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Did you know that it is not a coincidence that you attract situations that make you question if you should accept them? The man with kids, or the job with less pay, the unsavoury housemate, the woman who isn’t fully committed when you truly desire to be with someone who is.
Many people live ... Views: 891
Do you ever experience feelings of not being good enough? Do you feel that it’s normal to actually have the belief of not being good enough inside you, creating self-doubt? Do you feel like it’s normal that you have to be and do things in order to feel good within yourself? Do you find yourself ... Views: 889
Anxiety is largely the result of what I call ‘emotional landmines’ i.e. negatively charged memories stored in your unconscious mind and body that keep getting re-triggered by daily events. The triggering of these ‘landmines’ leads to anxiety and other painful emotional and physical experiences ... Views: 848
As you move through your life do you ever find yourself repeating or recreating situations that are less than desirable? For instance, do you find yourself caught in certain self-sabotaging or self-destructive habits that have taken control over your mind and life?
Do you feel sufficiently ... Views: 836
Self-esteem is a value that you unconsciously place upon yourself. It is based upon choices that you make throughout your life and you will find that it fluctuates. The main reason why psychology experts have failed to increase self-esteem through many different approaches is because self-esteem ... Views: 780
6 Ways to Be Happy At Home
“To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition, the end to which every enterprise and labour tends.” – Samuel Johnson.
Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling. It’s our comfortable refuge, the place we feel relieved when we walk through the door, it’s where ... Views: 1093
If you are someone who is haunted by the fear of stepping up, or are unsure as to why fear motivates you to avoid doing the one thing you know you want to do – you are likely feeling helpless to understand why its hold on you is so strong. You may also be wondering why so called “experts” have ... Views: 715
Making someone happy isn’t really hard to do, and the payoff is that you boost your own mood by spreading happiness all around. You cause a ripple effect that affects the happiness of people you don’t even know and you may even become healthier through your random acts of kindness. So, what is ... Views: 1076
People who seem overconfident or too interested in themselves are often called narcissistic. Narcissism is a thought and behaviour pattern that involves many negative elements including:
• Overconfidence
• Fascination with the self
• Excess ... Views: 1367
Are you one of the millions of people in the world who suffer from shyness? Would you like to develop confidence, and become the attractive and carefree person you really are inside? If so, this article is for you!
First, I want to address some of the most common myths about shyness. Many ... Views: 867
Do you know many people compulsively find themselves seeing the worst scenarios in situations they find themselves in? Do you know this leads to unnecessary amount of stress, anxiety, panic attacks, despair, depression, energy depletion, unhappiness, failed relationships, health concerns and ... Views: 833
Liking feels good, plus it encourages us to approach and engage the world rather than withdraw from it.
Your brain continually tracks whether something is pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral. In essence, is it a carrot, a stick, or safely ignored? Naturally, we like - we enjoy - what's pleasant, ... Views: 903
Want to try a little experiment?
Stop breathing. Really. For a few seconds, maybe a few dozen seconds, and see how it feels.
For me, this experiment is an intimate way to experience a deep truth, that we live dependently, relying on 10,000 things for physical survival, happiness, love, and ... Views: 812
Throughout history, people have wondered about human nature. Deep down, are we basically good or bad?
Recently, science is beginning to offer a persuasive answer. When the body is not disturbed by hunger, thirst, pain, or illness, and when the mind is not disturbed by threat, frustration, or ... Views: 1053
to view in your browse and enjoy all the images:
“The Whole Universe Is My True Personality.”
Anonymous Zen Master
Dear One,
On April 15, pleasure-loving Venus stationed direct conjunct wounded healer Chiron in sensitive ... Views: 1721
Major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability in the US, affecting around 15 million adults a year, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Add the current controversial political and social climate to general everyday woes, and now, perhaps more than ever, ... Views: 1201
Do you even know if you’re numb? Think about the experience of our foot falling asleep and the pins and needles and aching we feel when it awakens. We sit on our foot for a while and temporarily compress the nerves in it and don’t feel the discomfort until we move our foot.
