You may have made career changes that challenged you in unprecedented ways. That happened for me when I left my Speech Communication faculty position at the University of Georgia to become a development officer—a softer way of saying fund ... Views: 1085
Yes, it’s that time of year again, when businesses across the globe become more festive than ever—with holiday music piped throughout the buildings, dazzling decorations and of course a big party to celebrate the season.
At these parties, you’re sure to participate in conversation with your ... Views: 1029
I’m delighted that the law against distracted driving has become effective in Georgia, my residential and business base. Wherever you live, I imagine you have read about car crashes caused by drivers who were texting or talking on their hand-held cell phones, causing them to take their attention ... Views: 1042
Whether we expect it or not, sometimes when we attend a networking event we will have to give our 30 second “elevator speech,” describing our business—in hopes we will attract potential customers.
Sure, some professional people welcome those occasions. They have described their services ... Views: 866
As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Day, let’s honor the power of his rhetoric and his movement by focusing on the five reasons his “I Have a Dream Speech” became history-changing.
First: King’s life was consistent with his rhetoric. He did what he encouraged others to do. Surrounded ... Views: 1317
December in many countries centers around the spirit of giving. Even companies and individuals with no religious affiliation make special contributions during “the season”:
–Year end employee bonuses
–Meals for the unfed
–Shelters for the homeless
–Extra tips for servers at ... Views: 1007
Life as a graduate student at Ohio University would have been demanding enough my first year without that inconsiderate neighbor in the building behind me. Every night while my wife and two small children were trying to get to sleep, this guy took his dog “Deal” out for an evening walk.
For ... Views: 1485
You have heard from authors, coaches, and consultants that in order to grow professionally we need to stay flexible, change our opinions, and embrace new strategies. While I agree with that concept generally, recently I realized that now I would say exactly what I said in 1997 when I listed the ... Views: 1504
The expression “What if?” can become toxic for our professional life when we think it or say it looking backward.
--What if I had earned a different degree?
--What if I had accepted that other job offer?
--What if I had held my temper in that heated dispute with the ... Views: 1011
Picture this happening to you. Recently you made a major purchase, one that you hope to make only every few years because of the high price involved. During the time you talked with the sales professional, he made you feel very special.
In fact, he greeted your spouse enthusiastically, and ... Views: 1635
How Many People Do You Really Know?
Twenty years ago we might have answered that question by estimating the number of people in our neighborhood, civic club, religious organization, workplace, country club, and other places we interacted with others.
The Internet has changed that. Now the ... Views: 1035
Consider how CEO Marvin could create confusion, inefficiency, and possibly ill feelings at his workplace if he just acted on his assumptions without verifying them. Here are examples:
Marvin tells Marie, his executive assistant, “I want you to give me some information ... Views: 1740
“Did you hear that our department is going to suffer a huge budget cutback?”
“Guess what our beloved boss has decided to do next.”
“Sure seems like Marvin is getting plenty of phone calls that aren’t from his wife.”
Yes, these comments represent one of the most sinister threats to your ... Views: 1517
Business leaders often ask me this: “How can I sustain the audience’s attention throughout my speech?”
They go on to say: “Most audiences will be courteous enough to give the speaker a fair chance by listening closely for the first few minutes. Yet after that, I see their attention weakening. ... Views: 2440
For many years my parents subscribed to Reader’s Digest. Usually I enjoyed reading each issue as much as they did. The segment I liked most was a feature called “The Best Advice I Ever Had.”
Even today, one of those best advice stories sticks with me and remains a great lesson. Writing about ... Views: 1456
If your business has a company cafeteria, my guess is that you have become aware of these four mistakes that many managers make regularly:
ONE: Thinking that they can't get away from meetings for thirty to forty-five minutes, they continue to meet during lunch and have their meals brought ... Views: 1026
Without any effort, you can think of opportunities you have missed because you were too cautious to ask for what you wanted. We have all done that. So let’s look at the cases of two people and an institution who overcame their fear of rejection and requested what they wanted.
