A Broken Heart is a figure of speech, (also referred to as Broken Heart Syndrome) that describes the intense emotional stress and pain that is felt when experiencing great loss or a deep longing either for a better life or deeper relationships. In the midst of this heartbreak and pain it can be ... Views: 289
Are You Eating Round up [Glyphosate]?
If your diet consists mainly of processed and packaged foods the chances are that you are “Eating” Round-up. Slowly “Killing” yourself with the “Toxic Poison”.
Research has Found Evidence!
Research is showing evidence of glyphosate residues, found in a ... Views: 420
3 Major Benefits & Reasons for Detoxing your Lungs.
Whether you are reading this because you have given up smoking or just want to improve the function of your lungs. I would suggest if you are still smoking, make a plan to quit, then go about the cleanse once you have given up the habit. ... Views: 408
Restoring a Healthy Brain - Begins with Identifying the Causes, Triggers and Symptoms
Epilepsy and Seizures also referred to as “The Irritated Brain”
What is epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a long-term brain condition where a person has repeated seizures also known as fits. It is thought to ... Views: 302
Health Benefits of Sleep are more than Skin Deep
Sleep for Beauty is Not just a Myth. Starting with these: 6 Amazing Benefits for your Health and Great Skin! The connection between how improving your Sleep and the amazing benefits for improving your skin and your health. Nothing Beats improving ... Views: 431
Learning How to Be Healthier: Happier & a More Vital You!
Whether it be your Health, Work, Finances, Building Happy Relationships with Partners, Family, Friends and Work Colleagues. Being completely honest, everyone has stages they go through where they will struggle with certain elements or ... Views: 343
The journey to Preventing and Overcoming Disease
Begins with the 4 Serious Health Issues facing our society today. It is important to understand the underlying causes and contributing factors to these health issues in order to Prevent or Overcome
These four serious health issues that we are ... Views: 346
Fuel your Sweet Tooth with these 6 Healthy Treats without Feeling Guilty or Harming your Health!
It is no secret that the leading cause of diabetes, heart failure, cancer and obesity is with the consumption of artificial, sugar laden, processed sweet “treats”. I find it difficult to ... Views: 387
Your kidneys remove waste and fluid from your blood to make urine. They play a vital role in the detoxification process of your body. If there is an over-consumption much of certain waste products, chemicals and toxic substance together with not enough fluid in your bloodstream, these wastes ... Views: 838
Depression comes quite often with hidden causes with little to no diagnosis. As the symptoms are frequently misunderstood or overlooked. As a community the understanding of depression has improved and a greater insight as to the need for treating the underlying causes to bring about healing and ... Views: 860
The most effective medicinal property is found in the Root of the Plant
Herbal medicine has been around for thousands of years and is still being prescribed due to its successful medicinal and restorative properties.
You can begin including the health benefits of herbal medicine into your ... Views: 1003
It is no secret than statistics show that men in general do not pay as much attention to their health as women. Even when presented with a health crisis.
It appears that men are more focused on fitting in and being one of the guys in preference to making changes with their diet or lifestyle ... Views: 838
Parents are Human: Children – Parents need your Love, Intuition & Guidance
I have a keen passion to help – Build Healthy, Loving & Happy Families
One of the missed subjects is how you as a child can best love and support their parents.
As Children you are people within your own right, for a ... Views: 1042
Men Value Freedom and Consistency:
Women Value Honesty and Emotional Freedom
“A Caring Man is a Sexy Man”
In today’s world there is a great deal that men should know about the unique health concerns facing the woman in his life. Often women get busy with caring for their husbands, ... Views: 869
Cashews, Mushrooms & Spinach Enjoy these Superfoods
A Quick, Easy Healthy dish to serve for the whole family
Can be eaten as a vegetarian dish or you can add chicken, lean meat or fish
Gluten free suitable for people suffering from coeliac and digestive disorders
Nutritional Benefits of this ... Views: 908
Having a baby is undeniably one of the greatest joys in life, however no-one can ever prepare you fully for the huge adjustment. Not to mention the changes to your relationship with one another.
Making the changes and the great leap from being a couple, to baby making three is initially ... Views: 777
Your Choice – Your Health
Medicines, both natural and pharmaceutical medicines, are a big business, it is overwhelming, confusing and can be totally over the top expensive, ineffective if you don’t know what you are doing or who you can trust.
