Are any of you wary of articles from people on the web labeled as experts or life coaches who are promoting and promising solutions through (“#”) simple steps? “The 7 steps to success in anything you do”; “the 4 simple solutions for lasting happiness”; “the 10 things that keep you depressed, ... Views: 1440
…To find myself I have to lose my (what?) – my words?
Yes, it’s true. To find and reconnect with your authentic self, all preconceived ideas (words) about who you are; all needs, expectations and identifications with who you want be, have to be suspended… held away long enough to ... Views: 1138
Did this get your attention? It did mine when I saw it in the subject of an email from Ted Talks. It got my attention for a couple of reasons I think:
First, because I don’t normally associate “failure” with “interesting” …and especially not when that failure is connected to my life! Most of ... Views: 1590
Why is it we all seem to struggle so? Why so much dissatisfaction? We never seem quite satisfied with who we are, with what life brings, with where we are in ourselves. It’s almost as if, were we atisfied, we fear there’d be no more reason for us to live; as if the Creator might descend on ... Views: 1276
What is the number one stressor and complaint of people today? What do men and women most long for in their lives today? I ask those interested in a personal retreat with me these questions -and more- as part of their retreat application… and here is what I almost always hear:
“I just want ... Views: 1323
I wonder what would happen in your life if one day you said:
“Enough! It’s time for me! I am going to take time out to go in and find myself and what really matters!”
What would happen if -- when the “nay saying voice of reason” came in and filled your head with all the justifiable ... Views: 1270
All of us go through challenging times in our life – times where we feel burned out and depleted; times we face the grief of unbearable loss through death, divorce, or illness; times we just feel dead ourselves as we move by rote - empty of connection, clarity, direction or self love.
Our ... Views: 3216
All of us have had the experience, I suspect, of feeling confused, paralyzed and overwhelmed by the circular turmoil over a decision in which the head and the heart simply don't agree and want two different things! it's painful when we find ourselves in an inner battle over a decision that must ... Views: 10826
OK so it has taken me this long (40 some years) – and well into menopause, midlife crisis, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, and depression – to finally GET IT: Want to feel good again? Check this out….
If you’re like me and millions of others seeking health and wellbeing, you’ve probably ... Views: 1369
OK so it has taken me this long (40 some years) – and well into menopause, midlife crisis, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, OK so it has taken me this long (40 some years) – and well into menopause, midlife crisis, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, and depression – to finally GET IT: Want to ... Views: 2174
There’s a lyric to the song, “Circle of Life”, made popular by Elton John and in the Movie “The Lion King” that says: “You will find your place on the path unwinding…” This phrase and this song has become a favorite reflection of my life work as shaman guide and teacher in the art of finding ... Views: 2101
The mystic finds the eye of the needle and enters into the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven within.
What Is Mysticism?
More and more people have been asking me lately “What do you mean by the word mystic?” There seems to be quite a lot of blurry, confused notions and outright ... Views: 3488