We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Mysticism". If you have expertise in Mysticism and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The world and industry of psychic readings and indeed phone psychic readings, can to the uninitiated and uneducated seem to be rather sleazy and an unknown entity. In fact when approached in the correct manner and also when the right practitioner is used, the results can be life changing and ... Views: 1789
The next level up from a psychic reading, or psychic medium readings, is called
A channelled reading. During this type of reading the channeller is not a medium or a psychic in the traditional sense but they will have developed their sixth sense by meditating and other disciplines and be able ... Views: 1701
To explain and illuminate this information, first we need to understand what happens to us when we leave the earth plane. When we die our physical body dies, but our astral body lives on and this body which is our spiritual essence goes onto an astral plane that is very close to the earth or ... Views: 9759
Check out this month's spiritual tarot message!
OR.. Do your own Tarot reading!
Your Rising Sign shares 'What you know'
Your Moon Sign reveals 'What challenges you'
Your Sun Sign tells you 'What is manifesting'
CANCER (June 21-July 22) Seven of Pentacles: Good news arrives. You are ... Views: 2040
In one word: visualisation.
Visualisation is a very powerful thing, and an important part of succeeding with magic spells. The mind is where your power comes from, and visualisation is one technique for unlocking that power and using it in your magic. Your inner spirit and mind control your ... Views: 3268
The life and art of a popular platform medium is outlined below as well as additional information on other ways and results to experience mediumship. Mediumship is the art of channeling through information from those who have left the mortal plain.
An excellent way to experience a good level of ... Views: 2825
To many people the word psychic means hocus pocus, fraud and wizened old ladies sitting in curtained booths ready to take your cash for a guess of your future. This is the general view, and for many this will always be true. But if we look back in history we'll see that there is evidence of a ... Views: 1635
Black magic is a dark art that is used by people who want to achieve their evil goals by controlling the powers of nature. In most cases such goals contain an evil intention which harms innocent people. The power of black magic spells is quite impressive and may be too dangerous for a common, ... Views: 15442
Nowadays more and more people want to know what to expect when they die. They also ask me, “Where am I going to go when I die?” What is it like in spirit? Do we get to see people we loved? Do we get to meet other spirits? Do we have bodies? The list of questions goes on. Death is held as ... Views: 2018
Human beings go through an interesting process when reincarnating, a process that unless explained would probably go unnoticed. This article will explain the steps.
All major religions recognize reincarnation. This especially true with Eastern religions. However Christianity, Islam, and ... Views: 1729
“Quasimir™ or Quasiworld™ – is term of Rachel Madorsky, for the genuine but invisible side of the Universe, which has existed forever and knows neither time nor space. It is the abode of the unconscious human mind and the source of paranormal phenomena. The Quasiworld™ is that unassailable ... Views: 1928
On your quest for spiritual truth, the last thing you need is misinformation. Unfortunately, today’s New Age market is full of dead ends.
We list below the definitions of key spiritual terms, according to our empirical research since the 1980s, to help you cut through the cosmic debris and ... Views: 3305
Misunderstandings regarding metaphysics and spirituality abound. Our empirical research since the 1980s has allowed us to realize, what we believe to be, the authentic meanings of the following spiritual terms.
Be cautious of “updated” definitions and alternative versions of these important ... Views: 2516
As we move ever nearer the date 21st December 2012 should we become increasingly concerned that the end of the world is nearing or some major global happening will alter life on earth for ever?
The ancient Mayan civilisation has a calendar that has stretched from 13th August 3114 BCE (near ... Views: 1221
The earth plane is one of many schools for soul evolution. Each lifetime is a different class. In between incarnations, any unresolved karmic baggage weighs our souls down and keeps us from flying high in other dimensions. In other words, we're bound by the wheel of karma which pulls us back ... Views: 5921
As we become more developed in our knowledge about channeling creative energy, we discover that creativity flows from two chakras in the body. One chakra from which creativity flows is the "Throat Chakra," but creativity also flows from the "Sacral Chakra"--the same chakra from which our ... Views: 4076
Remember “Y2K”? Consider the noise surrounding 2012 and the Mayan calendar to be similar.
The alarmists and poetic New Age opportunists who promote their tall tales while tugging at your heart strings with “heart-centered” communications will move on to other things in 2013.
