At some point after sobbing one to many times you are probably going to find your self asking. What are some things to do to get over a breakup? When a relationship doesn't work out, and you look at it realistically. Most relationships are not healthy. A healthy relationship is designed with ... Views: 1355
7 Phrases That Can Change Your Life Forever
Have you ever wondered if there is an easy formula towards success? There definitely is! There are also great phrases that can change your life, in more ways than one. Writing these phrases down and putting them up where you can see them everyday and ... Views: 1391
Becoming Open Minded and A Growing Individual - The Journey
What is the difference between being open minded and close minded? Taking you back to that time you were in that seminar or in that class, focusing only on what you already know. At times just standing by waiting to hear knowledge ... Views: 1290