There is a saying, or more like an acronym that is used particularly in 12 Step Program circles and it’s HALT. This translates to hungry, angry, lonely tired and is what to become aware of so that you know it’s time to halt. In other words, when you are feeling hungry, angry, lonely and tired, ... Views: 627
Heartbreak is brought on from the death of a loved one, broken dreams, separation from a loved one whether romantic or close friend/relative, the state of the world, abandonment, or seeing harm done to an animal, human, or forests. In fact it can be brought on by many more situations not yet ... Views: 667
Facing Global Adversity
The conditions we have faced globally over the past 18+ months has created a prolonged state of continued polarity and serious misfortune. These conditions have given rise to physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial and social adversity. With over seven ... Views: 672
In March 2020 downtown Victoria in British Columbia looked like a deserted town. The noise had stopped. The air became cleaner and the Olympic Mountains and many others suddenly and stunningly came into better view.
Similiarly, water became clearer and strangely, everything seemed alive ... Views: 534
While women have become political leaders, ministers, bosses, CEOs and in many cases sole providers, and taken more and more away from home and garden, the masculine energy has become dominant.
In many cases women have become more driven, than receptive, more out to meet the needs of others ... Views: 538
I started to distinguish the difference between self-care and soul care when I was working in social services in a government corporation. Myself and others were not finding the known strategies of eating well, sleeping enough, and exercising regularly effective in alleviating the kind of stress ... Views: 707
I started to distinguish the difference between self-care and soul care when I was working in social services in a government corporation. Myself and others were not finding the known strategies of eating well, sleeping enough, and exercising regularly effective in alleviating the kind of stress ... Views: 698
When I was 6yrs old I had my first experience of death of a family member. My mother explained the passing as one of transition where my family member was now “one of my guardian angels”. I took her word for it, believing as an innocent child would that that was exactly what happened. I ... Views: 1630
In primary school I had a vision of becoming a guidance counselor specialist. In high school, a psychologist, and then in university a clinical forensic psychologist.
When I was 10 years old I started outlining content for a book that at the time I was going to call, “When society ... Views: 1035
The key spiritual practices in Shamanism, also known as the “4 Powers” is a balanced way to walk through this life in conscious delight. They are Singing, Dancing, Nature, and Sweet Silence.
I used to love to dance. Much of my teen and university years were spent de-stressing on the dance ... Views: 1165
Here are some strategies to transform stress into ease and empowerment:
T- Transcend from role to role way of relating to connect soul-to-soul. Be in
service to others without sacrificing your integrity by being authentic in your
communication and acting from ... Views: 1240
Have you ever felt like you were alone in the world? Like you were an observer on the sidelines wondering why it felt so isolating to be seeing the world in a different light?
I sure have.
Being in crowds and social situations was often very uncomfortable for me, sometimes overwhelming. I ... Views: 1051
Imagine this: you've just interviewed hundreds of applicants after sifting through thousands of résumés and have hired the best of those with all the skills and right attitude. Your training staff spends hours orienting them to their job responsibilities and the new employees are eager to get ... Views: 2160
Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress and so exhausted that you barely have the energy or time to do the things you would actually enjoy?
You are not alone. In fact if you are spending your days in a toxic work or home environment you can look at any one of your co-workers or family members ... Views: 1135
Do you feel easily overwhelmed or over-stimulated when there is a lot going on around you?
Are you easily affected by the moods and emotions of others and seem to pick up their energy?
Has your enthusiasm you once had for life and work waned into exhaustion and disillusionment?
If you ... Views: 1284
Transforming Stress in to Ease and Empowerment
Is your life feeling hectic and stressful? Are you someone who tries to please everyone? Are you one of the many who feels responsible for everything and is therefore busy all the time? People complain they have no time for themselves or even ... Views: 1087