever his life went awry.
I was a young soldier stationed in Metz, France. I was sent to a ... Views: 937
Life can be so Emotionally disturbing on so many levels at times:
I would like to share with your these Simple, Yet Effective Steps so you can Rise Above these Feelings of sheer Fear at times to Absolute Trauma.
Without making a Fool of yourself, Allowing it to interfering or block your ... Views: 1052
For many of us, perhaps the hardest thing of all is to believe that "I am a good person." We can climb mountains, work hard, acquire many skills, act ethically - but truly feel that one is good deep down? Nah!
We end up not feeling like a good person in a number of ways. For example, I once ... Views: 889
Becoming Open Minded and A Growing Individual - The Journey
What is the difference between being open minded and close minded? Taking you back to that time you were in that seminar or in that class, focusing only on what you already know. At times just standing by waiting to hear knowledge ... Views: 1287
What could you offer?
The Practice:
Make the offering.
One of the strangest and most meaningful experiences of my life occurred when I going through Rolfing (ten brilliant sessions of deep-tissue bodywork) in my early 20's. The fifth session works on the stomach area, and I was ... Views: 880
Blaming ourselves leads to feeling guilty, and feeling guilty can trigger an expectation of punishment. When self-blame becomes a habit, we carry a heavy burden throughout our lives. The feeling that we are being punished for some wrong doing or not being good enough plagues us. Before we ... Views: 1173
Imagine this: you've just interviewed hundreds of applicants after sifting through thousands of résumés and have hired the best of those with all the skills and right attitude. Your training staff spends hours orienting them to their job responsibilities and the new employees are eager to get ... Views: 2134
When we encounter someone, usually the mind automatically slots the person into a category: man, woman, your friend Tom, the kid next door, etc. Watch this happen in your own mind as you meet or talk with a co-worker, salesclerk, or family member.
In effect, the mind summarizes and simplifies ... Views: 914