Gus Whalen was a ... Views: 1240
Whatever source you use for getting the daily news--local or metro newspaper, radio and TV broadcasts, or online articles--regularly you will come across startling stories about companies that had no head notice a couple of days previously that news professionals would describe their business's ... Views: 1703
When I was interviewing for a staff position decades ago, the department head Al walked me around the office, introducing me to my potential colleagues. Because I had done my homework, before I met Jim I knew that Jim had been there a long time. Jim and I chatted for two or three ... Views: 1040
Picture in your mind the frustrated expression on a business leader's face because he or she has just heard the very worst possible opening question from an unfamiliar caller. You might guess that this was the caller's question:
"How's the weather in Denver today?" You would want to answer, ... Views: 977
In your job search, you know that the interview reigns supreme in the decision making process. Even when your degrees, certifications, accomplishments, and referrals surpass your competitors, your interview time will lead to either “Thanks for your application, and we wish you well in your ... Views: 1686
During the eighteen intensive months of an American presidential campaign, business leaders could potentially hear hundreds of candidates speaking. Executives and managers might mistakenly assume that these public figures got to the forefront because they are superb speakers—and therefore role ... Views: 1808
Holding a university audience's attention would be tough in any decade, yet doing that in the late 1960s was especially difficult. That was the era when students demanded unprecedented rights and involvement in university decisions. Student movement leaders even held sit-ins for days at a time ... Views: 1682
Since 1929, various writers have told us that we must go through six steps or connections before we establish communication with renowned high achievers. This mythical “six degrees of separation” has kept many believers confined to ... Views: 1078
Recently I heard a speaker I had heard before. My inner question: Could he be as captivating as when I listened to him previously? To my amazement, yes he was.
--Spoke without notes
--Used subtle, tasteful humor occasionally
--Seemed to carry on a conversation with the ... Views: 1533
When clients and prospects call you and you’re not available to answer your phone, your voice mail represents you. In a sense, your voice mail becomes you—because the message and the way you say it go well beyond merely giving information. Not only does the caller get an audible impression of ... Views: 1210
Honor the commitments you made with your audience, and you will keep your credibility.
FIRST: Honor your commitment to stay on topic.
Assume that you are speaking at a high school commencement. Traditionally, the administrators expect you and other commencement speakers to congratulate the ... Views: 1362
If you are dissatisfied with a product or service, impulse prompts you to fight back when you contact customer service. In anger, you might accuse and threaten the company representative. If you have tried that approach, you know that you are likely to alienate the frontline individual who could ... Views: 2323
For years we have been hearing about a widespread “sea change” in the business world. Certainly technology developments have made some of our former networking moves obsolete. You wouldn’t hand out 8 track tapes at a Chamber of Commerce reception, for example. Likewise, some of our spoken ... Views: 1414
When you read about the habits and styles of well-known managers, you realize that they don’t all fit the same mold. Some are workaholics with no outside interests, while others live balanced lives by reserving time for family, hobbies, and community service. Some flaunt their wealth by living ... Views: 1763
There are 6 billion cell phone subscribers scattered around the world. Yet, judging by what we see and hear in both business and social settings, only a small percentage of those subscribers use their phones without offending other people. Stated more positively, you will become a caller ... Views: 1222
Your typical business week could include a variety of writing activities. Among them:
-your resume
-progress report on a key project
-job description
- assignments for your team
- proposal for a merger or acquisition
- news release
-article for a trade magazine
-pitching an angel ... Views: 1268
World wide, we constantly see and hear prominent politicians in action—in speeches, debates, press conferences, and interviews. Yes, we get tired of their repetitive appearances, dominating radio, television, and even the Internet. However, the communication strategies they use to get votes and ... Views: 1994
Recently CNN posted an online story about nine CNN journalists who were willing to talk about the most embarrassing, highly public mistakes they had made before they climbed the broadcasting ladder to CNN status. The article carried the whimsical title, “Epic Fail: Career Mistakes We Made (and ... Views: 2130
A popular assumption implies that a speaker should start his or her speech by telling a joke, to get listeners in an upbeat mood and grab attention instantly. Like many widespread assumptions, this one is wrong. Here are five good reasons not to start your speech by telling a joke.
FIRST: ... Views: 1653
When you watch professional speakers in action, several questions might come to mind: How do they rely on notes so rarely? Do they have photographic memories? How do they give the same material repeatedly, yet keep their initial enthusiasm?
However, the question you’ll be most likely to ask ... Views: 2539