Many people are able to get into relationships. And many are able to attract partners who are suitable for them, physically and mentally. But for many people, their relationships do not last much more than 3 months! This is a shocking truth of the dating world. Why does this happen? Why ... Views: 832
Every one of us is looking for an ideal partner, the person who fulfils our need to love and be loved. The problem is there are so many people who can pass the first-glance test that you can be looking your whole life and not know who to select. So how can you end up with an ideal partner ... Views: 918
"Everyone believes the world's greatest lie..." says the mysterious old man.
"What is the world's greatest lie?" the little boy asks.
The old man replies, "It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's ... Views: 13094
When you go out, look at the people around you. Don't they look like they're in a hurry to get somewhere? When you ask your friends out for a gathering, do you often get, "Sorry, I've got an appointment, or I've a meeting on that day"? Many people are chronically busy nowadays. They all have the ... Views: 867
For many people, life zooms past once they reach their working age. Everyday, it's the same flash routine of waking up, going to work, coming back from work, and sleeping. It's no wonder why you'll ask yourself, "How did I get old so fast? Where did all the time go?"
The problem is in the ... Views: 1033
"Three Pillars of Righteous Living"
Controlling Your Thoughts to Control Your Life.
“Righteous Living means defining what you allow yourself to experience and receive influence from, so you will preserve the best mind-set which allows you to achieve success.”
- Lance E. Ong
Have you ever ... Views: 1839
If you dont dream big enough, you major in minor things. A sad fact of life is that people dont live to achieve their fullest potential. Most of the time, the act of surviving consumes them. Earning enough to live a comfortable lifestyle takes up all their time. And in the end, they have yet to ... Views: 1305