This is what a problem with FOCUS looks like and feels like.
This focus problem is paradoxical for entrepreneurs, because you have a STRONG desire to control your own schedule and work independently, yet you're struggling DAILY to get your to-do list done!
If you spend a lot of time feeling ... Views: 1182
"Success leaves clues." Jim Rohn
Before I share my #1 business-building tip with you, we need to lay some ground work. Let's look back at YOUR successes from this past year and see what some of your clues are.
What were your key mindset shifts? Where were you when you had that shift? What ... Views: 1125
If you’re a direct seller leading a team, or a solopreneur who’s guiding your clients to successful transformation as well as working with a few virtual or in-person assistants /employees, you have probably asked yourself: “What are the qualities of an effective leader, and do I have ... Views: 1418
Each of us is shaped by our family beliefs, expectations and behaviors. These are often passed down through multiple generations. "As you grow up, you're automatically enrolled in an eighteen-year course called "Life Beliefs." This course covers all areas of your existence -- religion, career, ... Views: 1494
The entire audience was rapt during his talk. He is a great speaker (and very easy on the eyes as well!). He spoke for 2.5 hours and stayed for several hours signing books and taking the time to speak with each book buyer individually. You can bet I was in line buying a book and getting it ... Views: 1146
For every entrepreneur, your ideal client or team member is a version of YOU. This is one of the key points in my coaching system; I share this with each client. You do not attract random people; you attract people who have something (typically, many things) in common with you.
Here’s what ... Views: 1131
Whenever I’m talking to a colleague or friend, and I share that my business has totally taken off this year, I’m often asked: What has created that difference?
If only it were as simple as ONE THING!
I always have several new initiatives going on: new marketing actions (like social media ... Views: 1280
How could you detect other forms of leadership, if they didn’t come with a big office, impressive title, and opportunity to boss people around?
Leadership comes from within. It’s not something you do to other people. It’s the way you live – the way you think, speak and act. When your energy ... Views: 1111
In order to do, be, and have what you want, the first step is asking and the second step is receiving.
Receiving requires both the belief that you deserve your gift and that you be willing to accept it.
What if you have been asking (clearly, consistently, and continuously) and haven't been ... Views: 1223
Step 1. Key components of your weekly schedule
•Doing the work: parties, telephone calls, interviews with prospects, etc.
•Administrative tasks
•Relaxing and recharging.
Even without personally knowing you, I’m pretty confident that at least one of the items ... Views: 1237
Getting the right things done in your work day is so much easier when you know what you want to do and when you have the energy to do it. Let’s take a look at energy first.
Step 1. Maintain high positive energy while working
How do you do that? Keep going back to your WHY. What do you ... Views: 2233
1. Be prepared to discuss the opportunity, a lot, with everyone. Don't make assumptions about who will be interested. You never know who needs this: whose life will be turned around by this, just the way yours has been.
2. List the benefits you've received from joining your company. Reflect ... Views: 1195
If you’re in a party plan business, imagine your favorite party. Remember as many details you can: your hostess, the guests, when it happened, maybe even what you were wearing. Now focus in on how you felt.
Most likely you felt great! You were probably laughing and having a good time with a ... Views: 1258
Here’s the conundrum: You can do anything you want, you just can’t do EVERYTHING you want. Which means you need to make choices about what is most important to you.
We’re making these choices all the time, often without thinking consciously about it.
When I’m in my unconscious mode, I sit ... Views: 1262
With the news media full of stories about economic ups and downs, this is a good time to take a deeper look at your personal economy. Regardless of what’s happening in the global economy, what is the state of your personal economy?
How do you react to the economic news? When we hear bad news, ... Views: 1423
Women often struggle with asking for what we want. We spend so much time helping other people. We're quick to pick up on what our friends, family, and colleagues want, and slow to understand what we want.
Over time, we stop checking in with ourselves about what we ourselves truly want. We ... Views: 1110
Procrastination is about managing your energy; it's not about managing your time. Otherwise, you could put that task you've been avoiding on your to-do list, prioritize it, and actually get it done. But it doesn't happen that way, does it?
