Ever since the 1950’s when Albert Ellis, Ph.D., my teacher and mentor, developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy/Coaching, the mental health field has not been the same. Instead of spending months and years gazing inward and backward with no real behavior change, folks experiencing emotional ... Views: 1162
Ever travel with children or those needing assistance? Then you are quite familiar with the instructions flight attendants give passengers to put the mask on yourself first before helping others. Makes sense right?
Perhaps Lama Yeshe said it best, “Be gentle first with yourself if you wish to ... Views: 2667
Miley Cyrus who believes Donald Trump is a “F—king nightmare,” has said she’d “move out da country” if Trump wins. But wait there’s more. Far more. And in an age of positive psychology, meditation, gratitude journaling, “Namasta-ing” each other, and of course the multitude of mindfulness ... Views: 1393
One of the "hats" I wear now that I'm fully retired from clinical practice as a psychologist for the past couple of years, is Director of Transformational Behavior Coaching for the Premier Fitness Camp, http://www.premierfitnesscamp.com/America's top-rated optimal health, weight management and ... Views: 1191
If you are like most folks who read websites, magazines, and newspapers today, you may be totally confused by the sensational headlines that deal with wellbeing, health, obesity, exercise, nutrition, stress and a whole host of other related topics. It seems that on Monday, obesity is caused by ... Views: 1407
It’s that time of the year again when we begin to think of warmer weather, and that means trips to the beach. And that means, bathing suits. And that means others seeing our bodies. And that means, uh oh.
For some, it also means. “twice-a-days.” You know, working out twice daily. For others, ... Views: 1117
Mental mastery, whether it’s for a business meeting, a physical workout, academic success or mindful meditation, requires that you fully engage your mind. We’ve learned through years of research that our brains are capable of continued growth throughout our lives, especially when we are engaged ... Views: 1380
Of course that’s a provocative title. After all, we live in America where we have become anesthetized into believing that we must be ever so careful to avoid holding anyone accountable, answerable or responsible. Rather we prefer to blame a lack of self-esteem, a “bad” childhood, traumatic ... Views: 1892
Ever notice how many diet books there are? That’s because DIEts don’t commonly work. Think about it. How many people do you know who have DIEted and actually maintained their weight loss? Only 3% to 5% of DIEters who lose weight maintain significant weight loss.
Doesn’t sound too good to me, ... Views: 1230
"Dr. Mantell, what is it that keeps me back from reaching my goals in life?" I"m often asked about what is the single most impacting block to success. I ask in return, "What do you think of yourself?" No, not what do you think others think about you? But what do you think about you? Your ... Views: 1547
When Dr. Michael Mantell began a recent speeck quoting President John F. Kennedy who said, “So let us begin anew—remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness and sincerity is always subject to proof" little did he realize he'd touch the life of a mom in the audience. "Dr. ... Views: 1426
Dr. Michael Mantell brings decades of experience in turning the most challenging workplaces around, often in partnership with leading human resource professionals. In this column, he describes the causes of negativity, the consequences of negativity and how to turn negativity into positivity and ... Views: 1560
No, of course you haven’t heard any good negative predictions lately. That’s because there aren’t any good negative predictions. There are only negative negative predictions. That’s because there’s nothing good about a negative prediction! Negative predictions can only be ... Views: 1676
When it comes to your health, self-care, relationships, your happiness and wellbeing, there’s only one thing that drives it all – yes, the link is what you think.
Try to imagine an emotion – happiness, sadness, worry, calm, fear, anger, love – without a thought first creating it. It can’t be ... Views: 1443
"Come on, Dr. Mantell, you've practiced psychotherapy for more than 40 years, have been a transformational leadership coach and mentor. You must have some rules to live well that you'd be willing to share." Of course I do, and I'm happy to do so, But first, a question for you.
When it comes ... Views: 1380
Between L’Espalier in Boston Le Cirque, Eleven Madison Park and Bouley in NY, Restaurant August in New Orleans, Mélisse in LA, and Lulu in Palm Srings – I admit I’m having major food “cravings” just thinking about them as I write this article. These are the best in their respective cities in our ... Views: 1285
Yes, I'm the same Michael Mantell who promotes “the link is what you think” and who believes, OK, thinks, that every emotion we ever have, ever, is first conceived and then anchored in the way we think. It's ALL in your head. Simply put, you not only won’t - but actually can’t- ever have an ... Views: 1353
“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” ~Jack Kornfield
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Before retiring from the practicing clinical psychology for forty years, diagnosing and treating mental illness, I saw day to day, the scourge of self-loathing. Now that I’ve retired and am coaching ... Views: 1261
It’s that time of the year. It all starts popping up in the – often nonsense – media stirring headlines in late March, early April. “Get Flat Abs in 5 Minutes.” Yeah, right. “Get Your Beach Body Now!” Dream on.