Suddenly our body ... Views: 877
Cleaning out the cobwebs, dust-balls, and poorly fitting beliefs is not always easy. But it is a liberating process and the work of a lifetime. As we lighten our load we feel enlivened and amazingly fresh and free, leaving us wondering why we didn’t do this a long time ago. Imagine this ... Views: 994
Lies are like weeds. They start out small, and then grow until they're out of control. And like weeds, they keep popping up again and again. Once they take root, they grab a firm hold, and won't let go.
In James 3:8 the Bible says, "But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless ... Views: 1208
It's only a two-letter word. It's small and simple. Tiny, even. Microscopic. Yet it's sometimes one of the hardest words to say in the English language. It's the word "no." But there are times when saying "yes" to the word "no" can be profoundly liberating, and can assist you in staying true to ... Views: 1416
Research shows that relationships are built from interactions, and interactions are built from moments. A critical moment in an interaction is when one person wants something from the other one. ("Wants" include wishes, needs, desires, hopes, and longings.) The want could be simple and concrete, ... Views: 801
Over the years, I’ve found that there are some questions that I’ve asked time and again about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and how it works. Thought I’d share them with you- please comment if there are others you’d like me to address in future blogs!
Over the years, I’ve found that there are some questions that I’ve asked time and again about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and how it works. Thought I’d share them with you- please comment if there are others you’d like me to address in future blogs!
Plenty of parents call me this time of year, exhausted and tell me, “my teen needs therapy stat!” or “I was fine raising my child but now that he/she’s an adolescent I’m at a loss”. Parenting a teenager is a new and scary experience for most, and to shift how you interact with your children can ... Views: 1166
Can you remember a time when you offered a gift to someone? Perhaps a holiday present, or a treat to a child, or taking time for a friend – or anything at all. How did this feel? Researchers have found that giving stimulates the same neural networks that light up when we feel physical pleasure, ... Views: 803
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Breathing - by Mary Fitzpatrick, LCSW-R, CHT Limitless Horizons www.limitesshorizons.org
We all want to feel comfortable in our bodies, and in our lives.
The simple act of breathing, or focused relaxation can have surprising physical and mental health benefits.
Research shows us that meditation or focused relaxation helps ward off disease by strengthening our immune systems, ... Views: 1265
The traditional saying that's this week's practice has been sinking in for me lately. Thoughts have been swirling around like a sandstorm about work, things I've been reading, household tasks, finances, concerns about people, a yard that needs mowing, loose ends, projects, etc. etc. The other ... Views: 1048
There’s a profound and miraculous mystery right under our noses: this instant of now has no duration at all, yet somehow it contains all the causes from the past that are creating the future. Everything arising to become this moment vanishes beneath our feet as the next moment wells up. Since ... Views: 900
“We have the wrong perception that we are separate from the other. So, in a way, Trump is a product of a certain way of being in this world so it is very easy to have him as ... Views: 1563
Part 1 (the Edge of negativity)
Truth be told, sadness, grieve, hardship, and negativity is the order of the day.
From the very moment you wake up on a new day, to the close of the day, there is a likelihood that you would be bombarded with all forms of negativity, from ... Views: 1205
“Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.”
To the above quote, the self-proclaimed realist might answer “But I am not a boat and my problems aren’t ... Views: 1054
Goodwill and ill will are about intention: the will is for good or ill. These intentions are expressed through action and inaction, word and deed, and-especially-thoughts. How do you feel when you sense another person taking potshots at you in her mind? What does it feel like to take potshots of ... Views: 958
Getting a divorce is one of the toughest and possibly lowest points in anyone’s life. In fact, fully getting through a divorce can even take years for some people.
With this in mind, there’s no harm in trying to make living through a divorce easier for yourself. After all, there is no way ... Views: 1188
As the most social and loving species on the planet, we have the wonderful ability and inclination to connect with others, be empathic, cooperate, care, and love. On the other hand, we also have the capacity and inclination to be fearfully aggressive toward any individual or group we regard as ... Views: 871
Meditation is to the mind what aerobic exercise is to the body. Like exercise, there are many good ways to do it and you can find the one that suits you best.
