We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Mysticism". If you have expertise in Mysticism and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
“Someday there will be a great awakening when we know that this is all a great dream. Yet the stupid believe they are awake, busily and brightly assuming they understand things, calling this man ruler, that one herdsman – how dense! Confucius and you are both dreaming! And when I say you are ... Views: 1270
Take a deep breath and try to remember when you were a child eager to wake up the next day to see what the tooth fairy left you. Try to remember how you used to feel wishing on a star. Remember how it felt to believe anything was possible?
Far forward to now. Perhaps you have lost beloveds ... Views: 1289
We’ve interacted with thousands through our work
and often ask people if they believe in the concept
of karma. Karma is simply defined as what goes
around comes around, meaning you reap exactly
what you sow, including (and perhaps mostly)
rewards and challenges from past life actions.
About 60% ... Views: 7457
Going beyond the tales of ghosts that we have all heard in stories, television and in books. I have found that entities and some ghosts are involved in most people’s lives most often without them knowing it.
Most ghosts are simply beings that have died and generally due to their own ... Views: 1825
Two main quotes come to mind this morning as I contemplate the most prevalent dream that I had during my astral time last night. I paraphrase:
“Nothing has meaning except the meaning we give it.” This, I believe is the first lesson in a Course in Miracles. Because my “stick-to-it-iveness” is ... Views: 1565
Humans have been practicing the art of divination for thousands of years. Practicing the art of divination allows you to communicate with and to receive guidance from the divine. Be it from spirit guides, angels, totems, ancestors, or some other higher power, these insights actually come from ... Views: 3505
Some one emailed me a link where many people have posted their ideas, thoughts and reactions about Senators: Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and and John McCain. Some of the postings are really negative and others are positive. It appears each one of these presidential hopefuls have been ... Views: 2268
This evening while reading from AfricaNews, an online news website, there was an article on Ugandan gays being arrested by police and many Ugandans protested in favor of the arrests. Then I read reactions by a number of people that are in support of homosexuality for Africa. In this article I am ... Views: 2807
Mysticism and science already live together as Life; soul and body. All scientists are conscious life-forces that dwell in the physical bodies that are mere vessels for the existence of the Life-force in the material world. In other words, every scientist is a soul or spirit (if you will) living ... Views: 1628
Some things just don’t seem to go together. Cats and dogs, oil and water, coffee and lemon juice? Actually, many people are quick to judge whether science and mysticism can actually go together because the two subjects seem a lot like oil and water.
Science is a very rigid means and ... Views: 783
Bhuka Bijumiro-Jjumiro
In my book, “Spiritual Science for Adult Beginners,” I gave an in-depth precise definition of Mysticism. For the sake of the reader, I will put it forth:
The Science of the Soul or Spirituality also known as Mysticism (not Mystery) is the study of the Spirit ... Views: 1817
The Hebrew word for “letter,” "ot," also means “sign” or “wonder” or “miracle.” For thousands of years, Jewish sages have taught that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the Aleph Beit, embody wonderful and miraculous powers. According to the earliest known book on Jewish mysticism, "The Sefer ... Views: 1885
" The eyes of the soul cannot be seen. But they are known by intuition. According to the sensibility and purity of the heart "
The Spirit is vast and infinite. The totality of its life is inspired by the existing fullness of Divine Love. Therefore, its nature flows by the light of peace, ... Views: 1007
When a mortal person gets an idea in his or her mind, it can be grounded from the etheric dimension to the material level in its pure state. Since all ideas are believed to emanate from God an idea is originally pure because it has not been polluted by some human mind. But it can be polluted ... Views: 1979
The Sufi Experience, a new book by Sharon Marcus, is a provocative journey into the mysteries and mysticism of Sufism.
Sharon Marcus identifies the inner contemplation and mystical traditions of her Sufi path as common property to all the major religions, while their goal and destination lie ... Views: 1617
Meditation is often believed or said to be the process of turning in to the mind. In mysticism however, meditation is an integral part of the soul’s inner journey to the Ultimate Truth (God-Consciousness) by setting itself free of the physical body, the senses of perception and the mind itself. ... Views: 2431
Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent,” played a dominant role as a god, model, myth, historical figure and symbol in ancient Mexican consciousness of Aztecs, Mayans and other cultures. He was an hombre-dios (”man-god”), who incarnated on earth, to bring spirit and matter into ... Views: 4524
In September 2006 there was a partial Eclipse of the Moon September 7th in Pisces as well as an Annular Eclipse of the Sun, September 22, in Virgo. On the same day of this September 22nd Solar Eclipse, the Sun also entered the sign of Libra on the 2006 Autumnal Equinox.
