One blissful, unforgettable moment- the birth of a baby! We imagine all mothers praying for a healthy, normal, physically perfect baby. Most of us cannot imagine any mother not doing everything possible to ensure her baby is as healthy as possible.
This is a real world where problems and ... Views: 1596
"Never heard of it." I said when the doctor told me I might have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.
I had seen yet another doctor because of the massive pain I had in my hands and arms as a result of a work related injury for two years. I had x-rays and an EEG which indicated mild Carpal Tunnel ... Views: 1529
by Cate Cavanagh
Many people have a limited view of what Shamanism is and who is a Shaman. Many of us restrict our perception of Shamanism to an image of a Native American Medicine Man or Woman. This is certainly true however Shamans are all over the world and have always been in every ... Views: 1638
In my opinion most spiritually inclined people share a love of animals. Since we are looking at familiars I will discuss this Wiccan terms. Wiccans especially study the significance of animals that cross their paths everyday to ascertain what message or suggestion is being given. Wiccans honor ... Views: 21662
As a person who is bilingual I cannot help but be amazed at the task writer and translator Jeva Singh-Amand undertook in his translation of PHILO'S REPLY QUESTIONS CONCERNING HIS ASSOCIATION WITH THE ILLUMINATI.
The Illuminati has been presumed to exist for a very long time and has been ... Views: 1772
Take a deep breath and try to remember when you were a child eager to wake up the next day to see what the tooth fairy left you. Try to remember how you used to feel wishing on a star. Remember how it felt to believe anything was possible?
Far forward to now. Perhaps you have lost beloveds ... Views: 1299
I know what it is to despair, to have only tokens to go back and forth to work until next payday. I also know what it is to have salary that does not pay all the bills and, I also know what it is to be jobless. Having been evicted on more than one occasion in my life, I know the fear of ... Views: 2276
Everyone has a sore spot, an Achilles' Heal if you will. Sometimes it's something such as hearing screeching tires that our nerves like chalk squeaking on a blackboard. Sometimes it's Aunt Tilly's gaggling laugh. But when it comes to spiritual balance it is something else altogether.
Many of ... Views: 1455
Most of us have heard the old adage of how some people see the cup half full and others, half-empty. I have taken it a step further: some of us have to make our own cup. There is a way to look at life or how life treats you. One person can be an optimist- life has treated them well or at least ... Views: 1410
Most of us have heard the old adage of how some people see the cup half full and others, half-empty. I have taken it a step further: some of us have to make our own cup. You see there is a way to look at life or rather how life treats you. One person can be an optimist- life has treated them ... Views: 1401
Many who know they are extremely, sad or otherwise watching life by the sidelines do everything except consider their problem as a medical condition. Many of us grew up with the ethics of have a 'stiff upper lip", "be a man", "stand on your own two feet" and even the implied message that women ... Views: 4823
“And it harm none” is our common mantra during ritual and prayer and just as often “for the greater good” is another.
As a Witch and Pagan with a strong Wicca background philosophically, these are safety tenets that prevent all of us from manipulating circumstances, even subconsciously, that ... Views: 1435
Shadow Boxing
by Cate Cavanagh
There is something inspiring about modern day warriors like boxers. Of course in the older days you had Joe Lewis and James Braddock now made famous by the movie, "Cinderella Man."
But I think what inspires such respect in me for people who do this is the ... Views: 1984
Animal Medicine is most commonly identified with totems. In Alaska, for example, there are huge poles with carvings on animals upon them. Wrongly called "animism" by sociologists who considered this animal worship of primitive cultures, Animal Medicine is no more primitive than Asian societies ... Views: 1474
If you are anything like me, you just know when the atmosphere in your home feels "heavy". I have often moved furniture, smudged my home, opened windows on freezing days, lit candles and so on and so on. I have an aunt that cautions: "Never leave dirty clothes in a pile. Bad spirits hide in ... Views: 2538
On October eleventh, it had been one month since my mom's passing. She was almost ninety-three, a good long age, many would say but, her life (and mine) was one of grief as a result of her serious, severe and long term disability when I was nine. She had suffered a stroke from which she fought ... Views: 5464
The origins of Halloween is among the most interesting as it finds its origin in the old Celtic belief system adapted into Wicca which was founded in the l950's.
Halloween falls on the Wiccan New Year called Samhaim (called Sow-en) which in essence is "New Year's Eve" and observes the end ... Views: 5085
Are you Spiritually disabled?
I worked may years as advocate for children and adolescents with autism. During these years I formed relationships with the parents of these children to the degree that they shared their innermost feelings with me.
One parent put it best when she said it was like ... Views: 3440
So many people talk about "living in the moment" and yet, so many people have no idea what these people are talking about. For many people, living in the moment is not pleasant. It cannot be pleasant when living this moment would create intense attention to the problems you may have regarding ... Views: 1424
As if losing a beloved pet is not heartbreaking enough, the thought of never seeing them at all, in whatever afterlife you believe in, can be devastating. Native Medicine teaches the power of animals. Native Americans believe animals and their spirits can be harbingers of learning and bearers ... Views: 1693
Here I was again. From the time I was nine each time my mom went to the hospital I would wonder "Is this it?". "Will she survive?". My mother is now ninety-two and has been the victim of fifteen strokes, seventeen heart attacks and Parkinsons. She also suffers severe and sudden changes in ... Views: 1573
Many people belief being spiritual begins with meditation, prayer, petition, spells or runes. All of these are interesting tools to learn but before these, before what we wish to do there is what we need to do if we are truely seeking our own individual, spiritual path. I will begin with just ... Views: 1297