It has been my commitment throughout my career as ... Views: 1167
Happy, Healthy Thriving Children is Vitally Important for a Healthy, Thriving Future!!!!
Are our children are becoming deprived from learning about everyday living skills, social skills and experiences?
In this article I would like to share with you the lack of exposure our children are ... Views: 995
Alopecia is a sudden and generally temporary loss of hair. There are two stages or types Alopecia areata is a disease that causes hair to fall out in small patches, which can remain unnoticeable. This disease develops when the immune system attacks the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. ... Views: 968
No matter whether you have chosen to be a stay at home mum or have chosen to return to work.
Thoughts will vary from family to family and mum to mum on outside care for your children. My thoughts as a mother were that I had individual care in my home for my children up until the age of two, ... Views: 908
How someone acts in a Crisis, can this be an indication of their True Colours - Or Not! What Do you Think?
“Do you think people reveal their true selves in times of crisis? Or should we make allowances for shock, fear & panicked fatalism?”
Obviously, for each of us this can be different, ... Views: 1212
Coming to the end of a Year can be rather Overwhelming, Exciting and Daunting at the same time just where has the time gone and what have you achieved, what have you done during this time. This what I like to call the time of Reflection. It is important to reflect and to take time to bring to ... Views: 904
Epilepsy is a diagnosed medical term used when a person has had more than one Seizure
Quite often during the diagnostic phase the cause of the epilepsy can involve some form of brain injury. However, for many people the underlying causes can be unknown.
Epilepsy and Seizures
Seizures occur ... Views: 1157
Ankylosing Spondylitis is pain that appears to come from nowhere, you can’t remember doing anything to cause this much pain.
It may involve morning stiffness and tightness, often occurs in the major muscle groups such as abdominal, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and quadriceps.
You may experience ... Views: 1034
There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, all involving some disorder or inflammation of the joints.
Two of the most common forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. These two common forms of arthritis affects thousands of Australians, the next most common form is gout, ... Views: 1019
Today as I sit in my clinic, I feel a sense of sadness and at the same time a sense of peace.
The time has come to look at my life, yet once again and to where will it lead me now. After one of the most difficult and emotional decisions of my life.
As of the 30th of June 2018, I will be ... Views: 1378
Remember back to when you were a kid, wanting to draw, read a book, when you were playing in your backyard or in the playground at school.
Did you give any deep thought behind what you were doing? You would just do things that you would find fun or you liked doing. You would build sandcastles ... Views: 1396
It has been found that in Australia alone, a staggering 4.74 million people over 50 years of age have osteoporosis, osteopenia otherwise known as poor bone health. Women being more prone to osteoporosis than men due to the rapid decline in oestrogen levels during menopause.
It has been found ... Views: 1548
Toxic Overload – The Binding of Chemical Compounds known as the “Silent Killer”
The Key is in Avoiding and Eliminating as much as Possible, these “Silent Killers”How this Chemical Bonding Effects YOU
Since world war 11, the reckless use of chemicals has brought about a deadly cocktail, that ... Views: 1619
The average person consumes between 250 to 350 kilos of refined sugar per year. That’s about 1 to 2 kilos per day! There is 1 million kilograms to a milligram.
The recommended quantity being 5 milligrams per day. It is easy to see the dilemma.
You may not be able to eliminate every little ... Views: 1389
There is no doubt that Beauty comes from the inside out. Whatever you put in your body affects the health of your skin.
The same can be said for whatever you use on your skin will have either a detrimental of positive effect on your health.
Just for You by Julie is a unique Skin Care Range ... Views: 1474
Healthy Food is the Foundation for a Healthy Life
There is absolutely no doubt that the steps you take to eat well throughout your pregnancy.
Not to mention during times of breastfeeding will build a solid health foundation for your newborn love and for you as well, Mum.
To give your baby the ... Views: 1332
Balancing hormones and strengthening digestion are two major areas of health that I address and support clients with.
There are an increasing number of myths and half truths told about how to bring about hormone balance. This can be frustrating and make you susceptible to numerous tests that ... Views: 1351
Do you sometimes struggle, wanting to avoid sugar, yet feeling like something sweet. Wanting to avoid fats, gluten and dairy.