Studies have shown that regular meditation promotes mindfulness (sustained observing awareness), whose benefits include decreased ... Views: 987
You may have seen the old Mickey Mouse movie in which he is working at a conveyor belt in a factory. More and more widgets come at him that he has to handle, and he gets increasingly frazzled as he struggles to keep up.
Do you ever feel the same way? Think about all the dishes, emails, ... Views: 946
The word, sacred, has two kinds of meanings. First, it can refer to something related to religion or spirituality. Second, more broadly, it can refer to something that one cherishes, that is precious, to which one is respectfully, even reverently, dedicated, such as honesty with one's life ... Views: 816
Nikola Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
In this blog in part one I talk about emotions, the energy and vibrations of emotions. I will also be talking about how emotions impact us and potentially even future ... Views: 1253
As I was meditating this morning, our cat hopped up in my lap. It felt sweet to sit there with him. And yet - even though I was feeling fine and had plenty of time, there was this internal pressure to start zipping along with emails and calls and all the other clamoring minutiae of the ... Views: 825
I'm old enough to remember a time when people usually answered "good" when you asked them the standard, "How are you?" (often said "harya?"). These days the answer is commonly "busy."
In the last few months I've been very busy myself and starting to feel dispersed: juggling a dozen priorities ... Views: 880
We control our mental attitude by positive attitude not by rules.
Change your mental attitude, and the world around you will change accordingly
It is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thought make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole ... Views: 1236
Those of you who have been around here for a while and know how I roll, know that part of my life is exploring how deep the rabbit hole goes.
It’s “crazy” to tell a “normal” person that you do meditation and hypnosis a couple of hours a day because you perceive that world to be deeper than ... Views: 1262
This article was originally posted at http://www.apple-a-day-clinic.com/Health_and_Nutrition_Blog?m8:post=pessimistic-it-may-be-a-result-of-this
Most people assume their personality type is written in stone, but that may not be the case. Pessimism, a personality type is characterized by ... Views: 1122
Known as the Sage of Arunachala, Ramana Maharishi lived in Tiruvannamalai, a town in southern India. His esoteric messages can take people to higher levels of consciousness making them sense a radical departure from the habitual neurology.
The Sanskrit word Maharishi refers to a ... Views: 1513
By Margaret Paul, PhD
January 23, 2017
How fiercely and relentlessly devoted are you to wanting to love yourself and wanting to learn to treat yourself lovingly?
Gerard sat opposite me at one of my Inner Bonding Intensives.
"My body hurts and I feel irritated," he complained, in a ... Views: 1069
[If for you the breath is associated with trauma and discomfort, you probably shouldn't try this practice in its form below. But you might adapt it to something that is more nurturing for you, such as a saying or image.]
Breathing brings you home. Body and mind twine together in the breath. ... Views: 1002
There are popular feelings: joy, happiness, love and affection, to name a few. And then there are unpopular feelings: anger, sadness, grief, hurt, and fear, among others. Most of us tend to hide the unpopular feelings and, instead, only feel and show the popular ones.
If we want integrity and ... Views: 1357
By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
January 16, 2017
Has giving talks or presentations been scary for you? Discover why and what to do about it.
Michael, one of my clients, asked me for help in one of our phone sessions:
"I have to give a presentation to my boss and others on our staff on Friday. ... Views: 1094
The Practice.
I recently did a meditation retreat (at Spirit Rock, wonderful place, including for workshops). One evening as we walked out of the hall after the last sit, I was feeling rattled and discombobulated. (One of the benefits of a retreat - though it can be uncomfortable - is that it ... Views: 891
I have struggled with depression my entire life. Before I even knew what mental illness was, back in a time when it was the gorilla in the room that nobody talked about, I knew something was different within myself. Off. Wrong. Unlike many people suffering from depression that can pinpoint a ... Views: 1605