Yet another ... Views: 1673
Waiting is a skill we often ignore. It may seem to have as little value as nothingness, but in Zen, nothingness is a profound state of Being. When we focus on thinking, we tend to aspire to conclusions. This could be attempting to achieve a goal, attaining a desire or simply ending what we are ... Views: 2918
It's obvious that other people, when they disagree with us, are just plain wrong. And when we confront these kinds of people, our only alternative is to let them know in no uncertain terms that they are not only wrong, but apparently stupid for disagreeing with us about something so obviously ... Views: 1361
Monthly tarot card reading with an individual message for sun signs.
PISCES (February 19-March 20) The High Priestess: Hidden wisdom. Practicality. Embrace your Inner Goddess. Silence is an ally. Mysterious power of insight speaks to us. Action should not be taken at this point. Be still and ... Views: 2560
The Occult Age of Aquarius
by Etta D. Jackson
The essential next step in the evolution of human consciousness cannot be further delayed to accommodate fear. We are now living in what the Ageless Wisdom teaching describe as the age of occultism—the Aquarian ... Views: 3707
Thoughts about “The Secret” by Christopher D'Orta
It is quite possible that you have seen the movie (or read the book) The Secret. I will tell you a little secret about the movie The Secret. The secret they are discussing in this movie is no secret at all. In fact, if you ... Views: 1408
Newton, Jung, Freud, Shakespeare, Blake, and Pythagoras what do they all have in common? These great minds have all studied the hidden mysteries of the Kabbalah.
So what is it all about? This mysterious religion which is an offshoot of Judaism. In this article I hope to demolish a few myths and ... Views: 2569
The theory of reincarnation has yet to be proven invalid, and if it weren’t for all references of reincarnation being edited out of the bible around 553 A.D. by the initiative of the Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, more Americans would believe in it, just like a large segment of the rest ... Views: 1751
Christian Mysticism Article
by Mother Clare Watts
A renewed interest in Christian mysticism is emerging in the Western world, and it comes at a time when church attendance and membership are at all time lows. What are people finding in mysticism that they are not finding in the churches? ... Views: 2052
This lifetime is only one epoch in the continuum of your existence. You have been a living consciousness since your beginning and you will continue to be a living consciousness for the rest of eternity. It is likely that you have had lifetimes on Earth before this one and that you will have ... Views: 3077
AUM. You've heard it, chanted it or meditated to it. Yet, do you know what the sound really means?
The oldest known spiritual text, the Upanishads from ancient India, says that AUM is the sound of God. That's a pretty bold statement, isn't it? The ancient text goes on to explain that it ... Views: 2656
2010 – Where are we headed? Just what are we marching to? Who are we associating with?
With all the seeming chaos in our world there is always divine order. The world’s theme is “harmonizing chaos.” Boy, do we need it now! A conscious person will endeavor to create harmony wherever they are ... Views: 1505
The Third Eye is a natural part of every person, and it's a "meta" organ. In
other words: It consists of all the senses and mind working together as a
larger more powerful synergistic sensory organ. The Third Eye is a very
clever bit of natural human evolution: A meta organ designed to ... Views: 4854
Signs from the universe come to us in many ways. Another name for this is intuition. Our intuition is the way we access information from God, the universe, or our higher selves. Our intuition is truly the roadmap of our lives. We are all born with this ability. The more we trust and work with ... Views: 8154
The Law of Rhythm is basically indicating an expression of habits. A habit is something you do consistently, therefore it has a rhythmic movement to it.
The Law of Rhythm shows you your habits and those of society and the planet. For instance the planet is in the habit of going from season ... Views: 1953
Spiritual Power: First Steps
An expert's handbook exists for beginners to spiritual power, an ancient book. We know it works because the lady who wrote it trained a group of women in the fifteenth century—during the Inquisition in Spain-- to pray so powerfully that a real estate empire was ... Views: 3130
Cosmic debris is everywhere, and if you’re not careful and don’t protect yourself, it can interfere with your life and cause havoc. Capitalize on your spiritual and mind power and make the most of your life within the framework of your unique destiny and karma by employing potent spiritual ... Views: 5743
We can align with the Law of Attraction; we have the power; it is simply a matter of understanding how and then working with the energy. We can design our future. We are maturing creators and are here on earth to learn about our power and to use that discovery wisely.
