Partial Excerpt, Chapter 5
Being Radiant
Being radiant is being centered in your divine nature and truth at all times.
It is viewing yourself as a spiritual gift and as the creator of your life’s circumstances instead of viewing yourself as a victim of your life’s circumstances.
How you view ... Views: 1352
1. Why is it so important to be “of service” to humanity?
2. What can I possibly do that can make a difference?
3. Where is the joy in serving?
4. What does my life purpose have to do with service to others?
5. When can I find time to serve others when I’m barely getting by?
6. How can I ... Views: 902
Whether it’s a holiday, anniversary, birthday or a time in your life where the rug of life itself seems to have been ripped out from beneath your feet, and you feel the kind of depression where you pray to not wake up, take heart. I have been there, and have learned how to come out of it to the ... Views: 6409
1. How do I love myself?
2. How can I feel like I don’t need approval and validation from anyone else anymore?
3. Why is it so hard for me to love myself?
4. What can I do to really feel happy inside?
5. Why is it so hard for me to take a compliment?
6. How can I know if someone loves me ... Views: 989
The title of this article is fully credited to Erich Segal, who wrote the phenomenal movie “Love Story” back in 1970.
Since that time, I have always wondered what that statement truly meant. Now, 34 years later, I understand.
True love is unconditional. It is transparent, where we can accept, ... Views: 23577
Whether it’s a holiday season, or just another miserable day in your life, it might be really hard to find things to be grateful for, especially when times are everything other than the way you would like them to be.
There is a reason.
The first step in ‘attitude gratitude’ is to realize that ... Views: 2620
1. How do I know when I’ve met my Soul Mate?
2. If I’ve really met my soul mate, why is the relationship so difficult?
3. Why is it that many soul mates don’t stay together?
4. How can I turn the dynamics of this relationship around for lasting happiness?
5. Why do many soul mates ... Views: 4193
As each of us accelerates on the spiritual path, becoming one with our Higher Self, it is of paramount importance that we take a stand, and graciously speak out whenever we see injustice in any form.
Personally, I cannot stand politics and all of the games that go on within the political arena. ... Views: 1012
I have seen and heard the bits and pieces of the political discord among the masses as well as the “Us versus Them” paradigm that faces the United States.
The energy almost feels like a civil war among the populous, as it mirrors how “right” each participant needs to feel.
My view and ... Views: 1156
How "powerful" are you?
Do you ever cover up how you genuinely feel? Do you ever say what you think you "should," say, based on how you want others to perceive you?
Do you ever think you "should" be a certain way?
I’ll share with you why I did in the past. I "thought" I "should" be a ... Views: 967
Let me address this issue of eternity, this promise many couples demand of each other and recite in standard wedding vows. Taken literally, this promise is broken more than it is kept. But “Till death do us part” can be interpreted differently.
In this phrase, “death” does not need to mean the ... Views: 1133
1. How can anyone receive direct communication from Divine Source, God, All That Is?
2. What is the difference between doing My will and God’s will?
3. What does it feel like to receive direct communication from Divine Source?
4. How can I tell the difference between “false prophets” and pure ... Views: 1128
1. How do I begin to like myself when I’ve had low self worth my whole life?
2. How do I stop cutting myself down and insulting myself?
3. How can I change my self worth when I still get put down by others?
4. How can I be as confident as so many other people?
5. Isn’t it true that if I ... Views: 1612
I've seen a lot in my life. A lot of people suffering, fearful, temporarily joyous angry, hurt, resentful, longing, hopeful, and ecstatic too.
I've felt all of the above, and I would venture to say that you or someone you know has as well. This article is dedicated to those who want relief and ... Views: 2364