If you type “bikini body” or “beach body” into your Google search engine, you will ... Views: 1336
Hey Dr Mantell, this may be the latest "health supplement" on the block but it's been around for thousands of years, hasn't it? You bet it's been around for thousands of years. In Psalm 100-4, we read, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His ... Views: 1269
“Dr. Mantell, it seems that ‘being authentic’ is the hottest topic in self-improvement. Is that true?” If 119,000,000 hits on Google means something is hot, then yes, authenticity - in our age of inauthenticity - is hot.
Just what does being authentic mean? Where does this originate? ... Views: 1325
Dr. Michael Mantell is fond of saying, "what you feed, you grow." When it comes to health, longevity, successful social connections and long-term loving relationships, personal and communal wellbeing, even physical fitness and finances, leading-edge transformational coaches know that optimistic, ... Views: 1230
Sure, you may be thinking that word might be “hate,” “poverty,” “illness,” or “death.” No, these words are mild compared to the life-sucking, contentment-robbing, depression-boosting, anxiety-causing and anger-building word I’m thinking of.
That word is “should.” In the wonderful words of my ... Views: 1287
OK, before you go all holier than thou critical, or laugh so hard you can’t pay attention to this content of this article, here’s what being “All FFF’d Up” means when it comes to the secret sauce of being fit. It means if you are going to stick to a fitness program, you need to have Fun, include ... Views: 2784
Dr. Michael Mantell coaches people to stir their healing power in the medicine of laughter and play. Living with stress, feeling uptight, being worried, not sleeping, and thinking limiting thoughts, kill the joy in your life—as well as your health and wellbeing.
One of the best anti-stress ... Views: 1406
It took quite awhile to earn that degree, to go on for graduate studies, to land that impressive job. And somehow, it’s still leaving you with thoughts of defeat, of fear and worry.
Or perhaps that degree and job hasn’t happened for you, it’s not where you put your skills to work. Perhaps ... Views: 1288
The self-help blogs and media are filled with useful information about positive psychology, becoming your best self, leading the good life, and the value and benefits of being optimistic, positive and hopeful. It’s next to impossible--from more than 3000 years of Judaism’s wisdom on happiness to ... Views: 2002
“Mrs. Mantell, your son Michael is not college material. He should definitely consider a vocational high school path.” That’s what Mrs. McCaffery, my 8th grade teacher at Chancellor Ave. Elementary School in Newark, N.J., told my mother with me sitting there…trembling,
My mother, then ... Views: 1223
Did you know that most of the people you know, including yourself very likely, find it easier to work than to enjoy free time? Becoming successful, it seems, trumps developing happiness. This is what Shawn Achor relies on when he writes about the “Happiness Myth,” namely the myth that hard work ... Views: 1248
When I go to the gym to workout, I want to untie the knots and jelly beans in my back and shoulders, unhook from the day’s residue of stress, release my brain’s “feel good” chemicals and build all-over body muscle power. I don’t want to deal with difficult people. Do you?
When you go to work, ... Views: 1593
A few weeks ago, I wrote a column about my WAM program for personal success, what about me? I wrote about three steps to “me,” self-compassion, including 1) welcoming yourself as a friend,
2) Acknowledging your strengths and successes, and recognizing that, 3) Mindfulness promotes it all.
... Views: 1395
You’ve read the screaming, deceitful, headlines about getting ripped abs. “6 Ways to Get Ripped 6-Pack Abs!” “How to Get Ripped Abs in Just One Month,” “Do This One Thing to Get Six-Pack Ripped Abs,” “Scientists in China have discovered a revolutionary shortcut to six pack abs” and so on. ... Views: 1448
From simple annoyance to fiery rage, loss of temper, with its emotional and physiological mayhem, so mess with your life that it’s time to prevent, not just manage the thunder. Lashing out in anger over even the smallest slights or obstacles only makes sense if your goal is to strip yourself of ... Views: 1230
How can a group of 80 million young Americans suffering from mind-bogglingly high unemployment rates still be positive, buoyant and survive? Leave it to Millennials to do exactly that.