So how do you create a ... Views: 1522
Something challenging has come up between you and someone close to you and you're not sure what the most life-giving and healing approach is to such a situation. Life can be so darn complicated, at least sometimes, right?
Who hasn't had this arise in their experience? Few, if any, of us, I am ... Views: 1442
It's always a good idea to remember to spiritually protect yourself. Just as there is filth in the physical world, spiritual debris is everywhere. Thoughts are things, they create your reality within the framework of your personal karma and fate, and you can capitalize on this mind dynamic to ... Views: 4299
What is a Modern Day Mystic? Well, first of all a modern day mystic is a mystic. According to the Wikipedia, “a mystic is one who practices mysticism”; "Mysticism (comes from the Greek, mystikos, an initiate of a mystery religion) It is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious ... Views: 1835
I was called to perform an emergency Taharah – the ritual cleansing and preparation of a body for burial. I was the rabbi of a large congregation, and although I had participated in Taharot in this funeral home, I had never been summoned for an “emergency Taharah.”
The manager of the funeral ... Views: 828
Tarot Analysis Nourishes Our Mental and Spiritual Selves
While We are in the Physical World
Body, mind and spirit make a human what occultists term a 'three-plane entity.' Each of these entities has its separate sphere. Your mind exists in a mental sphere and your spirit exists in a ... Views: 3387
In the pursuit of truth and the hopeful clarification of the escalating lunacy that is pervading our world at present, cultivating a religious war of truly disastrous proportions, I offer you a touch of reality.
It is unlikely that many people other than Moslems will read the Koran. It is ... Views: 2741
There are so many bird medicines. They are complex and tricky to describe. I have hesitated to write about them. Then the idea came that it would be better to start by sharing a few and then adding other stories later. The one’s I know are from personal experience and training.
Water ... Views: 5395
Thirty two years ago I officially stepped on "the path," the sacred path. It is a journey that one takes perhaps in many lifetimes. Within three months I started my work with massage, I began my weekly metaphysics classes, and my beautiful sister Donna was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I ... Views: 2217
The sign of Cancer - 4th Holy Day of the 12 Holy Days of Christmas is assigned to a Disciple, sign of the Zodiac, Spiritual attainment, Spiritual part of the physical body, and a passage from the Bible. My book "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 - January 6" is a ... Views: 1986
Mystical messages and spiritual guidance from the wisdom of the Intellectual and Intuitive Tarot. To strengthen the message, read your rising sign. If you were born in the evening, you may feel more comfortable including your Moon sign.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Happy birthday Scorpio! ... Views: 1145
Mysticism is not for everyone.
Mysticism has been wrongly labeled as a ‘secret’ or ‘magical’ type of knowledge. Mysticism is not knowledge at all. The mystical path is the direct experience of the Divine, versus a man-made, philosophy on a platter kind of knowledge. Mystics feel that God is ... Views: 1917
Today I would like to share an inspiring way of seeing ourselves. As we know, human beings have an amazing brain and its potential has not yet been fully discovered. It is subjected to always new studies and experimentation.
The human brain is a mystery. Stil some great human beings seem to ... Views: 1666
Are you in search of "down to earth" home decorating ideas that create an ambience of serene beauty, contemplation and inner peace? If so, the answer is revealed outside your doorstep! When stepping into nature and observing its myriad of colors, shapes, patterns and textures; decorating with ... Views: 2109
Mystical messages and spiritual guidance from the wisdom of the Intellectual and Intuitive Tarot ~based on what I sense without sugarcoatin' my interpretations into a 'fantasy fairy tale', (because life isn't always pretty. As a problem-solver, I look for solutions, while including the good, the ... Views: 1166
It was a month before All Hallows Eve. We were in a Jr. College in Boston. A group of friends were sitting around our dorm room. It happened to be in an old apartment building on Beacon Street. It was the late 60's.
We started telling ghost stories one by one. All of a sudden we all ... Views: 2100
What is an Angel? Do Angels need names? How do we connect with our Angels? What is an Angel Reading? How can you be sure of the readers truth? Why should you get an Angel Reading? Here is some information.
Angels are perceived to be pure and ... Views: 3476