When you're procrastinating, one part of you wants ... Views: 1181
My recent AHA is that growth comes from focusing relentlessly on the positive. That's a big change for me. I've spent a lot of time reflecting on my past, to try to understand it and learn whatever lesson is there for me. Now I'm realizing how limited the usefulness of that approach is.
For ... Views: 1129
I was visited by my own personal angel or spirit guide, who came into my life out of nowhere, and left just as suddenly.
That was my cat, Troy.
When I adopted him, he was very skittish and so nervous about how I would treat him. He spent the first two weeks under the bed, full-time. Then ... Views: 1074
Interested in a FREE, easy-to-create marketing technique? One that is highly effective WHENEVER your prospects see it?
This is a technique you see every day when you're online, when you're watching home shopping channels on TV, and when you're reading print ads. Every major marketer uses this ... Views: 1198
Today's article is about how to replace those mistakes with a better approach, one that improves your sales results. You can read the
prior article here.
To recap, the 3 false beliefs I see so often are:
1.Anyone will be interested in my product/service and want to buy it.
2.If I just ... Views: 1087
Have you noticed that the most successful women entrepreneurs have a different way of talking, thinking and being than you do? Have you watched Oprah on her TV show and thought: What a great attitude! How can I be like her?
Great news! You can be just like these women. How do you do that? By ... Views: 1357
Here's a common problem I see among my clients, and women in general.
I don't want to be pushy.
I don't want to toot my own horn.
The clients who tell me this are so worried about it, that they have fled in entirely the opposite direction and have become invisible.
Here's the problem ... Views: 4985
What is a keep-in-touch strategy and why do you need one? Ever meet someone who loves what you do, but isn't ready to buy your product or service right now? That person is your prospect.
Prospects are very important to your business! They connect with you and they have a HIGH level of ... Views: 1845
Do you feel like you're stuck and you haven't been moving forward financially? If so, you're probably suffering from the 3 Ps.
I see these 3 Ps over and over again, in my clients, in women I meet at networking events, and to some degree in myself.
1. Perfectionism is the first P. Boy, do I ... Views: 1475
I have spent the last couple weeks speaking in-depth with women entrepreneurs about their goals and what’s holding them back. Here’s what I see happening over and over again: women who are playing small. Super-duper, tiny small!
Here are some of the ways this can show up in your sales and ... Views: 1309
In our American culture, girls are encouraged to:
Defer to authority: your parents, your teachers, your Girl Scout leader, etc. Follow the rules of whatever game or activity you’re involved in.
Color in between the lines, not outside.
Pay attention to other people’s feelings.
Respond ... Views: 1823
Everything you do in your business life today has helped you get to your current level of success.
You might define your current level of success in terms of your income, your current number of clients, or your status and recognition within your community.
Having gotten here, you WANT ... Views: 1174
I love words - "I use two packs of words a day" is a great line I heard at a poetry slam. And yet, people derive 60% - 80% of our meaning (our intentional meaning or our unintentional meaning) through something OTHER than our words!
Here are just a few words associated with each feeling.
... Views: 1236
One of my biggest lessons is that my business is constantly showing me where I carry wounds that need healing. And when I heal that wound, I feel great! I'm more secure and grounded in myself; I have more self-confidence. I have much less second-guessing and fewer imaginary conversations with ... Views: 894
One of my biggest lessons is that my business is constantly showing me where I carry wounds that need healing. And when I heal that wound, I feel great! I'm more secure and grounded in myself; I have more self-confidence. I have much less second-guessing and fewer imaginary conversations with ... Views: 1043
Want to achieve success faster? You likely need to FAIL faster!
You may be thinking: "Is Marcy CRAZY? Shouldn’t I be SUCCEEDING faster, not FAILING faster?!"
In the ideal world, yes, you could succeed without failing. In the real world in which you and I live, however, no person can make ... Views: 1215
If you're in business for yourself, you're selling something. You may want customers to buy your product, or new people to join your team, or other companies to join you in a strategic alliance.
Are you making any of the top 3 mistakes I see in selling? Try this true/false quiz.