With $200 billion in buying power, they are optimistic, confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and ... Views: 1101
Unattractive, stupid, lazy, lacking self-control…is that what you not-so-secretly think of the nearly 70% of adults with “overbesity,” that is, those affected by overweight or obesity? If so, read on. You may be a fat shaming bully and not even know it.
I was working out in the gym yesterday, ... Views: 1723
There s/he sits in front of you or more likely in a text message, that “follow your dreams,” optimistic, confident, tolerant, ethnically diverse, born somewhere between 1976 and 2004, and from the most marketed to and most nearly technologically addicted, socially-networked generation in ... Views: 1368
Here’s the wisest elixir of happiness—gratitude.
That’s right, gratitude will fill your storehouse of happiness. What’s this have to do with health and fitness? Plenty.
You see the study of positive psychology, specifically the work of Sonja Lyubomirsky in her book, “The How of Happiness,” ... Views: 1478
Here’s the choice we all have. We can either be a part of the 80% of Americans who don’t eat properly, sleep enough, make time for healthy relaxation, don’t spend quality and quantity time with friends and loved ones, and simply live in the illusion of health. This group is likely ill, ... Views: 1126
There is no such thing as stress. Got that? Good. Then why are you wasting so much of your time with “stress management” programs, lectures, coaches, books, articles and websites? Could it be because you really don’t believe that there’s no such thing as stress?
Oh, I know it’s a cottage ... Views: 1813
Recent research has discovered that February 7th is a date in history that goes typically unnoticed by most, but is also “celebrated” by most as well. Huh? What’s that mean? It means that research on when most people stop honoring their New Year’s resolution to participate regularly in exercise ... Views: 1270
A recent Pew Research Center study of modern parenthood found that more than half of parents say they find it very or somewhat difficult to juggle work and family life. Dad are doing more housework and more moms are being are being paid for working out of the home. And the public is conflicted ... Views: 1279
A recent Pew Research Center study of modern parenthood found that more than half of parents say they find it very or somewhat difficult to juggle work and family life. Dad are doing more housework and more moms are being are being paid for working out of the home. And the public is conflicted ... Views: 1445
A recent Pew Research Center study of modern parenthood found that more than half of parents say they find it very or somewhat difficult to juggle work and family life. Dad are doing more housework and more moms are being are being paid for working out of the home. And the public is conflicted ... Views: 1428
A recent Pew Research Center study of modern parenthood found that more than half of parents say they find it very or somewhat difficult to juggle work and family life. Dad are doing more housework and more moms are being are being paid for working out of the home. And the public is conflicted ... Views: 1398
Valentine’s Day may well have started as the Roman version of “match.com.” Young single men and women placed their names in a box, names were drawn randomly and couples were put together as partners for a year. After that it was up to them.
Robert Browning pointed to the essence of the ... Views: 1279
Want to get active and healthy while also improving your romantic life? That’s right. The two go hand in hand. If you are concerned about your spouse’s/partner’s health, his/her weight or activity level, here’s a method for you to be a good role model for health, have some healthy fun with each ... Views: 1368
Michael Mantell, Ph.D. is convinced that if there was a drug that offered all of the benefits that play does, it’d be the biggest seller on the planet. But who needs to buy a pill when play is free, available 24 hours a day, and no is ever prescription needed?
Plato did prescribe, “Life must ... Views: 1348
So you want to improve the way you and your spouse, partner, co-worker or friends at the gym communicate? There probably isn’t anyone anywhere that believes there isn’t room to improve in this most fundamental skill of life. If you disagree, at least do it agreeably ☺.
The very structure of, ... Views: 1358
Are you among the 80 million Americans born between approximately 1982 and 2001? Look around. Have you noticed that you make up about a third of your workplace? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has noticed and they say that what’s more, in just five more years, you presence will jump to 46% ... Views: 1369
With all of the resolutions, intentions, goals and wishes you’ve considered for the new year, 2015, if one of them is to finally meet your true love, your “soulmate,” the person of your dreams, then be sure you take some notes on this article. You may just need them if walking down the aisle ... Views: 1288