Well here is a Great recipe for you, that includes the spice sumac & cinnamon to help balance sugar levels, turmeric your wonder anti oxidant, anti inflammatory ... Views: 1425
Polymyalgia is an arthritic inflammatory condition that causes muscle pain, loss of mobility with stiffness mainly felt within the hip & shoulder areas.
Prominently noticeable in the mornings, taking about an hour or so to feel some relief.
It has been found that a diet that is high in acidic ... Views: 1255
A major challenge for woman is in learning and implementing ways to care for themselves whilst caring for the people around them.
It requires a delicate balance of understanding that if you don’t care for yourself then you will not be able to care for others.
I began learning in my late teens ... Views: 1138
Keys to Building Positive Relationships & Letting Go of Painful Experiences
Have you ever wondered why relationships are so hard, and why they can feel so blissful in one moment and so frustrating in the next?
Have you ever asked yourself things like:
• Who am I and How did I get to be who ... Views: 1061
Life is Full of Choices, Decisions, Challenging Moments and Guess What Mistakes!!!
I am sure you have noticed this, none of us are free from this or will escape these perils of life.
The secret comes in learning to accept this, understand: To learn to let go, release painful experiences ... Views: 1286
The Breakdown of Families Saddens me: Hence why I would like to bring some light to the repair and reconnection of families.
In my clinic, I see both sides’ parents and children disconnected for “No Good Reason”. Good people missing out on sharing each other’s lives together.
I have wrote this ... Views: 1128
In the past few weeks I have had some interesting challenges that totally zapped me, allowing me to "hit rock bottom". Crying everyday just wondering where I was going and what was I doing. Feeling just exhausted like the very core essence of me had just been sucked out.
As I began to gradually ... Views: 1390
Health or a level of Health is different for each person: how each of you view your life and what you want for and from life.
Health isn't just a matter of not getting sick, you may well know of many people whom abuse their bodies, yet seem to not get sick.
This abuse may well go on for many ... Views: 1483
By implementing some dietary changes combined with herbal medicine you can save your gallbladder.
Chances are if you are reading this that you have been diagnosed with Gallstones.
When suffering from gallstones you tend to have severe pain in the upper right abdomen soon after a meal.
The ... Views: 1246
How many times have you turned down an invitation to a social activity or to just do something for fun because you just feel too busy or overwhelmed by what you already have to do?
What is your answer when asked the question, “How are you?” Your reply being “busy”.
It seems all too often in ... Views: 1381
As members of my community, I am sure you are learning that food will always be your Best Line of defence.
Whether that be from prevention of disease to supporting your body to function optimally.
Your skin is the largest organ of your body so whatever you put into place to improve the health ... Views: 1214
Julie’s Naturopathic Health Care Services is well known for having one of the most extensive Herbal and Homeopathic dispensaries within Australia.
You might say - Why? Because –
From my 27 years of Treating clients I have still found these to be the Best and Most Effective -
Foundational ... Views: 1340
Life is full of challenging moments and if you are building a stable and significant life you are definitely going to have your fair share of these moments.
But how you manage these moments is what will make all the difference to how you feel about yourself, your stability and having a relative ... Views: 1234
Life is full of challenging moments and I must say I have definitely had a couple of weeks of them.
So what did I do to cope because let's face it, I still become anxious, stressed, emotional and for a short time crippled with these challenges.
#The first step is to tackle them one at a time, ... Views: 1246
Here I am going to share with you something that isn't all that new but very relevant when it comes to building a Happy, Successful and Healthy Life
It is not about the "Quantity of Friends" that you are going to have in your life. But the "Quality" by this I don't mean Financial, Professional ... Views: 1609
Do you at times seem to just hit rock bottom, where all of your energy has just seemed to be "Sucked out of you"
Here are 5 Easy Steps to Restoring Energy and Vitality -
1. Laughter is a great boost to a tired body as it causes the brain to release endorphins that induce a natural high ... Views: 1247
Today is a Stress Free Day for Myself and My Darling husband.
So after cleaning up the house I decided to have a candlelit bubble bath. Allowing my thoughts to float away.
Well float they did but not quite away. As long as I can remember it has always been my dream to make a difference in the ... Views: 1300