After the end of this ... Views: 1170
Fragmented Souls
Not much seems to be said about fragmented souls, but I quite often find that the minute the subject is explained, people seem to identify with it right away. A soul fragment is that part of you that you are always looking for, that part that will make you whole again, and ... Views: 2042
Are you or someone you know being influenced by lost souls or dark energy?
There’s a world-wide epidemic today that most people don’t know much about. It’s a very common occurrence, yet it’s misunderstood and usually overlooked.
It’s called spirit possession. “The Exorcist” movie was an ... Views: 46245
Its theory, practice and super-cosmic consciousness.
Mysticism or Spirituality which often times is also called by different other names such a Spiritual Science, Path of the Saints or Path of the Masters is divided into:
i- Theory
ii- Practice and
iii- Infinite Beingness or Super-cosmic ... Views: 1428
As a wellness counselor, I repeatedly impress on my partners-in-healing the importance of reducing stress or having positive reaction to stress. I do this because I believe stress is behind virtually every illness and a lot of injuries as well.
However, what is underneath the stress is ... Views: 1611
In this article, Mysticism specifically refers to those who seek a direct personal communion with the Supreme Being now, while they still live and continue with their daily activities of family and social duties and responsibilities. The spiritual guardian or Satguru only shows you the way and ... Views: 3086
"Since God is within me, I do not need any one to guide me to find God" Since God is within me, of what use do I have for a Guru?" The above constitute some of the commonest statements or misanthropic, pessimistic, distrustful, disdainful questions many people foster sarcastically when it comes ... Views: 1151
Metaphysical arguments go nowhere, no different from political or religious ones! What does make a difference, however, is how we treat each other. I may be a Buddhist and you may be a Christian, yet if we both treat each other with respect, how crazy can that be?
When a monk asked the Buddha ... Views: 1531
Anastacia of the Mountains believes charmed spells are the spells that work. As a new spell caster you should always read many of the helpful books and guides that give directions for casting a spell so that you gain a complete understanding about casting spells before attempting to do so.
In ... Views: 3820
Imagine if you had been given a gift -- a magic wand of sorts --and you were told that you could use this wand at any time to create what you wanted in life. How much would you pay for such a gift? What would you be willing to sacrifice to get it? Now, what if I told you that this gift was ... Views: 1383
Divine Guidance
Your current spiritual practice might occur within the framework of an organized religion, or as private individual meditation. Whatever the structure, taking charge can enhance that practice.
One way you invoke a spiritual presence into your life is by asking yourself: "Why am ... Views: 1229
“If we plant a seed in the ground we know that the sun will shine and the rain will water, and we leave it to the Law to bring results…Well, the desire you image is the seed, your occasional closing of the eyes in imagery is the sun, and your constant, though not anxious, expectation ... Views: 3399
by Natalia Alexandria
Every day, I encounter people who define spirit and spirituality in a variety of different ways. Some think it is religion, while others think it is New Age. Some are embarrassed to admit to either, while others think it is all nonsense. ... Views: 3984
The mystic finds the eye of the needle and enters into the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven within.
What Is Mysticism?
More and more people have been asking me lately “What do you mean by the word mystic?” There seems to be quite a lot of blurry, confused notions and outright ... Views: 3492
Last week, I received an email from a reader stating, "I have evolved past the spiritual understanding of author."
I chuckled at the reader's bluntness. He didn't mince words; clearly, he felt that he had developed capabilities that were not only greater than those of "author" but beyond the ... Views: 2627
"I changed my mind."
These are four of the most powerful words in the English language. They can prevent you from being manipulated into an undesirable outcome and launch you on the road to personal and spiritual growth. Depriving yourself of the freedom to change your mind will lock you into ... Views: 1295
Almost everyone has had experiences where they think of something and "coincidentally" it appears: a person you hadn't seen in years shows up unexpectedly, a trial issue of a magazine is delivered to your home with just the information you needed, or you flip on the car radio to hear the lyrics ... Views: 1468
At a recent lecture on Belief Systems, a student asked, "Is mysticism a religion?"
Mysticism is a spiritual discipline aiming at direct communion with God or the ultimate truth. It is not a religion and, in fact, all religions have mystics. There are Christian mystics, Jewish mystics ...At a ... Views: 1254
Recently I had the opportunity to meet a long term mystic. During a lecture he was presenting on a mystic’s role in society, he uttered the words “inner warrior,” while looking directly at me. I had never met him and wondered if he knew I was the author of Mystic Warrior. His lecture was ... Views: 1579
Back in the Middle Ages alchemists sought to transform base metal into gold. They searched for an elusive substance, the philosopher’s stone, which would bring about this conversion, known as alchemy. But to initiates of the ancient mystery schools, alchemy was primarily an allegory for the real ... Views: 1841