1) Anyone ... Views: 1004
If you're in business for yourself, you're selling something. You may want customers to buy your product, or new people to join your team, or other companies to join you in a strategic alliance.
Are you making any of the top 3 mistakes I see in selling? Try this true/false quiz.
1) Anyone ... Views: 1070
I recently attended an amazing conference, SEVEN, intended to help entrepreneurs create seven-figure businesses. The conference was run by some coaches that I wanted to see live and in person and experience their message face-to-face instead of email. Plus my ticket was free and the conference ... Views: 984
One of the most important decisions I have made was to invest in myself.
When I committed to a training program that cost $14,000 –I was casting a vote of confidence in ME. No one else could have that belief for me: no spouse, no friend, no family member. I had to believe in myself AND act ... Views: 1031
Do you want to build a bigger business? This is actually a profound question. I meet a lot of people who repeatedly say they want a different business (or boyfriend, or body shape) but they never take any action toward that new thing.
Remember the Rubik's cube from the 80s? You've probably ... Views: 2880
1. Send really large files
You know how your Internet service provider (or your recipient's) will complain if you send an audio file or other large file? Get around that by using YouSendIt, which handles the transaction through a web site.
2. Create pdf files ... Views: 2025
Comparing ourselves to other people - we've all done it at some point.
When you're comparing yourself to someone, your mental dialog may sound like:
Look at how great Sheila is doing! I can't believe how fast she's grown her business! I wish I could grow my business that fast. Of course, ... Views: 1254
In order to create an abundant new year for your business, you can do some new things.
1. Start a free monthly teleclass.
2. Join a year-long program for entrepreneurs.
3. Focus every day on inner and outer goals.
What do you want to achieve this year? Do you want to expand your ... Views: 1259
What do people think of when they think of you? Your sense of humor, your fashion sense, your common sense, your enthusiasm?
This is your brand.
Do solopreneurs even have brands?
As it turns out, we EACH have a brand - our personal brand (also sometimes called a micro-brand).
You ... Views: 1195
You will have stronger, more enduring relationships with your clients and team members if you praise them 5-10 times as often as you say something negative. The same holds true for your marriage and probably your parenting.
The sweet spot for healthy relationships is to offer 5 times as much ... Views: 1505
Looking for a new way to improve your team’s skills?
Want a deeper understanding and deeper relationships with other women in your company?
Want to improve your business skills or your attitudes about success and money?
Start a business book club.
The benefits to you and your team ... Views: 1202
Growing your business is a spiral process, where you go through certain phases, then repeat them again. Note that it's not a straight line and also there's no arrival. Success is not a place you arrive so much as it is a journey.
The first stage of a growth cycle is discontent. You're not ... Views: 1113
Here are some of the most common issues that entrepreneurs have when it comes to seeing out support, which I’m defining here as direct help in your business.
1. You don’t want to invest in support until you have more money. Yet you can’t make more money without support. That is the definition ... Views: 1125
I hear a lot of entrepreneurs complain that they're not being productive. They have a lot they want to accomplish, yet they feel that they're not getting enough done. They're mentally assessing their productivity and giving themselves a failing grade.
They ask me: "How can I manage my time ... Views: 992
In my last ezine article, Whats Your Most Important 20 Percent, the article was based on where your 20 Percent effort was most effective. Now we are focusing on whether 80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients or does 20% of your team members produce 80% of your team's sales and/or ... Views: 1029
Is there a problem in your life? Something big or annoying, that you've been wishing and praying would disappear from your life ASAP?
Maybe you've been thinking:
•If only I were more self-confident then I could really market my work....
•If only I had more money then I could get the ... Views: 1231
Why am I not earning as much money as I’d like?
This is one question that just about every client asks me!
There’s no single answer for any client; it’s a multi-faceted answer that includes practical strategies AND beliefs.
One giant influence on your income is your money mindset. I ... Views: 1169
• Want to have a thriving business?
• Want to attract prosperity?
• Want to have an expansive, abundant mindset?
Practice excellent self-care.
What is self-care?
It has many forms: it means getting enough sleep, providing yourself with high-quality, nutritious and beautiful ... Views: 1182